Am I too sensitive to be married to a car guy?

Posted by frenchfryfans@reddit | askcarguys | View on Reddit | 261 comments

You can roast me on here, I genuinely came onto this thread to find out more from similarly passioned people.

I am married to a man who became a huge car guy in the past 6 months of our marriage. i won’t even get into the thousands of dollars he lost us in switching around cars (using for 2 months at a time and spending thousands on mods before selling for way less just because he fell in love with another car).

He recently sent me a meme about selling his kidney for an M4. He said he would definitely, without a doubt, do it for the car.

My dad is waiting for a kidney transplant and is going through dialysis right now. I feel like it was an incredibly insensitive thing to say, but I don’t want to punish him for my dad’s health. I just know I would give my kidney to my dad if we were a match, because I value health so much. I know my dad would sell any car if it allowed him the health of his kidney back. Was this an insensitive comment on my husband’s part, or am I just taking the joke too far?

If he genuinely feels that way, sure. But it felt like a kick in the face to say it to me? Hard not to feel like he values materialistic things over health and family.