so they do the voice anouncement to all residence in the building, said that " There was just 1 case the window has been broken and hit 1 car on the street "

Posted by International-Ad9887@reddit | preppers | View on Reddit | 25 comments

Me and my wife remember 1 window inside the left room the lock has been ruin long time" We block that by a wood panel already. The region next to me has cut all electric and Ha Noi gonna do the same in next 2 hours. I charge 2 laptop, 1 nitendo switch, 1 kindle , 2 phones already . My wife cook the dinner now ( 3pm ) before they cut the electric. We have 6 cans of tuna and yoghurt and fruit, sounds fine. The sounds of wind is crazy, the sky is so grey, the rain start come inside under the window due to poor instruction or bad gel quality,one woman die because of fallen tree this morning, wish i can show you guys the video but this sub can not.