People married to or in long term relationships with people from a different social class. How have your experiences been?

Posted by Fudball1@reddit | AskUK | View on Reddit | 145 comments

I'll preface this by saying please do not turn this into a thread of people bashing other social classes. I'd like to hear funny stories and other things that maybe surprised you or caught you off guard.

I'm working class, dad drove a lorry and my mum worked in the co-op when i was a kid. My wife's family are upper middle class. Her dad was a privately educated lawyer. Her cousins all went to boarding school etc.

Things that came up when we got together...

Other than fish and chips at the seaside, My wife had never really had a takeaway before we met. Her dad thought it was a huge waste of money and said he could make food just as good.

Holidays. I was shocked that she'd never been on any sort of package holiday. Her Summers were spent camping or cycling in France or Belgium, or going to watch the Tour De France. Whereas our holidays were a package to Majorca every few years. Her parents were horrified when we said we were considering taking our kids to Florida.

Turns out my wife has never seen a Disney film as her parents hated them and thought they were not a good influence.

Other little things like no elbows on the dinner table and crossing your cutlery when you finished your food were entirely alien to me.

I will say, that despite the fact we are from vastly different backgrounds, we aren't comically far apart in terms of most things. My wife is a bit of a black sheep in her family and she tells me that she actually feels less comfortable around people like her family and more comfortable around more working class people. While I, despite being a street urchin from Glasgow am educated and in a professional role so am able to mix with people of any social class. So there haven't been any hilarious 'fish out of water' stories.