ULPT Request: how to get money without giving sex
Posted by Relative_Category_49@reddit | UnethicalLifeProTips | View on Reddit | 65 comments
A man I've known for 4 years, who lives in the UK asked me to come visit him. I met him through a friend who was his virtual assistant 2 years ago when he asked me for some help with something that she was doing, she was off duty and she asked to do it for her.
I messaged him yesterday, to say hello and hope he's doing well. I didn't even know his age, he's 68. Within those 20 minutes, we exchanged photos of each other, since the conversation was now a casual one, not a professional one. I told him I was going to Europe and he said then I should come see him, he'll pick me up from the airport. I said absolutely. I went to ask my friend, and he is, in fact, indirectly asking me to sleep with him.
Now I want to say no, but that means he'll no longer be my friend. I want to be his friend because he's rich. Can I tell him I misunderstood the trip? So that we'll cancel me going there for sex, but we can be friends? How can I order him companionship for him to value me? I'm probably dreaming, because idk what I can offer him, but there should be something! If there's no way for him to give me money without the sex, then how should I ask for money while accepting the sex. Do I say "I'll come, here's my bank account, it's missing £5000" can I do that?
He is probably very aware of his wealth, and the interest it brings to people.
Try just talking to him about your need for money, and ask him what you can do for him in exchange for some of it, besides sex. He might just be cool with the idea of just hanging out, or other unusual services, for money or gifts.
I don't think he would like being played, and will probably see right through it if you're being hypocrite. If you're straight with him, you'll show him that you actually like him.
Unusual casual service?
Hey go over there and blow my dog!
He just had a bath and he's all wet.
Yeah idk, redecorate my house, help me buy clothes, massage my hand while watching a movie because it's rainy and I'm old and have arthritis, this kind of shit.
Not the Dubaï human ashtray shit
Relative_Category_49@reddit (OP)
I will do this! I'll do exactly this. I'll talk to him, to see if he's alright with asking for something else in exchange for something else that I want. Then we're straight with each other and everyone can have peace of mind.
If you're going there, be friendly, act interested in his wellbeing, ask if he needs help, casually say you'd be interested in helping as you've already helped him before... congratulations, you're hired without having to resort to self-prostitution. If he tries to initiate anything sexual, act surprised and flattered, but say that you don't have sex with people you don't know very well. If he tries to get to know you better, be very matronly and caring, offer to be his assistant, politely agree to be "just friends" in terms of anything romantic.
Relative_Category_49@reddit (OP)
This is very helpful and valuable information, thank you for taking the time out. Enjoy
Good luck, and don't believe this idea that someone seems to have planted in you, that all you could possibly have to offer are sexual services. That's not true at all. You can have financial safety without ever having to do that.
I'm a woman in my 20s who is (rather unusually) really getting along with older people, and I have several platonic friendships with men above 60. There's never been anything romantic or sexual about it. In my experience, a lot of elderly men just really appreciate someone who is genuinely interested in them as a person and a conversation partner, especially if it happens to be a younger woman. They appreciate someone who is intelligent, a good listener, nice, caring, and who fits their personality and preference in people. It's more valuable than sex. It's companionship.
If he's already hired help before, he'd undoubtedly be interested in you sticking around if he requires help and can afford it. It's unlikely that you'll be paid just for companionship without doing something useful practically, but companionship will be your selling point. Be aware that what seems rich to you may not actually be so by local standards, and you could probably find richer people looking for help.
Be aware that it does take emotional labour to be very pleasant and caring, but you sound like a kind person, and a caring role might come naturally. You can use this experience to make a genuine career in elderly care, which is highly in demand in places like England (and many other countries). You can get this kind of work without any experience, but people will prefer experience and/or professional training. Consider something like that at home to make it easier to find work abroad. Best thing is, you can also provide this kind of work for an old lady, and you'll probably never have to worry about sex.
Long story short, if he's paid for your trip, your best bet might be to take it and then say that you thought this whole thing would be work related given your previous association, or to backtrack and work on your friendship, then work on communicating your suitability to be his assistant/carer/au pair/whetever without him wasting any money on false expectations. If you're paying for your own trip, you might as well go and still try to promote yourself, but avoid giving him any idea that you're selling sex. (You might indeed be after his money and selling something, but that's just called looking for work.)
