What steps can I take after my mum’s death?

Posted by stealing_life@reddit | AskUK | View on Reddit | 3 comments

My mum is still with us but to be frank, I don’t think she has long. I’m trying not to be selfish but honestly I can’t sleep because I’m bricking it about my next steps after her death.

I live with her, her partner, and a dog in a 3-bedroom house from a housing association. I am acknowledged as living here on the tenancy, but she is the actual tenant. When she dies, I expect it to be just me and hopefully the dog in my new household. I’m pretty certain I will have to move when she dies because of the disparity between the size of the house and the size of my future household.

The problem is, I’m broke and in debt (about £1,500 - usually manageable). I have £0 in the bank and my work (I’m self employed) has basically dried up. Obviously I’m applying for as many jobs as possible too but I have been self employed for years and don’t have any decent qualifications (A levels and AAT Level 3 are my highest). In other words, I’m getting jack shit in terms of employment.

I expect to have some work going into today/ early next week - if not, I’m on to universal credit to at least have that £300 coming in for now. But what else can I do?? I’m pretty sure I get four weeks to find a new place from when she dies and I just don’t have the money for it.

Plus I’m worried about the dog - he is 9 years old and has some health issues. Manageable for me but we got him at 8 and he had been in and out of the kennels at the RAPCA for a year at that point. I’m scared if I can’t take him with me, he won’t be adopted for god knows how long if ever, and the kennels made him so sick and anxious before.

When she passes, I know I will eventually get a lump sum as a death in service payment but this can take months. I am worried about the interim period, especially as I will also be arranging her funeral since I am next of kin and honestly just end up with these kinds of responsibilities anyway.

I’m sure I’m missing some details out but just hoping there might be some advice from anyone who has been in a similar situation or knows someone who has.

I’m 29F and live in England. My mum has stage 4 pancreatic cancer and is very much under the care of doctors, district nurses, palliative care etc and obviously myself and her partner too.