My PC recently started elementary school and it seems it's suffering academically

Posted by Votislav@reddit | buildapc | View on Reddit | 177 comments

I built a budget gaming PC 8 years ago and now the budget is really starting to show.

CPU: i5 4440
GPU: ASUS Strix GTX960 DirectCU II OC 4 GB
Motherboard: ASUS H97-PLUS
RAM: 8GB DDR3 1600Mhz

What do I change first? And please don't say everything :')

The Witcher 3 used to run alright (45fps on the highest settings w/o HW) but as the years went by it started running worse, and it surely isn't the version of Windows or bloat. Aren't PC components supposed to last? Maybe I somehow wrecked it up?
For some reason even Overwatch runs badly on my PC (though I only tried it on W11, so I guess it might be the culprit, since my PC was not made for this system).
Other than Overwatch's performance, which may or may not have something to do with W11, I noticed no differences in performance between it and W10.

If I upgrade the RAM, do I need to buy a stick of the same speed? Should I just scrap this stick and get 16GB DDR4 2000+Mhz?

What should be my steps for these two games to run better (on W11)?
And then, some time down the line, I want to play GTA VI and Red Dead Redemption 2 (which this rig could probably pull off at the lowest graphical settings, though I haven't tried it). What should be my next steps?