A dad needs help: My son's first build

Posted by ChickenVest@reddit | buildapc | View on Reddit | 97 comments

Hi everyone,

My 9 y.o. son has become obsessed with computers and wants to build his first PC for his 10th birthday. I'm very supportive of this hobby but haven't spec'd a PC out in 20ish years

We are now trying to get down into the weeds and finalize a build list so we can start planning and we would really appreciate this community's input.

We are looking to run 1080p at 60-80 fps min. and while we won't be running all of the biggest games because of age restrictions we would like this PC to be able to run stuff like Hogwarts or the next CoD. I'm also a 3d printer enthusiast so I would love to get him into some basic 3d modeling some day. I would also like to be able to add ram and memory in the future so it can grow with him

This is his first draft build list that he did entirely by himself so please be gentle (https://pcpartpicker.com/list/tYmkFs).

It is around the budget we would like to spend but im sure there are opportunities. I would really like this to be a learning experience for my son and I so if you think there is stuff that should be changed I would really appreciate the reasoning behind it.

I have really enjoyed joining this sub and it has been a great opportunity to work on a project with my son. Hopefully I havent done anything that violates and rules. Thanks guys!