You might even be able to work for him from home without having to go to the UK. Be wary that living costs in England are pretty high, so don't accept work without an arrangement for your living expenses. If you're already working for him and sex is ever suggested, always politely decline and suggest helping him to find a girlfriend if he'd like.
By the way, you'd also have an easier time just looking for carer work abroad. I know someone who made a career looking after old ladies, and she lived on a gorgeous island being this elderly lady's help for years without any experience, just because she knew the language.
Relative_Category_49@reddit (OP)
This is the best advice I've received from this rollercoaster of a post. You're very kind and I'm sincerely grateful for this information. Now all I have to do is draft a message to send to him! Thank you, from the bottom of my heart ❤️
"Thank you for advising me how to rob a lonely old man ♥️"
Relative_Category_49@reddit (OP)
Ew, leech
Not everyone has it in them to be a sugar baby or gigolo, but what Sheraseven.
this post is pathetic.. either fuck the guy for money, or leave the poor old bastard alone.
Relative_Category_49@reddit (OP)
I literally said how do I go about asking for money while accepting the sex. Say something valuable that I can actually tell him 😐
tell him straight up you're a whore looking to use him because that is the case
Relative_Category_49@reddit (OP)
He's a whore looking to use me, so he'll be alright too. I'm glad you can easily identify yourself. It takes one to know one ☺️
Sex for money in the UK is 100% legal. You should just make sure you feel safe.
Relative_Category_49@reddit (OP)
Very well noted, thank you
Well, maybe I shouldn't say 100%.
If you are under 18 years old, illegal (do you can charge 10x more, even better, DONT DO IT.
If you are pimped by someone else, ditto. In case you don't know what this means, it means you are answering to someone else (usually a boyfriend) and the money gets paid to him. The pimp will often keep your passport and only treat you nicely if you behave. Once you fall in love this can become a really confusing danger zone.
If you end up working with more than two women in the same house, then it's technically another category and becomes illegal on a formality.
he's trying to use you in an honest way. your trying to sneakily profit behind his back like some weirdo. there's no situation where you have the moral high ground like you think.
Relative_Category_49@reddit (OP)
Whatever loser. Your first tried to insult me and now you want to be the voice of reason? LOL next joke. Use me in an honest way? Let's be for real. He wants my youth without working for it and I want to know if I can get money from it. He's not willing to put in the work , why should I be willing to put in the work? I didn't come to unethical life tips, with a moral high ground, for kumbaya comments like yours.
you ARE the immoral loser and no amount of delusional self-affirmations you tell will make you look like the one in the right, you don't deserve help
calling him a loser when you're the parasite here? lol.
Relative_Category_49@reddit (OP)
Intentionally coming to unethical life tips to try to make people feel bad? I wouldn't want to be you. Filthy rich people are only rich because they've used people, I will take some of that wealth whenever I can. Hastalapasta
It's not your money, leech...it's sad that this even needs to be said lol failed parenting.
Relative_Category_49@reddit (OP)
Thank you my new dad 🥹 it should be my money hahahaha
"it should be my money" ..are you a doctor or a lawyer? pilot maybe? what's your career? I'm curious 🤔
Relative_Category_49@reddit (OP)
You're boring and wasting my time
You didn't answer my question 😂
for his sake I hope you use it better with him lol
He didnt even ask you to have sex with him lol.
If op snatch is golden, then it's worth it. Otherwise the worth is tied to gold diggers or broken worm at clubs or ultimately hoe's and prostitutes etc..
Wants to be his "friend" but without the benefits for him (sex) but with the benefits for them (money). Sounds like a one way friendship.
Suck it up op. Literally.
Relative_Category_49@reddit (OP)
Let OP breathe
You and old man haven't been direct. You don't have to give up the sex. Go along, play by ear. He's old so rape etc less likely (watch drinks etc.. But I'm guessing the only drugs are to give him a boost)
Negotiate in the moment once your values have been determined. See what he's offering and how much you need that money.
