Greta Thunberg arrested at Gaza protest in Denmark – DW – 09/04/2024
Posted by AravRAndG@reddit | anime_titties | View on Reddit | 357 comments
Posted by AravRAndG@reddit | anime_titties | View on Reddit | 357 comments
What the hell is this?
Palestinians should not be held accountable for the actions of Hamas. But Israeli citizens, students and professors must pay for the actions of their government?
What kind of hateful nonsense is this?
It's not a boycott of Israeli citizens. It's a boycott of relations with Israeli institutions, as a part of a broader scope of measures intended to politically isolate Israel from the rest of the world. The same thing was done in South Africa to end apartheid.
A) There have been a number of retrospective investigations into the South African academic boycott, and the overwhelming consensus is that it was, at best, empty, gesticular virtue signaling that accomplished nothing, and at worst it actively hurt the anti-apartheid cause.
B) punishing Israeli universities in this way hurts the Israeli left and helps the Israeli right. If you actually wanted to affect change, disempowering the forces in Israeli society that would naturally align with your cause is not the way to do it.
C) it's glaringly hypocritical that proponents of these boycotts single out Israel and only Israel. The University of Copenhagen has a campus in China, for example. Somehow Greta didn't mention that. Even if you choose to believe every accusation made against Israel, and absolve the Arab polities of all culpability/agency past and present, it still wouldn't be anywhere close to the 'worst' country.
Can you point me to a source for A), please?
Yes of course. Do you have access to jstor, or another institutional resource for broadly accessing academic journals?
Are you going to provide this source then?
I too would at least like an explanation that doesn't sound like handwaving.
Good points A) and B). You lost it with C).
Yep. I really don't understand how people think a whataboutism is a good argument. It is basically admitting that Israel is bad but at least not the worst. As if we should be thankful instead
Which is not even true, ethnic cleansing and genocide are pretty much the end all be all of crimes.
Zionism is Jewish self-determination. How do you think the vast majority of Jews feel when you tell them exercising their rights is ethnic cleansing and genocide?
I did not know self-determination required genocide. You either don't know what Zionism is or are acting like you don't.
It doesn't.
I'm a Zionist, so I think I would know what Zionism is.
You're the one who doesn't know what Zionism is.
So you're for an ethnostate and for eradication of Palestinians?
I think you're confusing Zionism with the Hamas charter and Palestinians with Israelis.
Look up "Zionism beliefs":
*Claim to a Jewish demographic majority and a Jewish state in Palestine.
*Ethnic unity and common ancestry of Jews.
*Negation of the life in the Diaspora.
*Revival of the Hebrew language.
*In the Israeli Declaration of Independence.
This all sounds very fascist and ethnostate.
I'm for a nation-state for Jews, as they have a right to have under international law, and for peace with the Palestinians.
You don't have a right to create a nation on land you don't own. Zionists are by definition committed to ethnic cleansing of Palestine in order to create a Jewish state (an ethno-state, in other words). None of that is moral. Ethno-states are racist constructs, ethnic cleansing is just wrong, land theft is wrong, etc. Also connecting Zionism with all Jews is racist as well, as there are many, many Jews who are vehemently opposed to it.
You can dress this up with appeals "self-determination" or whatever you want, but the underlying reality is that Zionists are fundamentally dedicated to ethnic cleansing, one of the most heinous crimes known to man.
How is any indigenous nation supposed to gain independence from colonizers, by that logic?
No, they're not. No Palestinians had to be moved to create a Jewish state.
You mean like the ethno-state of Palestine? Or is it just a racist construct when it's a Jewish state?
How many?
I'm a Zionist and I'm not dedicated to ethnic cleansing.
You're really barking up the wrong tree here, aren't you? Israel IS THE COLONIZER. The modern state of Israel was made by removing Palestinians and replacing them with settlers, a pattern that continues today in the West Bank.
Ahistorical bullshit.
If you are a Zionist, you are, if you aren't, you aren't a Zionist, you are just confused and don't have a clue what you are talking about.
A Zionist saying they aren't dedicated to ethnic cleansing is like someone who believes in Lebensraum not being dedicated to ethnic cleansing, it is a fundamental contradiction.
Israel is the indigenous nation. Jews are indigenous to Israel. The state was made by indigenous Jews declaring independence, not by removing Palestinians.
We'll never know because the Arab side rejected all deals and tried to drive the Jews into the sea.
The original statement was "Ethno-states are racist constructs." It's not whataboutism to apply that definition equally to all ethnic-based nation-states. I understand, though, it's uncomfortable to apply your insane standards for Israel to other groups.
I have a feeling that I, as a Zionist, know what Zionism is more than you do.
Can you answer my question? How many Jews are vehemently opposed to it?
It was made by colonizing Palestine with Jews from abroad, there are indigenous Jews there but there was a concerted effort to move Jews there from elsewhere and to remove Palestinians from what is now Israel in order to create a critical mass of Jews to gain firm control of the territory.
If I occupy half your house why would you ever accept a "deal"?
Which would be a valid complaint against what I'm saying if I was saying that there should be a Palestinian ethno-state in the region, which I am not saying. Instead its whataboutism because you are pointing to a (non-existant) Palestinian ethno-state to divert attention from Israel being an ethno-state. Any state in the region should impartially serve all of its inhabitants.
I don't think you do.
How many Jews support it? Its a meaningless question, but just as one example the Haredi Jews in Israel generally oppose it largely on religious grounds.
Yes, Jews lived in exile for centuries and then finally returned to their ancestral homeland. It's a beautiful thing.
Palestine is not the Arabs' house. It's a region they themselves colonized and then lost centuries ago.
So you're opposed to Palestinian statehood?
Zionism: "the movement for the self-determination and statehood for the Jewish people in their ancestral homeland, the land of Israel." Let me guess, you know more than the ADL?
Answer my question and I'll answer yours.
