termify - An open source CLI Spotify playback controller made with python using curses. The project is still very much in early development - contributions and suggestions are very much welcome
Posted by evanlaubster@reddit | linux | View on Reddit | 28 comments
The project is still very new in development, but currently has basic playback controls as well as playback device selection. I have plans for adding many new features like search, playlist selection, and playlist creation and management. Follow or contribute to the project on its GitHub repository! https://github.com/evanlaube/termify
Hello OP, what terminal emulator is this? can you please tell us the theme you are using? It looks very clean and minimal.
evanlaubster@reddit (OP)
This is on my Mac using iTerm2, but I also use konsole on my arch Linux machine that is set up similarly. If you’re talking about the prompt, I can send you my .zshrc file if you want to replicate it yourself. It uses powerlevel10k for the prompt
You just need to switch to a “nerd font”. It’ll contain the missing icons
thank you it's incrediable very very clean!!
It looks nice, pretty sure you'll make the ui better with time. I kinda want a community who makes apps as a CLI including myself. It's faster than GUI and has both retro and futuristic style according to design.
Awesome none the less
Great work!
[X] This is a checkbox
(o) This is a radio button
[ I am a push button ]
evanlaubster@reddit (OP)
Noted. How do you suggest visually displaying that the push button is the selected ui element?
You could check out textual (https://www.textualize.io/) if you want a nice tui library to just use (and your goal is not to actually play with / have fun writing the tui stuff yourself).
You can take inspiration e.g. from midnight commander.
you could use bold/italics/underline or add color or both (ie set background color of the selected ui element)
Great username.
Plot twist: it's an actual printer
Any reason you're not using spotipy to talk to Spotify?
evanlaubster@reddit (OP)
Mostly because I'd never heard of spotipy when I started the project. The original goal of the project was very simple - only play, and pause, really - but I've realized that termify could be so much more. Also, I wanted to write the PKCE authorization from scratch so I could learn how it works. Now that I have my own Spotify API wrapper set up, it's really easy to implement new functions I want, so I don't plan on porting the project to use spotipy, unless a good reason comes up.
Fool! Nice work man, is it just you by yourself currently? Do you have fixed ideas on how you want the interface to look and which libraries to use?
Very cool. I wish more folks did these for Pandora
Pretty neat. Would my project https://github.com/casualsnek/otslib be any helpful to you ?
This looks really awesome. Can't wait to see what the end product looks like.
As a huge fan of spotify-tui, I approve your project
it's great but i wish it had a a better UI in the terminal ( you know using ascii and stuff would make it look good)
and if it had a loading bar to show how much playback has been happening
evanlaubster@reddit (OP)
UI updates are going to be first to come, it is in a very base-level ‘it works’ state right now. If you’re passionate and have the time and ability, you’re more than welcome to contribute on the repository!
and does it need spotify permium to work? just asking...i would love to contribute but im just a begginer in programming but i know some stuff that's all, the UI a lil bit of ascii (like the album art could be ascii) a lil playback bar, icons for play/skip/previous etc... would make this a BANGER !
evanlaubster@reddit (OP)
To be honest, I'm not sure if it would work with Spotify premium. I'd assume the pause function would work, and the skip and previous would work within limits of your free plan. I encourage you to give it a shot with your free Spotify account, and let me know if it works at all. I'd love to have someone working to make the app usable to those without Spotify premium!
sure ima test it out 🙂 but i'm sure a lot of linux users are gonna love this (bcs linux users use A LOT of cli programs) and this could probably be a hit in that community
Awesome man! Keep up the good work.
Very cool!