How to fix my life at 30?

Posted by BothCost817@reddit | AskUK | View on Reddit | 24 comments

I'm not really used to writing on Reddit so any formatting errors etc I apologise for in advance.

I also apologise if this is in the wrong sub.

Im not going to sugar coat this im a 30 year old functional (barely) drug addict, I have had fitness goals in the past that I can't seem to stick to despite the desire.

I make decent(?) (34k) money, especially for my profession with no higher training but I feel this isn't enough that's not too put down anyone who might be making less than me.

I am VERY good at my job however I am on the verge of losing because of my attendance due to addiction (and honestly they've been amazingly supportive for me without knowing the real reasons so I can't fault them at all) I have no real friends who arnt also of this way off life.

Thought I'd give Reddit a chance too see if any kind person can give me some guidance to leave the this horrible numb existence.