Do you believe Israel should be able to retain the lands in gained between 1948-1967?
I don't think it's "whataboutism". It's pointing out the hypocrisy of people protesting extremely hard when Israel does something bad, but when countries like China do something infinitely worse nobody bothers to do anything.
That's pretty much whataboutism
It's not, because he's not using it to deflect anything. He's mentioning three reasons why these protests are not that great, one of them being the hypocrisy in protesting this one, single instance of war crimes, while ignoring everything that's going on in Syria, all over Africa or the genocide happening in China.
You know, where was Thunberg when russia destroyed the Kakhovka Dam? Wouldn't an "environmental activist" be better suited to protesting THAT instead of an urban conflict? Sure, she did criticise them for it, but where were the protests? Where was the activism?
And like I said, it's not whataboutism because the aim is not to invalidate the point of the protests (because they DO have a point - even if misplaced), it's to show the hypocrisy of the main actors.
It's an excuse to do nothing.
To be fair, they're not doing nothing, it's an intentional choice to undermine.
Look at all the people who try to compare the IDF with Hamas and make favourable arguments for the former. If you can draw any sort of equivalence between the defence forces of a sovereign nation and a fundamentalist terrorist organization - even if you can argue the first one isn't as "bad" as the second - that's a really troubling thing.
i mean, IDF may be shooting people, but at least they are vegan
The mere fact they have to stoop as low as a fucking terrorist organisation says enough about how bad the IDF is
How is Israel the worst country??
I didn't say they were, I didn't say they weren't. OP's point C) is simple whataboutism, detracts from rather than adds to points A) and B). There is no rule that you're only allowed to protest the single very worst country and let others off no matter how bad they are. Kindergarten level thinking isn't helpful.
I don't think it needs to overlap with the other points for it to be valid.
I personally think Israel hasn't gone far enough, that the boycotts are a waste of time, and I know that nothing can be done to stop the mighty IDF and US forces from controlling and containing the situation there.
I also know that the BDS movement itself is spearheaded by emboldened antisemites and Islamic fundamentalists too cowardly to admit their ulterior motives, which is destruction of Israel, Palestinians as a replacement to Israel (not a two state solution), and round 2 of the Holocaust. They've said this and preach it in their protests.
Yeah, you're not a serious person.
Nope. I'm very serious. Even worked in throughout the Middle East between 2011 and 2016. I've dealt with the terrorist threat firsthand and have the scars to prove it.
Islamic fundamentalism is a threat to the observable universe.
congratulations: you went to a place to kill people, got attacked and are using the attack to justify killing even more people.
you ara fascist.
I was a civilian, never served in the military, though some civilian contractors admittedly kill people too.
You're calling a liberal/leftist black man who grew up in public housing in a poor neighborhood a fascist. A fascist for not taking the Islamofascist platform.
So you're saying that anybody with a background like yours couldn't possibly be fascist? But everybody else, including people who've struggled a lot more than you have, can totally be called fascists, got it.
It's good that you're not in a difficult environment anymore but being a black American man from a poor neighbourhood doesn't give you a pass for denying genocide and being incredibly racist and Islamophobic.
being black doesnt makes you imune to fascism.
being liberal is the opposite of being leftist.
you went to middle east in a imperialist project. you may not have killed anyone directly, but you sure did take your share in participating the system that killed people.
i wouldnt blame you. it is a job, after all and i know how the system push many people to do so. the problem is that you really think a genocide is justifiable and are using your terrible experience as a reason to that.
Way to double down in proving the opposite of what you claim; the lack of self awareness isalmost charming but actually tragic and offensive in equal measure.
Lack of self-awareness? For not accepting the terrorist platform?
I don't hate Palestinians. Unfortunately, their leaders and some within the population don't feel the same about me. In case you didn't know, they don't take kindly to Americans and have a very long history of unequal to brutal treatment against black people.
Why would I rally behind people who would think nothing of kidnapping and killing me and my family, just as they did to the hostages? Give me one good reason. I don't think you can.
Are you a serious person?
Oh the irony...
C points out hypocrisy. It's worth raising.
It’s just plain whataboutism, you’re not pointing out any hypocrisy.
If someone was against Israel but also pro China, that would be hypocrisy. But you’re saying “oh we know Israel is bad but what about these guys”.
It makes you wonder why they singled out this one specific issue when there are so many worse instances of the specific issue occurring at this same time. What's so special about Israel when you have Yemen or Sudan or Eritrea?
Israel is in the western sphere for one, and is a major ally of the US and other European powers.
Yemen, Sudan and Eritrea are all awful but Israel/Palestine has been going on for about a century at this point.
And Gaza’s death toll is very comparable to Sudan and Yemen, with the former having 38 people killed per day in Darfur, the latter having 103 people killed per day and Gaza having 119 killed per day.
It’s still a humanitarian disaster and atrocities are committed almost daily. Why would anyone be against bringing about awareness of it?
Has Greta said anything about Sudan, Eritrea or any of the countless other humanitarian disasters and atrocities going on? My point is that she's being awfully selective about what she cares about.
Your point is whataboutism.
It's a basic fallacy. You do not get to undermine A, because of B.
I'm questioning her motives for only caring about one. That's not whataboutism.
I have resisted this repeatedly because it's such an easy target, but you repeatedly underline, reinforce, and demonstrate its truth: username absolutely checks out.
Oh wow. Attacks against my username. How clever of you.
Like I said I resisted and resisted, but you just kept on coming with moronic non-arguments. And saying your username is apt is not an attack on your username, it's a fine and fitting username. Just so we're clear on this latest bit of idiocy, anyone - yes even you - can easily check and find Thunberg does not "only care about one." Another poster even linked her talking about Sudan specifically, but I doubt you even looked at that.
