Im from Viet Nam and the Yagi Typhoon is comming in next few hours
Posted by International-Ad9887@reddit | preppers | View on Reddit | 88 comments
its a strongest storm in the world since 2023 and im living in a flat at 23rd floor, the building is 15 years old. What is the most important thing i should put on to do list now ? Have any storm before broke the high floors window glasses ? thank you
Make sure you don't use any portable stove indoors if the power goes out, the carbon monoxide is deadly
International-Ad9887@reddit (OP)
good idea thank you
Any standing water in the streets is a sanitation Hazzard. If you can keep boots on when walking around outside afterward, then do so. Any cuts can be infected by the contaminated water. Also, don't try to cross water when you can't see the bottom. I've heard of people getting bad injuries and infections after falling on something hidden underwater.
This is a good point. In a lot of less “notorious” hurricanes that hit the US, lots of the people who die aren’t killed by debris or rising water, but instead by fumes from their generators and indoor cooking stoves when the power goes out
entire families die sometimes in their sleep! it’s super tragic
Get EVERYTHING charged up. Extra batteries, lights, laptops.
Get everything in waterproof boxes or bags. In the US they sell 2 gallon ziplock plastic bags that are large enough to hold most electronics and documents. Don't forget to protect paper documents you might need if you have to leave
Move stuff l away from the windows. Cover in plastic if you can't move them.
Have at least 5 days worth of food on hand, a way to cook and enough water to cook and drink. If you are using rice- don't forget rice needs extra water or get rice that doesn't need to be washed like parboiled.
Eat all of the perishable food first. Put water bottles into the freezer and fridge to take up so the empty spaces. It helps stabilize the temperature and help prevent food loss in power outages.
Have a bucket toilet if you think the toilets will stop working. Many times tall buildings can have issues with water pressure during power outages.
Have a first aid kit on hand. Heavy gloves in case there is broken glass. Good tape. Large garbage bags. Shoes with heavy soles that can walk over broken glass.
I don't think anyone has mentioned some of the smaller things, but do all your laundry, do the dishes, download some shows/movies on your phone, tie down or bring in anything on your balcony (if you have one) throw your garbage down the shute, maybe check in with loved ones.
before a snow storm hits or heavy winds I do all of these things.
Download media and have some books. Three days of being in my thoughts alone, and I'm ready to lose my entire shit.
Duct tape the windows with a big X, this reduces flying debris if they shatter.
That's something barely anybody is talking about. I experienced war in the Balkans the 90's, and I remember all the X's on the windows and many of them were shattered but still held together by the tape. This is a great pro-tip as nobody wants to have flying glass debris around in an emergency situation.
Make sure to tape it into the window frame at least 15 cm into every corner so if the glass shatters it still holds to the frame. Also maybe have some tarp in case the window shatters to close the gap as your apartment could be flooded by all the rain blowing inside.
Thank you for explaining about the tape. I didn’t know how to do it properly.
And just to be safe, the taping method should be applied twice - to make an X and a +. If the frame is gloss, then 10-15 cm over the frame is enough, but if it is a dry wooden frame where the sticky tape does not stick to it, then just go around the frame (if applicable) and stick it to the glass on the other side. I am not sure if OP can open the windows on the 27th floor, but should have metal or PVC frames in a newer highrise.
Is your name Selco? Lol
No, I am not the SHTF-School guy 😁
Don't forget. Always fill up your bathtub if you have one.
Yes! I have food-grade tub liners on hand. Any time there’s significant weather I put one in the tub and fill it up. The water can then be used for everything, including drinking
Typhoon Yagi wreaks havoc to infrastructure, factories in Vietnam -
how are you doing?
water-safe containers for documents
Typhoon Yagi wreaks havoc to infrastructure, factories in Vietnam -
how are you doing?
I've just left Hanoi last saturday and as sadistic as it sounds, I wish I could experience this....
International-Ad9887@reddit (OP)
i dont know man i really dont want you to stick this situation as you are our guest and our capital people never have any experience dealing with big storm before, but hopefully you had a great time with Pho and Banh Mi
Hi. I'm looking all over trying to get news about my daughter who was in Cat Ba 5 days ago. Her telephone doesnt seem to work, maybe it was lost. Any idea how I could get news from her, are there lists from victims or such?
International-Ad9887@reddit (OP)
i just check for you Hai Phong only 1 people died and 13 people injured, but electric and internet has been cut down, Cát Ba is very near HP but there isnt any news, whole Viet Nam north 17 people died totally ( not too many ) so i think you can be optimistic
Thanks you so much. I just got a message from a borrowed Number, she is safe.
International-Ad9887@reddit (OP)
please post to this sub to ask more info about CatBa, you can speak in English
I did have a great time. I wish you all the best and I hope everyone will be safe.
Why exactly? Is it like morbid curiosity + you're a prepper so you kinda wanna see how well you will fare?
Genuine question, no shade.
I want to be in the chaos... My life is kind of uneventful I guess.
Bro this typhoon just destroyed where I live. It looks like an atom bomb hit our city
Are you doing okay?
Much better but most of the city is destroyed. Many people lost everything.
