Bug out bag should be cheap

Posted by Brilliant-Dirt5110@reddit | preppers | View on Reddit | 43 comments

Qualifiers: I am a single guy who is an avid hiker/camper and live in a house.

My bug out bag is generally cheap stuff. I assembled it via old gear or cheap gear (Walmart, Amazon, etc).

My thought process is this: In the vast majority of scenarios, my best option in the immediate aftermath of an event will be to bug in for at least a few days. Even if I only have an hour or two, I can assemble my regular, high quality gear. On the slim chance I have to leave immediately, my cheap bug out bag can serve me fine to get gone and survive. The low odds of having to use my dedicated BoB does not justify a high price tag for what will most likely sit there ready to deploy and never getting used. It also ensures I don't dip into that gear for recreational activity. It's always ready, but not a drain.