And anyway, what's with your own "awfully selective" about what you care about?? Sure you're defending the Israeli state, what about China and the Uighers? Myanmar and the Rohingya? Don't you care how the Spanish treat donkeys? What are your motives for only caring about one? Smells like hypocrisy according to… well, you.
Okay. Sounds good.
It's literally whataboutism.....
You have to play the ball instead of saying the ball doesn't count. It always counts. Balls are critically important. Trust me on that.
If Hitler came back tomorrow and said Hamas' October 7 attacks were unjustifiable he'd be right.
He'd still be a fuckhead.
But if anyone said "Hitler doesn't really care about this" in order to undermine the issue, it would absolutely be whataboutism.
Anyway, I still don’t get this logic. Does someone have to be deeply educated and constantly protesting about each and every conflict on the planet to have a say on anything?
Is Israel committing war crimes in Gaza? Yes or no? If so, why would you be against it being brought to light? Especially when it’s western governments supporting those crimes
You’re not going to affect much by protesting about Yemen and Sudan because everything that can be done about it, is already being done. Unless you’re going to protest for more aid to be sent, there isn’t anyone standing up and saying they support and would like the humanitarian disaster those people are going through, so there isn’t much to protest against.
Unlike with Israel, where the US and other European countries are still sending weapons to bomb more toddlers to bits, where there are people who are genuinely happy with the destruction in Gaza, if not wanting more, and where the conflict has been a hot topic for decades, even if you ignore everything since October 2023, from the illegal occupation, the settlements, yada yada
No it doesn't! It's just whataboutism, pure and simple. Not protesting every other injustice doesn't make you a hypocrite for protesting one particular injustice! Why are these boycotters not protesting the oppression in Myanmar? What about the Kurds in Turkey? If they're so concerned about Israeli oppression of Palestinians, why so quiet about Pakistanis and albinos in Africa, eh? What about Spanish mistreatment of donkeys? Hypocrites…
You're no more serious than the other poster.
It makes you wonder why they singled out this one specific issue when there are so many worse instances of the specific issue occurring at this same time. What's so special about Israel when you have Yemen or Sudan or Eritrea?
No more than I wonder why you do.
In that I don't. If you're wrong, it's because what you're saying is wrong. Not because I've never asked you about something else.
The reason why it's universities that are targeted is a) because it's student protests, and as students of their university they have a direct involvement with the cooperation agreements that their alma mater conducts, and b) because Israeli universities facilitate and support the actions against Palestinians in various ways - the demand attached to the boycott typically is to stop that support.
By that reasoning you can't protest against anything, because there's always some other problem going on somewhere else.
I'd also say Israel's treatment of Palestinians is among the worst in the world right now and only topped by some 3rd world countries.
Student governments don't have anywhere near enough influence on policy enacted by university administration to effectively pressure them on Israel.
Edit: I’m reposting this comment because the previous one was erased since I didn’t have a user flair.
Of course they have. In my country student protests have changed legislation. Around 2011 the government wanted to make changes to the law which would make public universities partially private, and students from the 2 biggest public universities, which also happen to be the top 2 universities in my country, went on some heavy protests and managed to stop the government from implementing those changes. The student representatives from both universities sat with the government to negotiate and protect public education, not just for universities but schools too.
Student protests have lead to revolutions in entire countries, getting a minor policy change in their own university is well within their ability, since they only need to pressure their university, and they are physically present there.
Also, it's not a secret that universities such as Ben Gurion university openly host "the future base of the Israel Defense Forces’ (IDF) elite technology units". They literally brag about it on their own website after all. They openly work together with them on creating the future generations of weapons to be used against Palestinian civilians. It's not surprising that students would demand their university stop supporting institutions like the ben gurion university.
What Israel did to Palestinians is basically African-level carnage (think Sudan or Ethiopia). While China does shady things to Uyghurs, they do not even come close to this type of violence. A better comparison is Russia in its treatment of Ukraine and I don't think Denmark has that many ties to Russia these days.
A. Is unbased, B. Is a denial, not a proposition. B is what nations do to push other nations to agreements, without war. C. Is clearly a red herring fallacy.
Israeli people should be considered a different entity than israeli state. Nonetheless, they will suffer along with the choices of their governments, as all peoples with every government.
And always the least knowledgeable will make the biggest ruckus
there is no israeli left, as much as there is no US left.
It didn't.
From who? Certainly not South African academics.
Putting this into A, B, C didn't make it sound like less of a tantrum.
But there is no apartheid in Israel
According to the two largest human rights NGOs there is. Human rights watch. Amnesty International
These reports are pre October 7th. Now at best Israel conducts Apartheid, and at worst genocide. Solidarity, Greta.
yikes. I bet HRW has totally unbiased reporting...
Also if even the founder has to come out and speak against HRW covering of I/P...
according to the ICJ!
And according to the OG apartheid, South Africa
It's a boycott of Israeli citizens. Individual Israelis and pro-Israel Jews have been targeted by the BDS movement.
Since October, they've been trying to agitate as many people disconnected from the conflict as they can, for simply being Jewish or having the audacity to be connected to Israel or Jewish people in any way.
Yeah all hamas’ propaganda has done is cause Jews in other countries to get attacked and hasn’t actually saved any Palestinians.
Funny how that works
Hamas rapists/child abusers don't cate about Palestinians. They use them as bulletproof vests.
"Germans should be held accountable for actions of their Nazi Government."
Iirc it's to stop the influence of the Israeli government with those universities. So to stop that there is certain propaganda within colleges. Atleast that's the case in the Netherlands
And it's funny, because the Israeli influence is a drop in the bucket compared to Qatar, which has spent by far more than any other country, over 4.7B USD. (
There's a certain irony when Qatar is donating to create joint journalism programs with American students while Qatari journalists can be jailed for a tweet.
What does Northwestern U have to do with Denmark?
Sorry about that, I fixed the link. The article I originally posted was a case study of Northwestern U, but also cited the report I meant to post.
