[Mags] Lancer Systems L5 AWM Advanced Warfighter Magazine AR-15 223 Remington, 5.56x45mm 30-Round Polymer Translucent Smoke 10PK- $99.99
Posted by arrrgh14@reddit | gundeals | View on Reddit | 119 comments
Should I get these I have a shit ton of pmags
They aren’t really that robust. If you want a translucent mag for the drip, just wait for the release of the magpul tmags
That is a good looking mag:
Too bad it's basically up in the air for release. It was originally supposed to come out this spring.
FMG9 enthusasts: First time? 😂
I love magpul but they are very much a "when it's ready" kind of company. That having a listing for once and not just a vaporware page does kind of give me a bit more confidence than the FMG/FDP, but delays are almost to be expected from them lol.
I'd say if you want a transparent mag for the memes and don't want to wait I can see saying go for it on Lancer, and I do like that lancer does many colors. But I only bought a couple for the instagram photos and usually just run bulk M2's for the majority of use.
They’re in stock now
Yeah I saw and made a comment on the gundeals thread, I'm eating my words rn 😂
They’re in stock now
Just got 4, thanks.
They’re in stock now
Thanks. Sadly I’m in a ban state so it wouldn’t be legal for me to buy any standard capacity mags despite how cool they look. That being said, I would wait to see reviews of them before buying. I’m always skeptical of a first generation of a new product.
Coming summer 2024. Anyone tell them their bout out of time?!
hey, they still have two weeks of summer left!!!
They’re in stock now
Yep. I had faith they'd make it out before summer's emd
They’re in stock now
Thanks brother. Forgot about those!
They’re in stock now
No. I bought one for looks and don’t even use it as a range mag. Sits in a drawer now.
What's wrong with its use as a range mag?
Nothing. Redditors who can't think for themselves and have no real world experience will cite an influencer who says something's bad. That's what this is.
If you drop a full Lancer magazine, uncovered, it's more likely than a Magpul magazine to spit out a couple rounds. That's just demonstrably true.
It won't cause malfunctions, though if you've got a sizeable stable of firearms you know guns like certain ammo and magazines, so if you're sample size of one you might find your rifle doesn't like Lancers.
But the real benefit of Lancers is lost on these L5s anyway. What Lancers are really useful for is the L7 magazine, with the increased feeding length so you can reliably load longer cartridges. The L5s aren't different enough to really be worth it. Buy them if you want, or don't. But if you're running big block and need additional COAL, and aren't keen on spending $90-125 apiece for Knights or LaRue magazines, L7s are your best budget bet for feeding long cartridges. They're even roomier than Magpul's LR25 / M118 mags.
As cynically as you prefer to think about every besides yourself, in my case, I turned on Lancer mags pretty quickly when dropping them in the desert out here in Utah regularly resulted in stuck followers -- and not the kind stuck you just tap a few times to fix, but totally locked up magazines that necessitate taking the mag completely apart.
These things are allergic to the tiniest bit of moon dust that Pmags and GI mags churn right on through. They do cause malfunctions. I've seen it multiple times, to the point my Lancers don't see ammo or the range day anymore. It doesn't have fuck all to do with influencers and/or not being able to think for myself.
I know it's easy to pretend like you're outside and above it all and to condescend to everyone, but ironically, it sounds like you're the one who doesn't have any real world experience with the type(s) of conditions that cause these things to fail.
I don't wave dicks on the internet, but I long since learned that when you have as much real world experience as I do, everyone else thinks you're lying. And I'm too old to care what you think about me.
Clean your goddamn magazines when you're out LARPing. Lancers are translucent so you can see the dirt building up in them, and clean them before they fail. You're experiencing user error and attributing your failures to the gear. Pro tier move.
I've never been to Utah. How's the desert there compare to Kuwait, Qatar, Iraq, and Afghanistan? Those are the only ones I've worked in.
No. I'm not. I've had brand new Lancers fail after one drop into the sand. And visually you would think they'd run because so little sand is in there. Literally dust. Regardless, they fail when pmags and Surefeeds don't.
lol, k.
