How to cope with supply chain disruptions if you live in the middle of a concrete jungle?

Posted by RikeMoss456@reddit | preppers | View on Reddit | 51 comments

I grew up on a farm and recently moved into the city for work.

While I have obviously lived in Urban environments before (I'm not amish), it just hit me today how dependant city folk are on supply chains, and "things being where they should be when they should be" in general. This fact becomes even more apparent during major disasters like Hurricans or Earthquakes that isolate large swathes of a population from electricity and law enforcement - the crime and in some cases, starvation/dehydration, start in a matter of hours.

This revelation may sound like common sense to some of you...but it really floored me. Out on the farm, and in most farming communities, we really wouldnt face ANY of these problems if SHTF. Most farms have their own wells and grow a significant (but not all) of their produce. We have a basic "know how" when it comes to machinery and will service our vehicles ourselves.

So for you city preppers - how do you prepare effectivley when in the middle of a concrete jungle? Is the plan just to prepare supplies for a few days until you leave the city?

Is there any hope of survival WITHIN the city, if the electricity goes offline for an extended period of time, and/or grocery stores are not replenished for a long period of time?