The urge to flee is real

Posted by leftaide@reddit | GenX | View on Reddit | 162 comments

I'm seriously considering selling my house (in Illinois) and choosing to rent for a year or two in different states until the end of time, or until I find my utopia. I WFH and can technically live anywhere. I am middle class, struggling like most people, but I want to see some of the country before it's too late.

But where to go?? I can Google all day but that doesn't really tell me what places are actually like to live in - and it doesn't help me find places I've never heard of.

Where would you go and why? I'd prefer sunny and 70s all year (who wouldn't?). I prefer rain and gloom to blistering heat or painfully cold. I'd like to stay away from ice lining the sidewalks and roads for weeks or months at a time. I'd like somewhere open and friendly, middle of the road cost, with plenty of nature to explore.

If you know of a website that could help me narrow down my list of possible cities/states to visit, please share.

Thanks all