What’s the best laptop for webdev?

Posted by 0xg0s@reddit | buildapc | View on Reddit | 1 comments

I’m purchasing a new laptop for school mostly will be used for web development programs such as VsCode and multiple google chrome tabs + regular personal use. Please also have in consideration that I don’t play video games and what is required is mainly for studying/working purposes and my main goal is buy something that last couple of years from now on and feels nice.

i3 11th gen 4 Cores, 8 Threads, Clockspeed at 2.0 GHz, Up to 3.7 GHz 32gb ram 1tb SSD


I7 series 1 16gb ram 512gb 512gb SSD

Same integrated graphic card for both (not a gamer so that’s fine)

Ram is not upgradable