Ugh, I hate to hear that. We’ll be praying for you too. I’m glad to see you’re okay enough for now.
Typhoons suck as much as cancer!
As someone who’s been through these types of “bombs” before, I can tell you, things eventually get back to normal, so don’t lose hope.
Devise a way to barricade the door to keep out looters.
Get cash if it's still available.Meds for diarrhea,fever,antibiotics...bleach to sanitize. Wkrk gloves if you help with recovery efforts,and yes,as others have mentioned lots and lots of water and food. Battery banks for phone charging for when the phone towers come back up.
OP, tell us about how the city is reacting. Are people freaking out? Panic buying? Have you been talking to your direct neighbors? Are they preparing? What about direction from the government?
This. Any word OP?!
Make sure you have fire extinguishers. If there's a power outage people will be using candles and possibly open flame stoves to cook. Also, if you have a washing machine remember to fill it up after you've washed all your clothes. It can hold a significant amount of water.
International-Ad9887@reddit (OP)
so they do the voice anouncement to all residence in the building, said that " There was just 1 case the window has been broken and hit 1 car on the street " . Me and my wife remember 1 window inside the left room the lock has been ruin long time" We block that by a wood panel already. The region next to me has cut all electric and Ha Noi gonna do the same in next 2 hours. I charge 2 laptop, 1 nitendo switch, 1 kindle , 2 phones already . The sounds of wind is crazy, one woman die because of fallen tree this morning, wish i can show you guys the video but this sub can not.
cook something that will keep for a few hours so you have a meal if the power goes out put some water in some containers in case the water gets cut
International-Ad9887@reddit (OP)
so they do the voice anouncement to all residence in the building, said that " There was just 1 case the window has been broken and hit 1 car on the street " . Me and my wife remember 1 window inside the left room the lock has been ruin long time" We block that by a wood panel already. The region next to me has cut all electric and Ha Noi gonna do the same in next 2 hours. I charge 2 laptop, 1 nitendo switch, 1 kindle , 2 phones already . The sounds of wind is crazy, one woman die because of fallen tree this morning, wish i can show you guys the video but this sub can not
If you have an electric stove, cook stuff that doesn't need refrigeration to stay edible. Cookies, protein balls, whatever you can think of fast. You might not have electricity for quite a while, would you have enough food?
Obviously have a few days worth of drinking water. Don't forget to fill the bathtub with water. You probably won't drink it, but you can wash using it.
Other people have mentioned things like charging the batteries of anything. If you have a breaker box in your apartment turn everything off when the storm starts, just in case lightning fries things in your building.
Just in case your building is deemed unsafe after the storm have a location you can go to and your go bags ready by the front door.
Tub liners are a great cheap thing everyone should have. OP probably can’t get them on this short notice, but for everyone else.. They’re basically just a sheet of food grade plastic, throw it in and fill up the tub. Then you can use the water in your tub for everything including drinking and cooking
Wow, pretty good insight of another time tk jusr bake bread.
How did you survive the last one?
International-Ad9887@reddit (OP)
Viet Nam have so many storms but mostly from middle region, for north ( Ha Noi where im living ), its the first time we got this high level storm.
Put together a bag of your most important items in case your building becomes unsafe and you need to leave. Just in case.
I would try to cover the windows as much as you can, tape, cardboard, blankets etc. My primary concern would be power outage and no running water. So try to stock up on water, filling extra containers or even pots and pans with clean water just in case.
Buildings are designed to withstand hurricanes and then built maybe 2X as strong as what's required. But I live in a wildfire area and would advise you to bunker down as much as possible for plan A, but make sure you have a plan B for escape due to fires. When power goes out people use flame for light and cooking, not a major threat until the day it happens then you want to be prepared with important documents or valuables, clothes and a backpack ready if youe forced to leave your location.
Got it. Main thing you will probably deal with is power out, days if not longer. That high in the building you should be safe from flooding and those types of dangers but stock up on any heavy things now. Anything you don't want to carry up 20+ flight of stairs.
Charge your phone batteries and any battery backups, locate your flashlights/radios and additional batteries for them.
Fill any water bottles with clean/filtered water now, in case water purification systems go down. Locate or acquire bleach for water purification later. Use empty plastic jugs to fill with clean water and freeze; this will help your freezer stay cold longer.
If you have a portable stove, locate it and some fuel, but don't run it inside so you don't build up deadly carbon monoxide.
Don't go outside until after the storm has passed, listen to the radio for updates if the Internet goes out. Don't be fooled by the eye of the storm. Stay away from windows and doors, but prepare for the possibility of excavation due to flooding from the storm surge or rain, or tornadoes, which sometimes follow hurricanes.
Good luck.
Stay out of flood water, it's mostly sewage.
Besides the bacteria in the water, there will also be all manner of debris you can’t see. Last thing you want is to slice your leg open in that infection soup
I hope you're ok!
I hope you all stay safe!
One thing I'd add - have some amusements that don't require electricity. Like a deck of cards, coloring books, puzzle books, drawing paper and pencils, books, etc. There may be a lot of downtime where boredom sinks in, and if you spend all your time on your phone, and it loses charge? And you can't recharge it? That could be bad if something happens.
