The DOT Physician is NOT your Friend.

Posted by geneticdeadender@reddit | Truckers | View on Reddit | 322 comments

Took my physical yesterday. My card expires on the 7th. I thought it wasn't until October because that's when it was issued, but there was a month delay in getting it so it's the 7th this year. Anyway....

I passed everything but since I have diabetes she wanted my blood tests which I didn't know I needed to bring.

She also said that since I said I had depression she needed a note from my doctor saying I'm okay to drive.

Since I had said I had a blood clot a few years ago and 15 years ago I needed a note from my doctor saying I'm okay to drive.

And since I'm taking a drug for my psoriatic arthritis that she had never heard of that I need a note from my dermatologist that I'm okay to drive.

I'm like, WTF? I've disclosed those same things year after year and never been asked to get a note from my doctors.

I asked if she could give me a 1 month certificate so I'm not out of work and she said, "No".

A year ago I had hypertension, high blood sugar, high protein in my urine and ALL the same things listed above. They gave me a month to get treated and get my BP down. I did all those things and they gave me a 1 year certificate (technically 11 months).

But this year it's, "Fuck you, driver. Be unemployed".

Next year I'm treating my physical as an interview with the cops. I don't answer questions and I don't volunteer info. Everything on that checklist is a "No". I never get sick. Never been unhappy. Never even stubbed my toe. Never had a single problem. Prove me wrong.