Just curious if you run kit or not -- but sand will prevent you from being able to draw mags from esstac KYWIs. Like it will death grip them to the point you can't retrieve your magazines.
Almost never my chest rig, but it's Hailey w/ inserts. Belt has tacos on it.
Didn't know that about esstac pouches though.
eeeh pmags absolutely do NOT keep chooching through being dropped in sand/dust repeatedly. Aluminum GI mags are a bit better at it than pmags but come with their own downside of deforming when taking impacts.
I have a good sampling of a lot of different mags, and between pmags, lancers, and the good old ok industries gi mags I really haven't noticed much difference between the 3 in terms of long term reliability or performance. It's not like any of them are shit-tier hexmags or anything.
I like lancers for the transparency and you just have to be aware that if you take a spill in the dirt and drop your mags but down, you'll be more likely to have the lancers spit up 2-3 rounds whereas your pmags will probably spit up 1. GI mags probably won't spit up anything, but 500 drops and 10 dents down the road they're just going to stop working altogether.
The REAL benefit of lancers is mag identification when taking classes due to the colors available... beats spray painting your mags or marking them with band-aids or porn stickers.
Ok Mr. Operator 😂
Nah, M3 pmags beat all others when the USMC tested them.
Lancers are good mags, but I wouldn't switch it up if you already have pmags.
arrrgh14@reddit (OP)
Only if you like how they look.
[removed by reddit] strikes again...
What gets removed here sometimes feels awfully random. Methinks there's one very angry gun-hating reddit admin who doesn't know (or care) much about the legality of gun parts and just approves whatever gets reported to them.
Remember when Reddit thought these were the best and now the hive mind calls them garbage? Good times…
What really gets me is everyone acting like they’ve been unreliable trash this whole time despite them previously having been “Gucci” tier mags. I have literally never seen a single complaint about Lancer mags until Magpul announced the TMAG. I’m not saying complaints weren’t out there, but I’ve been around and haven’t seen a single one. Then like overnight a switch was pulled and I start seeing comments with many upvotes detailing supposed Lancer issues that apparently manifested out of thin air the moment a competitor announced a similar product.
It’s just another example of the online firearms community being extremely fickle, which is a shame because it’s hard to differentiate between “not cool on the internet” and “legitimately does not work” sometimes.
yeah, people flipped on a dime. I personally think the Pmags are BETTER, but it's not leaps and bounds. little minor tweaks. the whole "don't buy anything but Tmags or your gun will explode!!!" is just silly.
The only difference I have ever noticed is the ease of loading on a full mag with lancers vs pmags and the ease of loading m855a1 stripper clips at the qualification range. Magpul has them beat in this regard. Magpul also does not play nice with issued magazine pouches.
At this point, if they really were garbage, we'd know about it. They've been in use for so long by so many. Are they the best mags to take to war? Probably not, PMAGs are most likely the best polymer. But they aren't trash.
I only own their 300BO mags because I wanted something visually distinct from my massive pile of PMAGs, but haven't put enough rounds through them (because of the cost of the ammo) to really gauge their reliability and durability.
Lancer mags are hilarious in that regard. They have continued to put out consistently good magazines and yet their value is determined almost on a whim by influencers and cool points.
This is a damn good deal. Are gen 3 PMAGS better? Probably by a slight margin, but at $10 a pop these Lancers should be a "buy-it-now" type of package!
Unreliable trash is too far. They're not the best, but they're decent and they look good on the right gun.
Step 1: Internet sees new product with potential, hypes the shit out of it.
Step 2: Internet actually gets their hands on product. Initial adopters take it to first range day, it does 80% of what it was hyped to do. Any issues are chalked up to teething issues, user error, or simply don’t manifest due to low round count and low stress on product.
Step 3: Internet tests product with a significant round count, causing issues to manifest at a high enough rate to conclude the issues aren’t flukes. Product is given a “piece of shit” label and is excommunicated from the hive mind.
This cycle happens a lot, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a bad thing. A lot of products get a lot of hype while they’re ultimately pieces of shit - like the Tommybuilt MP7, the Dead Air Sierra 5, and (in my opinion) Lancer mags.