I'm personally a big fan of puzzle books, like Sudoku, Word Search, and the like.
For the bug-out scenario, I recommend keeping a tennis ball. It's lightweight and takes hardly any space. You can either play catch/hand-squash by yourself or find some piece of and play baseball or cricket with others.
tape X shapes on your windows so that in case they do break they don’t shatter as much. if you have time buy a few gallons of water and some canned food to last you a week
A cheap out might be to fill up your bathtub (if you have one) and take steps to make sure that the water doesn't drain out...
Clean the bathtub very well prior to filling it. You may need to drink it later in a pinch.
OP is from Vietnam. That water is gonna need to be boiled before consumption regardless.
True, but every little bit helps.
There is some debate on whether taping windows is a good thing or a bad thing. I'm not sure what the correct answer for that is, someone should actually experiment to see if it's a net benefit or not.
In any event, whether you tape the windows or not OP, stay away from the glass windows during the actual hurricane as much as possible. If you have an interior windowless room in your flat, like a bathroom, that's where you want to be during the hurricane.
Be aware that if the eye of the hurricane comes over top, things will be calm for a while, but the storm will start back up again, so be prepared for it.
Also, I second the water and shelf-stable food that doesn't need to be cooked. Here in the US that generally means canned foods, foods in retort pouches, and things like peanut butter and bread, along with snack type foods.
We tape across the entire window at work when doing destructive tests. It keeps the glass from going everywhere
I've also heard it can keep the glass together, making it potentially more dangerous in high winds, or falling from 14 stories high, because it's no longer a bunch of small shards, it's large pieces with more energy associated with the greater mass.
You're doing in in a controlled, safe environment, and it's more a convenience for cleanup afterwards.
I only use 200 mph tape. To ensure easy cleaning after a 14 story fall.
International-Ad9887@reddit (OP)
thank you, nice advise
If you have pets ensure you count them in your water calculations and also have extra food on hand.
Make sure you have refills of medication and have your Id on you.
Pull curtains at least then
Praying for you right now And for all there. Please keep us posted when possible. May the Lord bless you and fully protect and keep you and your family- fully sheltered and unscathed and faith filled in all ways and may HE send HIS angels to personally keep you safe from harm and be as a shield for you. May all your neighbors and friends and anyone there be saved, prayers heard and lifted up to the Lord GOD- and to HIM be all the glory. I will continue to be thinking of you and praying for all of you.
International-Ad9887@reddit (OP)
🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 thank you so much
I thought you were asking for bucket list ideas until I saw which sub this is on.
As others have said:
Stay away from windows. Tape windows. Charge electronics. Save water. Have some extra garbage bags and a bucket for using the restroom. Get some kitty litter/sawdust/dirt to throw in there if you still have time. Don’t forget food and water for pets. Cards/book/board games.
We’ll be praying for you.
Can we get a sticky for this? Be useful just to point folks at at curated list.
Potable water!
Well prayers for safety for you and your neighbors 🙏🏻
Water! Fill every container you have. Fill the tub, tape over the drain, use that to flush and clean. Fresh set of batteries for a radio. Check conditions every few hours but only for a few minutes. Once it has passed, keep up the habit in the coming days till things normalize. Two high capacity battery banks to keep phones and tablets charged. Several flashlights and batteries.
The basics to start. Food and fresh water. Cannot stress the need for ample water as it will be sparse.
Secondly: Battery powered radio. Flashlight/head lamp, first aid kit.
Yes, fill up every container you can find with water. When that’s done, go out and get more bottles, buckets, etc. Water can be given to loved ones and/or traded for other resources
Please stay safe. I care.
International-Ad9887@reddit (OP)
i appriciate
(1)If able then get as far inland as possible. (2)If unable to leave then start stockpiling water and non perishable food plus a battery powered radio and single use batteries for the radio. (3)If you’re willing (once you’re fully prepared and family and friends know that you’re staying for the storm at your current location) then get on the first floor to send the elevator to and from the top floor of your building to help people get what they need done faster to help ease on the congestion on the elevator usage until you need to hide from the storm where you’ll go to the top floor then down to your floor where the elevator can go all the way down to the first floor.
Are you talking about taking an elevator when there's a risk of the building being hit? Doesn't sound safe.
Not when the storm is making landfall. Do everything possible before the storm hits and have the elevator on the first floor before the storm hits.
International-Ad9887@reddit (OP)
thank you
Get prepared to follow any evacuation orders ASAP if those might be issued for your area. Otherwise charge devices and any external power storage you have. Food and water is a good idea if you're staying home.
Hope you stay safe and well!
International-Ad9887@reddit (OP)
thank you, luckily we have a supermarket at B2 floor but i stocked a bit also, damn i go to that supermarket and its the longest queue i ever seen at 10pm
Keep us posted bud!
International-Ad9887@reddit (OP)
i will thanks bro
You should read up online on which kinds of places are the safest to wait out a typhoon in. Official instructions from governments and so on.
Good luck to you all!