Do you think Denmark is part of the US?
No, but the BDS is a global movement.
Virtually all of the BDS campaigns on campuses today are a direct response to the 2005 Palestinian National Call for BDS, a call put out by a coalition of Palestinian organizations led by the P.L.O. and including Hamas and other terrorist organizations. The BDS movement was established with the intention of isolating the Jewish state in order to eliminate it. In addition, today’s BDS leaders, both in the US and abroad, have, almost to a one, publicly advocated for the elimination of the Jewish state, a goal considered antisemitic by world leaders such as the Pope, President Obama, the Prime Ministers of Canada, England and France, scholars of antisemitism, and the vast majority of the organized Jewish community.
So if Hamas issues statement calling people to drink alot of water then drinking alot of water is anti Semitic.
Boycoting is not terrorism. The BDS is not doing any terrorism. BDS is not calling for its members to commit illegal activities.
BDS movement objective is ending the Israeli occupation of the occupied Palestinian territories and the Syrian Golan.
Delusion and victim complex.
I never said boycotting was terrorism, but I invite you to please point to where I said as much.
The official BDS movement still works in conjunction with the Palestinian National and Islamic Forces. Here's a photo from their own website of their delegation traveling to Brazil to encourage the govt to abandon a $35m development collaboration project with Israel.
Pictured with them is Salah Khawajah, spokesperson for the Palestinian National and Islamic Forces, according to the BDS website itself. The Palestinian National and Islamic Forces includes * Hamas * Palestinian Islamic Jihad (the folks who accidentally rocketed the palestinian hospital), * Fatah, * the PFLP (well known for pioneering armed aircraft-hijackings in the late 1960s and early 1970s) * The DFLP (best known for the 1974 Ma'alot massacre, which was a kidnapping of 115 mostly school children hostages), * the Palestinian Popular Jihad Brigades, * The Palestinian Liberation Front, known for the hijacking of the Italian cruise ship MS Achille Lauro on 7 October 1985, and murdering an elderly wheelchair-dependent Jewish New Yorker, Leon Klinghoffer.
And many other similar organizations.
You were trying vilify boycotts and other nonviolent means of resistance by lying about the BDS objectives claiming that the BDS aims to "eliminate" Israel - i know that Zionists can't help projecting their genocial wishes.
Worse, you keep trying to associate the BDS with some Palestinian organizations like Hamas saying that the BDS founding as well as all BDS activities on campuses as the materialization of the wishes of terrorist Palestinian organizations.
Never mind that BDS is more of a tactic. Everyone from hamas to college students can engage in BDS. There are even Jewish Israelis doing BDS (Boycott from Within association).
BDS should be judged based on its objectives and actions!! last time i checked aparthied boycotts are neither wrong nor immoral.
Imagine traveling with a KKK member on official organization business trips and still saying your organization is not racist. "It's just these zionists that wish to associate us with these violent organizations."
Hamas is a current member of the Palestinian BDS National Committee, which, according to their own website, is the broadest Palestinian civil society coalition that works to LEAD and support the BDS movement for Palestinian rights.
Even the NY Times agrees (
If the BDS movement wants to distance themselves from the leading BDS Committee and the armed resistance groups, they're more than welcome to, but I've never seen it.
The real KKK are the IOF and settlers!!
Your logic is clear example of the guilty by association fallacy.
Again, any organization is to be judged by its actions and objectives!! Both the objectives and actions of the BDS are legit, rightful and moral!!
And this committee includes tens and tens of other bodies from Palestinian NGO Network, countless Palestinian workers unions, farmers unions, women union, writers union, lawyers unions etc etc
More importantly, BDS is to judged based on its objectives and actions!!
BDS is to judged based on its objectives and actions!!
Also per my last comment, BDS is a tactic.
BDS is supported by wide range of bodies and orgs from around the world like Jewish Voices for Peace and even Jewish Israelis like from Within association.
Oh no, you got. Why should BDS condemn armed struggle?
General Assembly resolution A/RES/38/17 which "Reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for their independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial domination, apartheid and foreign occupation by all available means, including armed struggle"
These USA terror designation are motivated by the interest of the USA and Israel. Why is the IOF not on this list?
BDS is to judged based on its objectives and actions!!
The guilty by association fallacy doesn't apply when the terrorists sit on your boards and are full members. It's not an association. They are a venn diagram.
The UN resolution 37/43 states that "The struggles of peoples under colonial, alien domination, racist regimes for the implementation of their right to self determination and independence is legitimate and in full accordance with principles of international law.
Any attempt to suppress struggle against colonial, alien domination, racist regimes is incompatible with the charter of the United Nations"
Another UN resolution "reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for their independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial domination, apartheid and foreign occupation by all available means, including armed struggle"
This whole post is a lot of words when you could've just said this and saved us the effort of reading everything else. I'm glad to know where you truly stand.
Imagine traveling with a KKK member on official organization business trips and still saying your organization is not racist. "It's just these zionists that wish to associate us with these violent organizations."
Hamas is a current member of the Palestinian BDS National Committee, which, according to their own website, is the broadest Palestinian civil society coalition that works to LEAD and support the BDS movement for Palestinian rights.
Even the NY Times agrees (
If the BDS movement wants to distance themselves from the leading BDS Committee and the armed resistance groups, they're more than welcome to, but I've never seen it.
"Trying to fight apartheid with rockets and terrorism is unacceptable!"
Ok. Yes. You're right. We should use peaceful protest and boycotts.
"Anti-semitism! Terrorist conspiracy!"
Please. Let people take peaceful actions of resistance, or tell me you condone illegal apartheid. Do you condone illegal apartheid?
There are plenty of peaceful Palestinian acts of "resistance" that I have not criticized. Please point to where I said that peaceful resistance is not ok.
Or do you condone jumping on the coat tails of movements started by terrorists?