He's not going to give you lump sum, but holidays meals presents etc...
Relative_Category_49@reddit (OP)
You could've said this first, but decided to be mean about it. Awesome advice, definitely try a different approach in your life with people who actually care about you and your opinion. I didn't have to respond, before you saw that I was a real human being with feelings, to say anything valuable. I've been direct with him. Since it happened, I've not messaged him, because I've been thinking of what to say or do. He's looking out for himself and I'll be a fool to look out for him, rather than look out for myself first. When he asked me to visit, his immediate thought wasn't "oh a young woman from a third world country, how can I improve her life?". I've said enough and the people in the comments section have definitely said enough. Happy holidays
If he’s rich he already knows your game. My best friends a billionaire
Relative_Category_49@reddit (OP)
So what should I say? If I do accept to have sex with him, how much do I ask for? Do I ask before I make the trip or after sex? Idk how to do these kinds of transactions
Monetary wise, he can get a drop-dead gorgeous girl all night for £1500, or around £300 for an hour. I suspect he's hoping to get with you for £0, or in exchange for the cost of a meal in a nice restaurant and nice hotel room.
You'd want payment up front if you do ask him, there's less hope of getting it afterwards if he feels he's already spent money on you re. the above.
Just be straight up and say that you will have sex with him only if you’re compensated
Relative_Category_49@reddit (OP)
Excellent, thanks. I really didn't know how to go about it
During moments of mental clarity (when u cry to yourself at sleep) remember what a toxic waste of space you are.
Sometimes I wonder how does it feel like being a shameless parasite...not a life worth living tbh.
Relative_Category_49@reddit (OP)
Aw 🫂 go cry some more.
Family must be proud
Relative_Category_49@reddit (OP)
You're the one crying for 20 dollars for parasitic reasons
lmao why on earth you’re framing this like he’s coming into you when you’re the one who initiated the conversation with dude after 2 years “just to check in”, you probably initiated sending pics (innocent “this is me if you don’t remember), and then you’re the one who told him you’d be close to him.
you’ve advertised and marketed the pussy from jump, why do you need your friend to tell you he wants you? also…are yall even friends? you did very short term work for him and hit him up out of the blue. you’re already here on ulpt, why do you feel you need to portray the situation? you’re selling pussy and need someone to come up with your script for getting cash out of this guy. you’re not concerned about maintaining a friendship. btw $5000 ain’t even close to what you’re getting. $1000 MAYBE but you’re more likely to just get a few hundred. you’ve already shown you want it more than he does. your hand’s been played
Relative_Category_49@reddit (OP)
I did no such thing. Calm your tits
Relative_Category_49@reddit (OP)
I want to be his friend. I don't want to be his sex toy.
So tell him that?
Relative_Category_49@reddit (OP)
I'm not even being sarcastic when I tell you that, I didn't think this was an option. I should tell him exactly like that? Isn't there a better way to say it?
"Hey, just wanted to let you know, I'm not open to having sex, but I would like to be friends."
Relative_Category_49@reddit (OP)
Okay. Since he didn't explicitly say it, I think I'm going to ask him for more clarification on how my visit will go. Then when he clarifies, then I'll say this
You definately posted this in the correct subreddit
Relative_Category_49@reddit (OP)
Why yes, I sure did
This is so disgusting, people like op makes me feel ashamed of humanity whenever I regain any faith for humanity.
You need the sprinkle sprinkle lady on tik tok.
Relative_Category_49@reddit (OP)
Bruh, she tells us men aren't scared to ask for sex, so why are we scared to ask for money and she couldn't be any more correct.
He didnt even say a thing. Wait till he pick you up and just go for coffee, nothing more.
If he is rich then he is not waiting for you so he can have sex😂
OP is a gold digger. Begging $20 and didnt even get it😂
You texted for 20 minutes and now you want £5000? What a golddigger 😂 he won't give you shit.
Why would he value you if you have nothing to offer?
LOL, you think you are special? He will tell you to fuck off because for £1000 he will get a hot girl to do whatever he wants in bed.
Say that your flight has issues and you really want to see him so that he sends you the money for a new trip (probably around 1.5k max), then pocket the money and ghost him