Don’t forget the ladies in your life!

Posted by No-Ideal-6662@reddit | preppers | View on Reddit | 185 comments

Firstly, shout out to all the men and women who want to prepare their families for anything from a bad storm to the end times. It’s commendable and congrats. One thing I noticed with my preps is that I was being unintentionally inconsiderate to my wife. I figure the highest demographic in this sub is men preparing their families so figured I’d share this.

My wife is not a prepper but she is supportive. That said I handle all the food and household supplies and security concerns. One thing that occurred to me is that my wife had to ask me to buy her tampons. It hit me then that I have not been taking into account is the feminine specific needs of my household, so much so that we ran out when things are good let alone when things go bad. I have months of food, water, ammo, and toilet paper that I have accounted for. Hell I make sure to have the dog food and treats prepped, but for some reason I never considered feminine hygiene. So just a reminder if you haven’t thought about it, everything you need now you will need in a SHTF scenario whether that be evacuating a storm for a few days or a pandemic. Don’t forget to keep the ladies in your life comfortable and clean.