Sounds great! I think more can be done to intensify calls for BDS. Hopefully it has the same effect that it had on apartheid South Africa.
When the initiative was started by Hamas and many other recognized terrorist organizations (that have called for the elimination of Israel) in order to harm Israel at all levels, I hope it's obvious why even president Obama went as far to say that the movement was antisemitic.
BDS has been around since before Israel helped found Hamas.
But yes it is pretty obvious why a US president would call any criticism and non-violent action against the government of Israel antisemitic?
BDS as a theory existed, but no organized boycott started until 2002.
From the website of the BDS movement.
Note that Hamas is among those "civil society organizations" but not mentioned there.
Source: I made it up. But nice try!
The first signatory of the Palestinian BDS Call was the Council of National and Islamic Forces in Palestine, which, according to the Anti-Defamation League, was founded by Yasser Arafat at the start of the Second Intifada in 2000 for the purpose of “organizing a unified effort among major Palestinian factions to oppose Israel and coordinate terror attacks.” The Council includes among its constituent organizations Hamas, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and PFLP – General Command, all three of which are on the U.S. Department of State’s list of Designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations and are committed to the elimination of Jews and the Jewish state through terrorism and violent means.
I'm happy to list all the other terrorist groups that are part of the Council...
Do you consider anyone that criticizes Israel illegal occupation a terrorist? That would explain a lot
Nope. I think that the free exchange of ideas and opinion is important. An academic boycott of this nature, created by literal terrorists, goes against this.
So if you’re in favor of a “free exchange of ideas” that means you’re also against illegal occupation and apartheid, right?
I see what you're trying to do with changing the subject.
Trying to get me in a gotcha does not change the fact that BDS is a terrorist-created movement that sought to enlist the support of well-intentioned activists in opposing any cultural or academic exchange with Israel.
Answer the question, Susan. Do you think illegal occupation and apartheid are an abhorrent practice and that BDS should be deployed to fight against it? It’s a yes or no question.
Like I said, I see that you're trying to change the subject of BDS's terroristic origins, and yet you still support it.
Thanks that the answer I needed
You're just mad because the other user exposed your hatred for the Jews.
Want to know something? BDS doesn't matter, is ineffective, and spearheaded by Islamic terrorist sympathizers.
But none of that is important, anyway. Israel, the mighty IDF, and US forces aren't going anywhere, and there's nothing you or anyone else can do about it. The IDF will stay in Gaza and the Israeli terroritory called West Bank for as long as needed, and no one is powerful enough to stop it.
If you don't like it, too bad. Find another hobby besides praying for round 2 of the Holocaust. That's what the whole BDS and anti-Israeli movement is about. The Palestinians are their own worst enemy, their problems.s are self-inflicted, and antisemitism is rampant in Middle Eastern society.
Where is your outrage when Lebanon commits real apartheid against Palestinians? Or when Jordan subjugated them? Or when Kuwait sequestered them before they were kicked out of the country with nothing after the Gulf War? Any critique?
We all know why. If it isn't Jews, it isn't news.
I'm American, but my ex is serving in the IDF now. I've already sent her 3 care packages, and if you message me, I'll send her a fourth one through international mail today.
My advice to you is to go and protest all the gay people Hamas and other terrorists there love to torture. Or the racism against black people and Asians present in that society.
Sorry I don’t speak to apartheid supporters. But in the meantime if you want to show your support for it, I encourage you to try this.
Huh? What apartheid? The one in Lebanon? Kuwait? Jordan? I haven't seen one in any Israeli territory.
Occupation isn't apartheid.
Now I'm off to send her another care package, thanks to your reply. I'll be sure to let her know that you motivated me to send another.
Thanks for doing your part in helping the almighty IDF.
Send her this and tell her it’s not too late:
Why should I? You completely dodged all of my points.
The package I told you about has already been sent. Thanks for your help and assistance to the IDF. I seriously wouldn't have done it if you didn't reply. Without your generosity by replying, I wouldn't have done it, and I'm not bullshitting either.
I mean if you really want an answer to your question: this is apartheid.
But if you’re just playing dumb, then I reiterate my previous offer for you.
I study in TAU, thanks for also boycotting my Arab professors, doctors, and staff and the 20% of Arab students in the Israeli academia.
Zionists and lying their asses off even if their own sources contradict them, name a more iconic duo
Here is the statement from Hamas themselves
Just remember the psychos who are arguing with you. They're outing themselves as part of the pro-Hamas crowd.
I heard Hamas also support breathing air, does oxygen make you a terrorist 🤔?
One can suspect some of that Money goes to this activism
We should probably drop relations with Qatari universities as well. Two things can be true at once.
Almost all Israeli donations are public, which is why the BDS movement can target them so publicly. Over 100 American colleges and universities failed to report these significant Qatari contributions, in direct violation of legal requirements.
Jailing for a tweet is still good, sometimes they return them with IKEA manual.
It's a strawman you created to whip on perhaps.
Western nations have no problem boycotting Russia, Cuba, China, and other countries over political differences. Why Israel is held at a special standard?
Also, there is a difference between Palestinians and Israeli in this situation. The war right now is between Gaza and Israel. The former only consists of a subset of Palestinians and the latter consists of almost the entirety of Israeli's.
If Palestinians from West Bank are subjected to boycott over the actions of Hamas for instance, then that'd be as inappropriate as targeting non-Israeli Jews over the actions of Israel. But of course, that's not the case.
It's OK when that exact thing happened to iraqis, because of saddams government action.
Palestinians are being "held accountable" by being genocided to the last man, woman and child, their homes razed and settlers placed to replace them, which many western powers are bankrolling or outright supporting.
Israelis are being "held accountable" because some people want to boycott their institutions?
That's not to demean or understate the horrible Israeli deaths due to terrorism, but you just need to look at the numbers of civilians dead on either side to know that Israel's response isn't right. Hamas is the Israeli government's Al Quaeda, using the pain of their civilians as an excuse for invasion, rape, plunder and genocide.
