What is your preferred way of running Windows exclusive software when the need arises?

Posted by vanwaldi@reddit | linux | View on Reddit | 69 comments

I am trying to ditch Windows for good, and for my personal usage I can already cover all my needs with Linux native software and progressive web apps. But for my job, occasionally I need to run full-fledged Word or Excel, and I'm used to PaintNET and Affinity Photo for image editing, I also really like Wondershare Filmora video editor. I am debating which is the best alternative and wondering what other Linux users do in this situation?

Dual-boot? A hassle having to jump back and forth between the two OS, not to mention having to keep Windows updates. I'd rather forget Windows exists as native OS.

Wine/Proton? As of 2024 it still seems a convoluted process, pollutes your distro with Windows executables and libraries (eww) and of course there are no guarantees the specific app needed will run.

Local virtual machine? - Not ideal if you are using a laptop on battery often as the performance overhead will drain the battery faster, also it is just slow and annoying.

Cloud virtual machine? I never tried it before, I wonder what's the performance like, but surely it requires adding a monthly expense.

RDP into a Windows PC? This is the one I am most inclined to, even though I don't have a separate desktop PC right now, but I tried Parsec to someone else's laptop and it really has low latency streaming if the connection is good, it's quite usable, more so than a virtual machine.

Any other possibilities I am missing?