Are there any good solar powered car fans to help keep my car from getting super heated when it's parked and I'm out and about in hot weather?
Posted by reks131@reddit | askcarguys | View on Reddit | 29 comments
I live in an area that gets up to 100 degrees 8 months of the year. During this time, I'll go out to the mall or a movie or out to eat. When I get back to my car, it's soldering hot. Are there any good solar paneled car fans to help with this situation? I'd need to keep the windows closed. I'm ok if it doesn't make the car ice cold...would just like to avoid the hell it is now.
We also live in a pretty hot climate most of the year, and bought the ceramic tint to put on our cars. We went with the high thermal reject, and even got 'tint' on the front (it's see through, but rejects IR). These have made a noticeable difference, especially while driving (that hot sun just doesn't 'feel' as hot).
That plus a sun shade and park as much as you can in the shade, and the best you will do is a car only slightly above air temps - well, maybe not that good. At least, you'll not burn your hands on the steering wheel!
Have you considered tinting your windows. And using a sunshade?
Get window shades for all the windows. Not too expensive and will help more I think
If your sold on the fan idea, consider bypassing yhe stress of managing solar panels and buy a jobsite battery powered fan like a Dewalt. Recharge your batteries in the car while you drive or at home beforehand. Their large 4amp hr 20v system will last a while.
Why would it be cooler with the fans? It would just be an air fryer instead of an oven?
By bringing in 100°F outside air to replace the 130°F inside air.
reks131@reddit (OP)
I dunno how it works, but when I plug in my little desk fan at work, it does make things cooler. Lol
Fans work by blowing warm air across your skin, causing the moisture on your skin to evaporate. This causes the temperature of your skin to drop slightly (because making matter like water to go from a liquid to a gas requires energy). The temperature of the air at your desk doesn't get cooler. Technically the motor in the fan generates heat because of friction, so if anything the temperature of the air increases, although immeasurably.
It's the same principle in cold climates with wind chill. The air will be 1 temperature but a person with exposed skin in the wind will experience a colder temperature on that skin.
Fan would have to draw outside air into the car. So you would either need to cut a new hole or power the existing fan from the solar panel. This would require some kind of relay or switch or diodes.
Window tint and a windshield sun screen for what it's parked.
The "I have my windshield tinted because it's so hot out" people make no sense to me, I choose visibility over needing to wait 30 seconds to air out my parked car.
After owning several cars that didn't have AC I feel no pity for the "but it's so hot 😭" crowd. "But I don't like people looking at me 😭" 🙄 get over yourself.
"It helps block the glare from all of the lights" and when you're not in a city or suburb, when you're away from the lights, what benefits does it offer? Ever come around a curve on a back road to see a deer standing in the middle of the road? Visibility matters. Deer travel in packs, will your windshield tint help you spot the rest of them that are hiding in the trees? If you get the "but it's so hot where I live" I get the "but it's so dark where I live "
If you can find an early 90's Mazda 929 they had this as an option.. There were solar panels in the sunroof, and extraction fans in the trunk. I always thought these were sexy looking sedans in back in the day.
Get window shades and put them in when parked
This is high quality ceramic tint.
This will do the most... but its also quite expensive. Even cheap tint will do something.
it's still an oven though
This answer right here. They aren't expensive (you can get them at the dollar store), and they are very effective. The best way to get rid of the heat, is to not let it in in the first place.
Fun fact: if you ever see a Prius with a black glass roof they actually have a solar panel that runs the HVAC fan while the car is parked... I have one and it helps... slightly
In a pinch you can open the passenger window and open and push the driver door almost closed. Do this repeatedly to help pump out the hot air in the car.
+1 on window vents. I have Weather Techs, but have used other manufacturers as well. They allow you to leave your windows rolled down a couple of inches while blocking any rain from entering.
Makes a big difference.
A fan won't change the temperature if the windows are closed. I'd suggest some tint and reflective sun-shades (and perhaps a refresher on high-school level physics).
Weather tech deflectors make a huge difference, even if it’s just the windshield on.
If the fan can’t get cooler air from outside the car and push the hot air outside, it’s not going to do anything to cool your car off.
Consider WeatherTech Side Window Deflector it may work for your use case to allow some air circulation when parked rather then a total sealed environment…
Damn, you got no idea what your problem is
Instead of a solar powered fan, look for getting a darker tint for your car along with a heat deflector for your front. This will greatly help in reducing the car getting hot.
Fans can't cool a car off. In an enclosed space, fans actually only add heat to the environment due to a small amount of waste heat from the fan motor.
It would need to be able to circulate air through the vehicle from outside.
Do a search on your favorite online sites for "solar car cooler" or "solar car window fan". They do exist. Whether they are any good is open to debate.
No. Best you gonna get is leave windows slightly open.
btw you need ceramic tint
least obvious xy problem on the internet