Then why are there so many left? If this is what Israel is doing, they're doing a really shitty job of it.
Ethnic cleansing is part of genocide, and that includes chasing people away from the place where they live.
Except that's not what /u/alexpander4 said. They said that they were being "genocided to the last man, woman, and child."
It's braindead hyperbole that gets brought up and immediately walked back every time it's used. "Genocide doesn't necessarily mean killing, even though that's the meaning that was deliberately implied!"
No no, having seen those recent videos of a UN convoy picking their way through the deserted ruins of a completely flattened city, I think genocide is a pretty appropriate term. A holocaust even, though obviously not that holocaust. I'd also apply it to Korea, Vietnam, the War on Terror, the Boer War camps, and any other ""war"" where civilians are killed en-masse for no reason other than that they're there.
Then you don't understand the word genocide. It is offensive to the victims of actual genocides to compare those wars to genocides.
Again: absolutely shameless exaggeration that is as disrespectful to the victims of this disaster as it is to the actual Holocaust.
"Genocide is anything I think is bad, because it's a scary word."
Sure, that's a slightly hyperbolic expression so far.
But are you really going to be pedantic about the difference between "being genocided to the last man, woman and child", and just being ordinarily genocided? What difference does that make?
They're killing plenty too, don't worry.
Sure, that's a slightly hyperbolic expression so far.
But are you really going to be pedantic about the difference between "being genocided to the last man, woman and child", and just being ordinarily genocided? What difference does that make?
They're killing plenty too.
It tends to go pretty slowly if you just use artillery and foot soldiers looting and burning as they go. It also causes morale issues (see the Vietnam war). Detaching your soldiers from the death they cause using drones is a partial solution. However another nation about fifty years ago was faced with the same logistical problems and they found a deeply unpleasant yet effective solution.
Is this a reference to Nazi Germany? I think you need to check your timeline. And also your head because you're saying some crazy stuff.
It's not that crazy, the Israeli command uses their propaganda playbook very well
Why are there so many bosnians left after the Bosnian genocide? If Serbia wants to kill them all they would have done it already. Why only kill 30k people.
That's what you sound like. Genocide doesn't mean killing every individual at every opportunity. Its "in part or in whole"
Give them a break. The Palestinian cause doesn't attract the brightest bulbs.
Bog standard genocide denial, "why are there so many native americans left", "why are there so many Armenians left", and for that matter "why are there so many Jews left".
As far as I'm aware, Settlers only exist in the West Bank. There have no Settlers in Gaza since Israel pulled out in 2005.
You get all your news from memes
The problem with getting your news from memes is it makes you say crazy people stuff
Does the money go to Israel?
Antisemitism is back and the kids just can't get enough!
Yay TikTok!!
It's almost as if one is a liberal democracy where the people can voice their opinion and vote, and the other is not.
People (Palestinians) have been arrested for Facebook posts by Israel in the occupied territories.
People (palestinians) get killed by their countrymen if they dare to suggest that maybe that should coexist with Israel
People (Humans) have been getting arrested for inciting hate and calling to murder people, in many first world democratic countries. That the medium of transmitting death threats and inciting hate was Facebook rather than a physical letter is besides the point.
Example A
Example B
And here's an example from ireland too:
Example C
All with a five second google search.
Can you give any examples of Israelis being arrested for inciting violence against Palestinians?
Yes, of course
Mate... That dude is a minister now in the current government. And that was 17 years ago.
I find Ben Gvir to be abhorrent and should think he should rot in a cell; I don't think a former convict getting into a position of power implies a lack of democracy however.
Regarding it being 17 years ago, I said it was off the top of my head, as it's a famous example; you can use google just like me. Here's another case I remember off the top of my head, for example.
There are plenty of cases from the recent war as well, but your question was more of a failed 'gotcha!' attempt at proving something. Yes, arresting or convicting people for hatred and incitement has been going on for a long time, and it's not because of religion or nationality or some method of oppression. Don't call to murder people and you won't get arrested, it's really that simple and similar clauses exist in many first world democracies in the world.
He isn't in power in spite of his hateful opinions, he's in power because of them.
yeah this guy faced really serious legal consequences, like "getting promoted to one of the most powerful men in Israel". Really does not help your point
Anti-semitism plain and simple. They hate Jewish people and this very thinly veiled example is just another one to add to the pile.
Palestinians can never win. Whenever they try to resist peacefully, this is the type of nonsense that comes out.
I mean...
People always say it's the only democracy in the region. It's according to many one of the top reasons to help the country. Then shouldn't we view the county and her people differently than a more or less violent dictatorship from Hamas?
Isn't the whole deal of a democracy that the people got the power? If the US votes in Trump and he starts an unprovoked war with China, should we not blame the people of the US who voted in Trump? And if there is no big protest going on, 80% of the US is supporting Trump and the war isn't it then a war of the people?
You could even make the argument about apartheid and genocide. If there is a case going on, should we view Israel as a normal country? Think about cases with famous people. Should Disney just start their new movies with Kang while Jonathan Majors got some damming allegations against him? Nah, of course they stopped everything and waited for the legal system. What shouldn't we hold countries accountable in the same way? Especially democracies.
Currently many Palestinian universities are bombed out shells, Palestinian academics and students are dying. Boycotting Israeli universities is hardly an inconvenience in comparison.
Yes. Hamas is autocratic, totalitarian government without empowerment from the people. Israel is totalitarian, apartheid government with empowerment from the people.
Hence the difference.
This is the exact same as what was done to South Africa during apartheid.
Are sanctions against Russia a "hateful nonsense" too?
Why is it acceptable to demand the collective punishment of Israelis for the actions of its government (boycotting Israeli universities), but the moment someone says UNRWA shouldn't be funded because of what some of its members have done and said on social media, that's wrong?