Not saying the kung foo grip is shit (don’t own one) but everyone raved over them, now it seems the hype has severely plummeted
I've found the quicker a new product shows up on gafs, the worse it probably is.
Yep I remembered everyone got a FTR trigger then out of nowhere everyone lost it.
This is my metric as well. You see a lot of Vortex on there ....
I think some of that is people buying the cheaper option to see if they like that optic style before dumping serious coin. Messing with a strike eagle before dropping razor money or going back to a dot makes sense.
I've definitely done this with optics. See if I like the concept before going big.
The Emissary foregrip is the new hotness now, but they show up on GAFS every day.
People ask for ID on those so often on r/ar15 that someone should just write a bot that responds to foregrip ID posts with a link to emissary's website.
That’s… actually a pretty fair point. Probably frequency it’s posted on GAFS too.
That's why I have so many Daniel Defense stocks. I seem to be a minority that likes them, whereas every other human being on earth seems to rest their cheek on it once and declare it heinous.
Though it seems related to beards, and I'm usually clean shaved.
They're also so ugly God demanded them all stoned in the Old Testament.
Hehehehe. I appreciate the aesthetic but they're truly overpriced and rubbery compares to anything else really.
I'm just odd in that I like things rubberized all over my Rifles.
I think it’s because the rubbery texture really tends to grab bear hair.
Good point.
Having tried one to see for myself, they're alright. They are relatively cheap for how neat they look so I'd say it's about 90% aesthetics. The grip angle is steep so it is nice on short LOP firearms. I think they blew up fast because every influencer had one early.
When you brought up the short LOP, I had to try it on my rifle that’s got a Reptilia Recc-e stock maxed out that’s still a bit short. Now I’m pretty conflicted because I like B5 grips, and typically don’t care for KFG, but the KFG actually felt better on that gun.
I don't like the "stippling". It's not stippled at all. The design is smooth and there's no bit. It's predecessor was better.
I’ve heard they are really good for short length of pull guns. I just got one for an APC9 so we will see. Not a huge investment if it sucks.
I wonder if I'm the only one to never have a magazine issue on an AR from Hexmags to Magpul to milspec to Lancer.
Only issue I’ve ever had with a mag was a GI aluminum. I did the “drop” test on my lancers and all rounds stayed in. Unless it pukes its guts out I still think 1 round loss after a drop is reasonable.
Gen1 Hex mags are the only mags I've had issues with, out of: Hex, Troy, D&H, Lancer, older Sig Mags. PMags, old Colt Milsurps, wonky Thermold 20rnders, ASC, probably a couple others.
A small sample of the batch I bought seemed to either have feed lip issues or seated too low for the bolt to strip a round. I didn't realize until years after I bought them, but I got them stupid cheap so I wasn't worried about it.
With all the crazy mag deals 2017-2018 I got mags on mags on mags for dirt cheap. The $5 Sig Mags were the bomb.
Same thing happened to wasr10, but has gone full circle. Currently in the hate phase of zastava, but they used to be mid. The way she goes, I reckon.
I haven’t seen any Zastava hate? I only see a lot of hate for PSA AK’s on the ak sub, but everywhere else people generally enjoy em
You see, the difference between me and Reddit is that they hate Zastava for being garbage. I just hate them for being Serbian.
The snobs don't like new zastavas, from what I've seen. I could be crossing wires with FB gun groups (MTS)
Wait people hate Lancers? I use a mix of lancers and pmags but don't have any issues. Why has the hivemind turned on them?
I still like them
Remember when reddit all served in MARSOC?
I’ve been calling them garbage for over a decade. I’m a genius unappreciated in my own time.
That's 100% the only reason opened up the comments lol.
do these have date stamps?
Tmags when?
Q3 2028
Nah, I heard it was bumped to Q4.
"Yes" -magpul
God I hate his sub, in for 10 more.
Use code MUSA0924 for 20% off too. $80 for 10 lancers is great
Hell yeah thanks, in for 20 mags
Doesn’t work for me
It works for me. Just tried it
They like to do coupons that are active for only some people
It saw it in a Facebook ad. Works fine. Ordered 50 mags
Worked for me until I logged in, then midway said nah, not you fucker. I ordered 10 of the ODG variety regardless, appreciate you sharing the coupon code and hope it works for others.
arrrgh14@reddit (OP)
Works in the cart until you sign in with any account. Midway coupon codes are so inconsistent.
