Physically Locate Laptop

Posted by caribbeanjon@reddit | sysadmin | View on Reddit | 36 comments

We are required by certain government agencies not to do business in or with certain "hostile powers" and are also required to follow tax law in countries which we do operate. Occasionally we'll hire someone and despite plenty of warning they will try and work from somewhere they are not supposed to or take their work laptop or phone (with work apps) on vacation to one of these forbidden countries and then all sort of holy hell gets raised. But increasingly we are seeing "smarter" users who use VPN and other methods to hide their physical location. Thankfully, we have had luck logging their real IPs when VPN is down, and usually when they figure out they are blocked from logging in, the remember to connect to VPN.

How is everyone dealing with physical location tracking? IP addresses can only take you so far and even our security software seems to get it wrong. Is there something foolproof we can put on Windows/Mac/Linux clients to definitively identify their physical location? German Works Council be damned, I want to know my asset's location.