It took me 6 months to accept that the double standards Israel is being held to is nothing but a coordinated propaganda attack from bigots, and a ton of people too stupid to think for themselves parroting social media
6 months to come to a weird-ass conclusion is a weird flex. There is a genocide going on.
tHErE iS a gENoCiDe GoINg On
"think for themselves" aka use evidence to build their world view?
Yes, evidence like the ICC refusing to call it genocide
You're either a bigot or a useful idiot, those are your choices. Civilians die in wars. 600k German civilians died in WWII. Great Britain purposefully targeted civilians. Nazi Germany wasn't a victim of genocide.
Japan killed as many as 10 million civilians in Asia, most historians don't consider it genocide.
Close TikTok and open a history book
You're joking right? Historians do call the Japanese slaughters genocides.
You admitted the ICC hasn't called it a genocide and then doubled down on your bigoted bullshit
Don't misunderstand me, Israel's far right government is bad. But Palestine is worse. If you had an IQ above room temperature you'd be able to think in nuance instead of binary
I just did the ICC hasn't called it such, that doesn't mean it isn't a genocide. Learn how to think, please.
Israel is way worse. It is a government, not a terrorist organisation like Hamas, yet it acts like one. Israel kills babies, international humanitarian aid organisations in marked vehicles, red cross and journalist. Plus Israeli snipers aim for children's heads.
40,000 Palestinians have been killed. If 4000 of them were combatants that'd be a normal death toll for urban warfare according to the UN. 9 civilians die for every combatant in urban warfare.
US intelligence estimates about 1.5 civilians are dying for every combatant in Gaza.
In cities in Iraq the US killed roughly 3 civilians for every combatant. No one called that a genocide because America isn't a Jewish nation, and Iranian trolls didn't have a foothold on social media like they do today (plus Iran didn't like Iraq)
You're like a Trumper who puts no thought into what you parrot and have repeated it so many times you believe it's true (when even the ICC which is only relevant when it's calling something a genocide, isn't calling this a genocide)
Over 20,000 children. I'm sorry you think that's acceptable, that's actually vile. Now go away
UN says otherwise. They cut the dead child estimate in half in June. And yes, that's acceptable to me either number.
That was in May
I think it's a little different when UNRWA buildings were literally sharing their utilities with the Hamas tunnels underneath. There's no way they didn't know about that.
The tunnels run basically under everything in the Gaza. Schools, hospitals, government building or regular houses (even seen a photos of kids room with a tunnel entrance), there’s no discrimination to what could be used as a tunnel entrance.
And that’s exactly when the international law and Geneva Convention get convoluted. Striking the aforementioned infrastructure is indeed a war crime as they are considered protected building, however, the moment such buildings are used for military activity, they lose the protected status (since it’s also a war crime to use such buildings).
Perfidy is also high on the Hamas agenda and that’s how easily you can get civilians killed.
All very good points, but infrastructure connecting the tunnels to UNRWA HQ tells us there had to be some level of collusion.
Yeah, these tunnels weren't just underneath these buildings. There were entrances to them in the buildings, they shared utilities, there was shared storage, etc.
Lmao. Yeah I heard that tale before, with the hospital they sieged. Israel never could prove that there was an entrance to a hamas HQ in that hospital. The best they could do was a tunnel entrance a street away not even close to the hospital
Just today Israel posted another photo of a tunnel entrance right in a child room. Though, I already expect an answer like “it’s a fake/they put it there” or some other bullshit.
Is this yet another hole they claim to be a tunnel then show no footage entering the tunnel or from inside the tunnel? Are they trying that bullshit again? I've seen this claim from them so many times now, I'm pretty sure at this point they brand every single damn crawlspace a hamas tunnel. Then they don't show any footage from inside because they know anyone who has ever lived in a house with a crawlspace would instantly recognise it as one.
I've seen the footage you talk of, they have a video in which you can't see it and then they take a picture from a very shallow angle to make sure you can't actually look in and see whether or not it is an actual tunnel. But don't worry! They zoom in on a teddy bear! Clearly that teddy bear means it is the biggest hamas tunnel ever found guys! No need to actually aim the camera into the tunnel and show it from several angles to show it's actually a tunnel!
Why their hesitation to show a proper video rather than a crappy shallow angle photo? Oh wait, I know, I need only remember this is the country that tried to claim a calendar was a "hamas hostage guard list", it's because their narrative doesn't like up with reality.
It’s rather clear it’s a tunnel entrance. Could be some basement of the house but then it raises the question. Why would you even consider putting that in a child’s room? It’s definitely not safe.
So no matter how hard you attempt to talk it out of it, this is clearly an entrance to underground spaces.
Do you mean the one where they pointed to a calendar and called it a Hamas member list?
The hospital that hamas hit with a rocket attack that got blamed on Israel somehow? That one?
You’re treating it as a foregone conclusion but I disagree. Could Hamas have been connected to their power without UNRWA knowing? Maybe some of the employees implicated in Oct 7th did it. Maybe Hamas started taking power after UNRWA staff was evacuated on Oct 12.
The ones who had no evidence against them provided, showing Israel made shit up?
It's possible there wasn't collusion, but we have witnesses that say otherwise.
For sure. I’m not saying it’s not collusion, just that there is a possibility that it’s not. thanks for the article. I’ll look more into it.
I understand. I'm agreeing with you that it's possible, however unlikely.
I'd also say that Egypt should be put into check. There are only two possible routes for weapons and ammunition to be snuggled in (via tunnels under the border or sea route).
Billions of euros just can't disappear like that without seeing any result in the affected area.
There is discrimination. They deliberately place them in sensitive civilian infrastructure - they don’t do it indiscriminately.
Have you seen the population and tiny size of gaza? You cant turn your head without swinging your nose into civilian infrastructure. Thats what happens when a fascist ethnostate like Israel turns the place into a concentration camp
Maybe then don't use them to shield yourself?
