The biggest loophole - Please help with setup

Posted by Akos0020@reddit | linux | View on Reddit | 9 comments

Alright, so let me explain. I have a pendrive, two computers, a steam account with a bunch of games, and a dream and I need some help with the setup.

So, last year I did an english matura exam, I passed and now I don't have to go to english lessons. I was really hyped. I can't leave the school while these aren't my first or last lesson though, they did warn me about this, but I had a plan to not be bored. I was going to bring a laptop with me every day and play steam on that in these free hours. Sounds good right? After all I am free to do whatever I want in the timeframe of those lessons.

Well, the government didn't agree with that, and instead of politely rejecting my idea decided to spit in my face instead. This summer they decided to outright ban every single device that can communicate with the internet from all schools nationwide, even phones. Now that's kinda lame I guess, but when I have 10 lessons every week when I am not allowed to leave the school and I am not allowed to do anything really it's even worse. It's "freetime" alone sitting on a chair listening to the clock ticking. I mean come on you can't just decide this summer after I've already done that thing that now I can't bring in devices anymore!

So, now I am not allowed to bring into my school any devices that can communicate with the internet. I've been sitting at home brainstorming how I can possibly comply with the law while also doing something about that, and I've got a spark of an idea, and I need help finalizing it.

The school has computers in the library, which I can use, but they have many limitations. Let me list them out for you: I don't have admin powers or powers to grant firewall access to the games (big bummer). They also don't really have any disk space, so I don't want to just fill them up with my stuff to make them unusable for everyone. Also, I've not tested yet if they even allow me to plug in a pendrive and use the applications on them. Sadly for that scenario I really don't have a way to fix it, so I'll just do what a real programer would do and ignore it for now.

The idea is simple: Somehow download steam and the games onto a pendrive so it doesn't use the limited disk space of the school computers, then somehow bypass the firewall requirement by going offline in the games and bypass the admin requirement.

Okay, so currently I am struggling with the admin and firewall requirement. Steam doesn't really work without that, even though I have installed everything on my home computer which does have administrator powers.

I managed to click a few buttons and somehow get around the admin requirement of steam, but the firewall I wasn't able to get around due to account authentication obviously, so I think this is a dead end.

After that I've started looking at linux. It seems like there is an ultra complicated way to somehow run a seperate linux OS that won't intervene with the windows on the PC from the USB. On that I would have both admin and firewall powers and steam works on linux. (not sure how firewall would work, since the internet needs to go through the main network firewall. I don't exactly know how all that network firewall stuff works, so I would appreciate if someone would be able to tell me if this is another dead end or if it might have some potentional.)

If you have any ideas on how to do this, please let me know. Also, please tell me about games that either don't require admin powers or firewall powers to run (non-steam games obviously) OR games that require only admin powers (no firewall powers) and can run on linux.

Out of all things that I expected to screw me up, I honestly didn't expect the government to be the one who actually does. Everything seemed so perfect, and they just thanos snapped it all away from me. But I am not the type to give up just like that as you can see. I am determined to get this to somehow work while not doing anything that's illegal.

Thank you for your answers in advance! I hope we can work something out, or at the very least get a few games to work so I don't have to watch the building crumble. :D