Is Linux really the solution to Windows?

Posted by Firm-Garbage-8188@reddit | linux | View on Reddit | 177 comments

I have recently tried Ubuntu both in a virtual machine and on an old laptop, and I was surprised by how much I could do with almost no knowledge about the OS and without opening the terminal. I was also very surprised by the speed and responsiveness of the OS in general.

This makes me very tempted to switch to Ubuntu as a daily driver, especially as the list of Windows apps and games that are also being developed for Linux, or that work with popular compatibility layers (Wine, Proton, etc.), is constantly growing. Unfortunately, though, I closely rely on Microsoft's Office suite for work with classmates, and after trying LibreOffice, Wine, and the web version of Office 365, nothing compares to the native Windows app.

What is Linux missing?
Why are so many people/organizations still relying on an old and outdated OS like Windows?
How long will it take for people to realize that Linux is the better choice?