Need some help
Posted by SnooMachines767@reddit | projectcar | View on Reddit | 12 comments
So I’ve been having some issues with my 1985 Monte Carlo SC lately. When I start it up after it’s been sitting a couple hours or more, the engine will drop rpms and try to stall out. Sometimes it’s worse than others, and I can keep it from stalling if I give it some gas. Along with that, after it’s been sitting for a bit, when I start driving it again and give it power the engine will sometimes bog. It never lasts for long, usually about the first 5-10 minutes of driving then the bogging goes away. Any ideas on why it’s doing that? My thoughts are it’s something not delivering enough fuel to the engine, but I’m not sure where I would begin to look
id say fuel filter possibly, definitely check for vacuum leaks and also go through your ignition system and make sure its up to snuff.
SnooMachines767@reddit (OP)
So i tried the fuel filter, it did help with how the car performs overall (quite noticeably) but it didnt fix the stalling/bogging issue at startup that its been having. aside from something being amiss in the ignition system, are there any other areas i should check?
You said thats tbi right? Is the temp sensor for the ecu working right?
SnooMachines767@reddit (OP)
Good call. Checked for vacuum leaks, didn’t find any. I’ll give the ignition system a shakedown and see if I can find anything
Sounds like the choke is t operating properly.
SnooMachines767@reddit (OP)
How would I go about checking this?
Try this
SnooMachines767@reddit (OP)
haha, very funny, its almost like google doesnt have the answers and thats why im asking in here
I guarantee-damn-tee you can find how to check and adjust the choke, I’ve seen dozens of videos on it. You should try looking before being a smartass…
SnooMachines767@reddit (OP)
theres no choke on the v6 (SC) monte carlo engine, yet im the smartass...
Is it TBI or carbureted?
SnooMachines767@reddit (OP)
It’s the TBI