Maybe it would work for you checking out as a guest?
These choked in a class for me, gave me a super weird malfunction where the rounds crossed. Just get GI or Pmag.
I run the Gen 2 of these. They are reliable mags, and they don't puke rounds as much (they are on par with old/new metal GI mags on this standpoint).
Do I still prefer Steel/Aluminum mags/Pmags over these? Yes.
Are they reliable? Yes, they are.
Compared to other countries, STANAG mags like the Polands GROT magazines these are better than those. I dropped my GROT mag, and about 6-8 rounds flew out of it. Compared to the Gen 2 5 hits to the ground, only 1 cartridge fell out.
Gen 1, on the other hand, shoots bullets out similar to the GROT mag.
Is there a way to tell apart the generations?
I have both gens hand in hand and you can't tell them apart except for the most subtle of "L5" stamped on the left feed lip of the gen 2 mags https://lancer-systems.com/product/l5awm-gen-2-223-5-56-30-round-magazine/
Never knew that detail. Thank you!
These are the only mags my tavor will work with
Would these work with a ANDERSON AM-15 5.56 16 ?
arrrgh14@reddit (OP)
How well do they work in people’s experience with 300BO subs and supers?
200gr+ subs work better in Lancer's .300 blk mags, but 110-150gr supers work great in their 5.56/.223 mags in my experience.
Lancers are my favorite mags to use. The rounds snap in the metal feedlips nicely. They do have a tendency to let them pop out when roughly handled a little worse than Pmags, but both do it. They are otherwise equally reliable in my non warzone experience. If Captain GI Joe'Merica weighs in, I guess you should defer to his advice on the best magazine to stock for the end days.
I own one 20 round lancer and it’s the only mag I have feeding issues with. Sample of one but I won’t buy anymore.
I liked these mags a lot for their look... and defended them here many times .... but they really did give me issues with failures to feed 🥲
Code "RIFLEMAN1" gives free shipping for orders over $99
Everyone shits on lancers, and yes, they will puke rounds out if you smack the bottom hard enough, but I've been running the same 3 translucent lancers in every rifle competition I've shot for the last 3 years and have yet to have them cause a malfunction. Those three mags easily have greater than 2k rounds out of them by now, and I'm yet to have an issue. They do feel like recycled solo cups though.
They're good mags, but the M3 pmags beat them in the military testing. At least it's assumed that lancers were the runner up.
Since I don't have the benefit of spending tax dollars on tens of thousands of rounds of ammo, I'll have to rely on other uncle Sam's testing.
TMag at home
These Lancers seem to be going on sale a lot. Maybe people are finally realizing that they are garbage mags.
It's not even that they're complete garbage, it's just that pmags are better, cheaper, and more ubiquitous. Aside from aesthetic variety, there is no reason to buy anything other than aluminum GI mags and pmags.
They have released a newer Gen
My only experience has been with a 300BO 10 rounder for my sig rattler and it’s been solid so far
Oh, they feed under normal conditions, and look good on the 'gram, but slamming a 30 in the magwell with the bolt locked open will spit out rounds, and I can twist the body of a 30 rounder with my off hand while mag dumping and cause it to stop feeding. It's like they're made out of recycled Solo cups.
Why does Midway never work for me? I get a "too many requests" error every time and it won't load the page.
Clear cookies for the site. I hate when I get told to do that, because usually it's not the solution, but for your specific problem it probably is.
Hmmm, didn't seem to work. Ah well, no lancer mags for me lol.
PSA: 10 Magpul Gen2 Pmags - $80 + tax (free shipping | use CODE "PMAG")
arrrgh14@reddit (OP)
Clear and OD green are the same price as well.
arrrgh14@reddit (OP)
In for 10 and I'll sell the five or so that I don't need on GAFS to stay around $10.50 per. Not bad.
You need all 10
arrrgh14@reddit (OP)
I do not. Five is fine and I need more monies for more ammo.
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