Is this normal for a communal shower?

Posted by Legitimate-Leg-4720@reddit | AskUK | View on Reddit | 88 comments

I visited a different swimming pool to my usual one and it turns out they only had communal showers. I've somehow managed to avoid ever using communal showers to date, but I didn't really mind using them if need be.

Well I walked into the men's showers and it was just several noisy, boisterous kids with no adults (around 7-10yo?) showering. I was confused and went outside to check the sign on the shower - definitely men's shower! (I usually swim at 6am weekdays so I rarely see kids)

I felt very awkward about the idea of stripping off and showering in there as a 20-something year old guy so just had a rinse at the shared showers by the pool instead.

Is this just normal for a swimming pool changing / shower room at the weekend? Would you fellow redditors use the communal shower in this case? Not sure if I'm just being a needlessly cautious prude.