What is my job title?

Posted by rjp94sep@reddit | sysadmin | View on Reddit | 25 comments

About a year ago I switched from working in a school's Special Ed team to being one of two IT Support people in the building, while also having a MSP help us when needed.

Back in April the school fired the other guy so I am the ONLY IT person for roughly 900 kids and 300 staff. Now, with the promotion and pay bump, the HR Director gave me the title" IT Manager," but after looking into what GlassDoor classifies as an IT Manager and what i actually do, I'm curious what i should put down on future resumes.

The following are some of the many things I've spent most of my time doing and will probably continue to do:

  1. Tracking and distributing inventory/Assets. Computer Carts, Chromebooks, Desktops, kids computer headphones, anything the IT Deptment bought.
  2. Helping teachers/admin/users with every day troubleshooting (password resets, figuring out ed tech software/platforms/logins)
  3. Onboarding and off boarding staff and disenrolled students from Azure, Google, Zoom, M365 System Admin and many many more other websites.
  4. Physical hardware repair with projector bulbs and mounts, rolling TVs, HDMI/VGA cords.
  5. Video and Audio Equipment help to non-tech friendly users and running A/V for assemblies and special events.
  6. Running Professional Development on new Ed Tech for teachers and admin.

I know that is a wide scope. So other then "Miracle Worker," what do I put as my title on future resumes?

Tl;dr--I do everything IT for a K-8 school. What's my job title?