Edit of my old post about lemmy and my improved take on Reddit alternatives.

Posted by AdvancedHard@reddit | RedditAlternatives | View on Reddit | 7 comments

Previous post: https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditAlternatives/s/3GL9cQ3up0

I posted here about how Lemmy developers are trying to control the masses and they are not using their project in a good way.

While I still believe that to some degree, I believe that Lemmy project could improve away from it's original developers, slowly but surely.

Users could block by default the bad 3 instances and work out their way in the ecosystem and when any bad lemmy change get introduced to the code they can fork it away and continue in a better way.

The Twitter situation has opened my eyes to the possibility that Reddit can die with thousand cuts instead of one blow away, there could be 10 alternatives that all work to replace Reddit and all of them could be used in parallel with each other to replace that big site.

I currently use Lemmy, Discuit, Telegram channels and Hacker News to replace my reddit usage and I had been able to replace at least about 40% of my use of Reddit and will continue to work on replacing more of my Reddit needs.

Lemmy has a ton of problems, but no software is perfect and anything could be improved as long as it'scstill actively developed.

We can't sit around and criticize other alternatives while we are currently using a sinking social media service, we need to leave it first then we can criticize alternatives and discuss about the best of them later.