A job? Cool! ...now what?

Posted by TheSims3Pigeon@reddit | askcarguys | View on Reddit | 6 comments

Okay!! So i live in a small town, and managed to get a job at a local auto repair repair shop in said town. I'm an adult, just for reference. The only thing is i know nothing about it!! I got hired because i guess the guys know my dad or something, and he put in a good word for me since he knows I've been wanting to get into cars for a while but haven't had the time. (Until recently; thus the sudden Job Aquire)

I've been binging youtube videos and i think it's started giving me a vague idea, but what can i do outside of that? I have a good rough two weeks before i start, so what in the ever loving hell can i do to learn as much as possible? They said theyre willing to train me for what i know, but they get pretty busy, and I don't want to be that "useless hire because her parents knew the owners" lag behind. I want to actually try, I'm genuinely interested in this stuff; so let me know what i can do to male both mine, and their lives easier! Thank you!

This is like the fifth subreddit I've posted this in. Can you tell I'm desperate. Lol.