Anyone else hold a special place in your heart for incense? Anyone’s parents (or any of you elder statesmen) use Gonesh Cones in the 70’s & 80’s? What was your go-to incense brand/scent? What sounds were you hearing back then?

Posted by bring-me-cake@reddit | GenX | View on Reddit | 34 comments

Ahhh. The sweet smell of Ozium and Gonesh cones blended with my parents’ poor attempt at covering the fog of happy buzzed Saturday nights. Occupied getting mellow with their friends in the den, playing the best albums (which I’ve since inherited) on stereo equipment, I wasn’t allowed to touch (which I’ve now collected for myself) — it’s a proper good time trying to piece together sounds and smells of a 1979-85 (+/-) weekend.

If you’ve got sounds or albums — please share. I’d love to know. If you’ve got smells we can try and recreate, hit me with those specifics. If that memory is too much and too hard, much love to you — there are many in that space too my friends.