University is spamming work email. I can block them, but what is a better course of action?

Posted by Training_Rip2159@reddit | sysadmin | View on Reddit | 50 comments

I started getting emails from a University in our state, inviting me to be advisor to "Women in Leadership" program. Got 3 this week so far. Not a big deal in itself as I definitely get 100's of spams per day, but this one got past the M365 filters into my inbox (which most don't), and drew my attention.

The reason it got through - it's actually a legit email, from a legit .edu domain. The problem is I never subscribed to any lists from this university, nor affiliated programs or organizations (as far as I know), nor did I go to this university, nor do I even know anyone who went there.

Also, the way this email is addressed and got into my inbox, I know this combination was stolen from a data breach. A few years ago, we had an employee who left, and their email was aliased to mine. With a specific combination of name and email - I know it was used only on 1 specific site for work purposes.

I don't know how this university obtained this email list, but it definitely didn't originate from a legit source. And a University should know better (especially if they are trying to teach Leadership).

I know it's a bit of a petty rant (I mean there are millions of spam emails sent hourly, and dozen of data breaches occurring daily). Just one of those thing that I find very annoying. I expect spam from to stolen emails from companies, political parties, scammers, recruiters, swindlers, just not Higher Education.

I don't want to be an ass, but should I bring it to somebody's attention, and make sure it's not a common practice there. What's the best course of action?

/rant over