3 DCs, everything is going to shit. DNS failing, authentication is effed. Please help!

Posted by Whyd0Iboth3r@reddit | sysadmin | View on Reddit | 206 comments

I'm not a "System Admin", but a PACS Admin. Our system admin is really a junior. He is doing his best, but not making much progress. We have 3 DCs, 6 (Main DNS server) , 7 (DNS) and 8 (DHCP server) (DNS). 8 was/is our PDC. It all started with 8 acting up. It didn't seem to be syncing with the other DCs. Admin tried everything he could find related to our problems, but nothing resolved. After a few hours, we decided it would be a good effort to restore from a backup from about a month ago, which we know it was behaving back then. Well, it all went to shit. Users are getting login errors, LDAP related, DNS is failing all over the place. We are at a loss. Don't know where to go, where to look, what commands to run to find out, what event viewer logs to look through. Please, any help would be greatly appreciated! I'll post more logs, events, etc as we find them and think they are related.

OneWarning event in Event viewer is the following.

The Security System has detected a downgrade attempt when contacting the 3-part SPN


with error code " (0xc000005e)". Authentication was denied.