XPO logistics speeding?

Posted by No_Photo7091@reddit | Truckers | View on Reddit | 26 comments

I just started working at XPO, I went over 75 (76 to be exact) while going down a hill, I know we can’t go over 70 but the speed snuck up on me and I needed it to get up the next hill but I didn’t realize it went up to 76, it hit 76 for 2 seconds and then I got it back down to 72 in another 5 seconds. Does anyone that works here think I’m gonna get wrote up? Or should I see if the samsara camera actually caught it? I’m nervous to bring it up because I don’t want them to find out about it only because I opened my mouth, it was a 75mph zone but we’re not supposed to hit 75 and I’m defiantly freaking out. Thanks