Fever's Dining in the Dark Dallas is total trash

Posted by Wildcard88888888@reddit | Dallas | View on Reddit | 69 comments

TLDR: I want you to know that Dining in the Dark Dallas was a terrible experience you shouldn't waste your money on.

Hi fine Dallasites. Usually I'm a lover not a hater, but I went to an "experience" recently that I don't want you to waste your money on: Fever's Dining in the Dark Dallas. It's hosted at the Fairmont Hotel restaurant.

I was roped into this particular experience with Fever's quite convincing marketing campaign. I clicked through and the "reviews" were all very good. It was a little expensive $70 per person plus $30 if you paired wine with it. Plus manadatory gratuity. All in you are dropping $250 on this date experience. Not crazy, but not nothing either.

We were due to start our meal at 8:30 pm. The experience was supposed to last 90 minutes. Per Fever's FAQ we arrived 15 minutes early: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTOgCwX2NN2J7dQ-h7RX4XavwtCq6DyqvI5Xj3ceJcvJXMOr4n5xt6tJsgChG6T3YQz91x4CKfoRTLR/pub

Lots of people were there dressed up nicely for a date. You are so beautiful Dallas! Then things went off the rails.

At 8:30 seating wasn't ready yet. They would make an announcement when it was. We were told to wait in the bar area. Which we did. And we waited and waited. Finally at 9:20 we were seated. Note the FAQ says if you arrive 15 minutes late you forfeit your ticket. Interesting double standard!

The room was brightly lit with no ambiance whatsoever. The non-functional red LED candles they gave us to indicate our red "meat" meal choice were a nice touch. No music. Nothing special.

We told the server we would do the "wine pairing" and he explained that it was really just three glasses of wine, not a thought through pairing at all. We could have sparkling, house red, or house white. We explained we'd like to start with sparkling then try the red since we had the meat meal option.

They proceed to bring us red. Oops. Then we taste the red. Let's just say Two Buck Chuck laps this wine.

Finally at 9:28 they come on a PA which sounds like an airplane PA and make an announcement to put on your blindfolds.

We do. Moments later we hear the PA "leave your blindfolds on". What is this a flight attendant with the seatbelt sign announcement?

The meal tastes bland like an airplane meal. It's clearly things that could be made by the 100 and left to sit. I won't ruin the surprise of the menu, but it was nothing you wouldn't have at a charity lunch for 1000.
The dessert in particular was comical because it had the size shape and its crust had the hardness of a hockey puck.

I think we finally left about 11:30 PM. It was a date so bad it was good, because we will always remember it for being horrible.

I went to post a review on their site and guess what: you can't!!! So maybe the reviews they have were real when they started, but they sure as heck don't reflect the current experience.

If you want to pay $250 to eat airplane quality food with a blindfold on, go for it, but otherwise people looking for fun dates in Dallas should skip this "experience" you will long to forget. I feel like this idea had potential to be really cool with the ambiance and cuisine, but this fell far short of the mark.