Why do parents pay for one siblings entire life while other siblings get nothing?

Posted by Mundane_Handle_9349@reddit | AskUK | View on Reddit | 21 comments

Where to begin.

I'm the middle child engaged to an engineer. I have an older step sister thats a few months older then me (step sister is step moms only child from another man that is not my & younger sisters dad) and a younger (blood) sister. My & younger sister birth mother is heavily in our lives, we just had to deal with a split divorced house hold growing up which came with so many challenges as you could imagine for any split family. I don't know what we would do without her tbh. She is our best friend and has done more for us then my dad ever has! Dad retired early & plays golf daily while step mom makes very very good money selling real estate. Sisters are all in our mid to very late 20s. I'm a new grad nurse currently in 40k of debt from things like school, car, and a very very small credit card that I had to max out just to survive through nursing school and my younger sister is currently working 2 jobs while going to college full time to finish her marketing degree.

The issue going on that has seemed to start to rear its ugly head is from my parents (step mom) doing EVERYTHING for older sister and absolutely NOTHING for me and younger sister, and I mean everything! Older sister works only 2 days a week making 17/hr (a job step mom helped her get fyi) and refuses to get another job. She wanted to go to cosmetology school and 24k down later paid for by step mom (her mom) she dropped out after a few months of school and her mom lost the 24k! They bought her a house and pay for everything for it, she has destroyed house several times & they have completely renovated it 2x (new floors, bedroom sets, washers, couch, you name it they have replaced) They have bought her 3-4 cars now (JUST this week bought her a lifted jeep wrangler with premium upgrades because her old car was never taken care of by her & go figure she trashes all her cars and doesn't pay for maintenance and of course she didn't take care of last one so step mom buys her a nice Jeep???!!!!!). She gets money sent to her daily by my step mom so she can eat out breakfast lunch and dinner and for anything else she needs. They bought her a brand new Macbook, they buy her several vacations a year!! She completely lives off their money!

Meanwhile theres me and my sister, who don't get anything from them, even when I was in school pulling out loans to get through one of the hardest times in my life I got nothing! I get she's the only blood child of my step mom and its money step mom is making while dad is retired but that doesn't make this right , it's his money and his household that he controls (as he reminds me). We did talk about this issue recentlyish and he said he was very upset about this situation and that he "stoped looking at what step mom is sending everyday because its a very large number and pissed him off".

Step mom & sister came into my life when I was 3 years old. As far as step mom goes this women has helped raise my younger sister from a baby. We call her mom and don't look at her as our step just like I don't look at older sister as a step sister and don't make it a point to call her step anything! Me and younger sister are just so hurt by this. I haven't talked to parents yet further and I plan too because I think the first step is to make them aware of how we feel and see what happens after that.

First question I have is:

From previous convos with dad about this wouldn't they know this would/ could cause rifts and hurt?

How do I address this?

As and adult dealing with parents favoring one child how do I personally deal with this?

What do I do if my parents claim i'm being selfish because they always "feel bad for her".

If this ends badly what do I do?

Is this something I should remove them out of my life for? (It causes me & younger sister a lot of pain when we see them do this, that, and the other for her and nothing for us, even when we have proven we are responsible people and we defiantly could use the help as well.)

Thank you for your help, I have been crying today and very upset about this. For more context I haven't made my first paycheck yet and yet i'm having to make decisions to pay a car note or a credit card bill as I wait to start my new job and have a couple hundred left form my last school loan so this unequal treatment is getting to me as I type this right now and make sacrifices to get by while sister is getting a a new Jeep and mortgage payments from parents.