Almost 10 yrs-old CPU. Am I living on borrowed time?

Posted by lexandr7@reddit | buildapc | View on Reddit | 253 comments

I've currently running a Intel Core i7-5820K 3.3 GHz 6-Core Processor I bought for this 2015 PC Build: and I'm wondering if I'm living on borrowed time?

Since then, I've switched out the SSDs, mobo, ram, and GPU for newer versions and everything seems fine...? Google tells me the lifespan of a CPU is \~10 years, so I've been putting together this build of just the parts I need to replace:

I play MMOs, casual games, and am mostly in Adobe CC software (thought not at crazy productivity levels)

Not really asking if this replacement parts build will work but looking at the \~$850-900 price tag, I just thought I'd confirm with you experts that it's most definitely time for a new CPU? Even if I'm not seeing any issues?