What do I do now?

Posted by CrimsonMaple@reddit | askcarguys | View on Reddit | 22 comments

First time buyer for a car. I bought a 2012 Subaru Impreza and I got a lean on the car about three years ago. Bought at around 115k Miles now sitting at 133k Miles.

The transmission is going on the car now, I’ve noticed some jerking when driving the car around in first. I’ve stopped driving on the car for the time being.

I’ve scheduled an appointment for a mechanic to take a look at the vehicle a few weeks out from now, thankfully I’ve been offered rides to places by friends.

I still owe about 4k on the car and don’t know what to do from here. Given the accidents I’ve had on the car, plus the transmission going it’s likely a lost cause. Where should I go from here? Will my gap insurance help me out any? I feel like I got bent over backwards on this car…

Any advice would be appreciated…