20% of citizens are arabs, and jews hails from all places in Europe, MENA and Ethiopia.
I wonder why the border with Egypt was closed too
Israel literally uses palestinian children as human shields.
Good to know i am right about Israel being fascist.
With fewer rights than Jewish citizens.
Because Israel demands it be closed.
Nah, I just lolled
Arguably with more rights, since they aren't forced to join the army, and anyway they llive in better conditions than any other arab state, except maybe Bahrain and the likes. Also, Palestine would be an ethnostate, many arab states are ethnostates, that's not and issue for you?
Blatant lies, why am i not surprised. Theyre second class citizens that are openly discriminated against by the state and have laws written specifically saying they have fewer rights than Jews.
Provide us with some of those laws, then. If what you're saying is true it should be easy.
The first one specifically declares anyone who isn't Jewish to be second class citizens. The second is government policy excluding arab Israeli from being able to own/lease land the way Jewish Israeli can, heavily restricting their opportunities.
Imagine being pro-Palestine and accusing Israel of being a fascist ethnostate.
Israel literally prides itself on being an ethnostate buddy. The nationstate law they passed a few years was them literally taking the mask off and admitting it
Buddy, Palestine is a self-declared Arab Muslim state, just like the 25+ other states in the Arab League. Getting your panties in a twist about Israel being Jewish is just another hypocritical double standard.
Imagine going to bat for a fascist ethnostate because you hate muslims
LOL, thanks for not disputing Palestine is a fascist ethnostate. How embarassing.
Whatever helps you support a fascist ethnostate buddy. You'd be hateful enough to join hamas if you weren't already enamoured with Israel.
Stop the appropriation right there. Palestinians are the ones being collectively punished by getting mass murdered and with an active genocide against their people. Israelis aren't collectively punished. Boycott is a form of protest and everyone is free to choose what to protest for. It's not antisemitism, if you boycott Israeli economy, politicians and Israeli influence.
Your comment is a typical rage bait pro genocide enjoyer. Imagine the audacity to compare a simple boycott at a university to 40.000 innocent dead people and both are called collective punishment.
What genocide?
Still no genocide here 🫤
Is that why there's an ICJ order for the arrest of Netanyahu?
No such thing
Appropriation? The Palestinians have a right to claim collective punishment but Israel doesn't, just as a matter of right? Double standards much?
Do you consider Palestine and Israel to be the same? Should they be treated the same on an international level?
No, you should judge each instance distinctly. I took issue with the idea of 'appropriating' collective punishment as if any one country or people has the exclusive right to claim that.
You called it a double standard, which would imply you believe they should be held to the same standard. So, should Palestine and Israel be considered the same in the eyes of the international community?
? My entire point is that saying Palestinians have a right to claim collective punishment but that Israelis do not is a double standard. Each should be able to claim collective punishment when relevant. I don't know what gotcha you're trying to establish here.
It's not a gotcha, it's a requirement for something to be a double standard. You wouldn't call it a double standard that a child can't legally buy alcohol but adults can.
Do you think we should hold Israel and Palestine to the same standard?
"Israeli Influence" extends to Jews, so it's OK to boycott them? Is that what you're trying to say? Now talk about the globalists. It's cool, you can take the mask off.
Israel ≠ Jews the same way Hamas ≠ Palestinians
Of course. The person I was responding to was half a step away from justifying boycotting Jews in general when they mentioned boycotting "Israeli Influence", which usually refers to diaspora Jews when it is said that way.
That's just your brainwashed ass projecting that. Israel is the same as Nazi Germany, except Germans are predominantly Christian. Criticism towards Nazi Germany isn't interpreted as hate towards Christians. Obviously people want to make you believe that, bc there's propaganda and malicious intent by the Israeli government and their influence. Let me reiterate:
Israel = European colonialists, who stole land from the real judean genetic descendants, now called Palestinians or semites.
Jews = religious people who believe in the Thora.
There it is.
Let's feed you some basic information
Semitic people or Semites is an obsolete term for an ethnic, cultural or racial group[2][3][4][5] associated with people of the Middle East, including Arabs, Jews, Akkadians, and Phoenicians
Next one:
I didn't even say Jews, I said European colonialists. Jews is not synonymous with Europeans.
The word Judaism is used to refer to the religious people who believe in the Thora. The word you're looking for is Semites. You also don't seem to understand transitive logic. All Jews are Semites, not every Semite is a Jew.
The word you're looking for is proper subset.
A transitive relationship means that, if we have three elements (A, B, C), then if A relates to B and B relates to C that means A also relates to C.
For example, if A = B and B = C, then A = C.
Most Jewish Israelis are of MENA decent.
It's the Torah. I don't expect much from antisemites but still at least Google how to spell it.
Do you know that more than half of the jewish israelis was expelled from North Africa and Middle East and never saw Europe, right?
You'll be surprised to see that Jews have clear genetic markings of being originating from that land.
You know shit, if else you are the Nazi with your spewing bullshit
"Japanese people are the ones being collectively punished by getting mass murdered and with an acive genocide against their people. Americans aren't collectively punished."
-you, ~february 1945, presumably
Are you comparing 1930s Japan, allies of the 3rd Reich, to Palestine, a country that's in such a bad shape, an extinct desease like polio resurfaced? These pro Israel pro genocide bots are getting more and more creative and delusional at the same time.
Zionists and making the stupidest comparisons in order to try to link criticism of Israel to antisemitism, name a more iconic duo
You are not particularly smart are you? Or given your account name and post history could be a bot regurgitating propaganda
if israel stopped occupying and violently attacking palestinians then hamas would lose most of its support but right now hamas and other militant groups are the only ones fighting for palestinian freedom and liberation.
israeli occupation is older then hamas and directly caused hamas to start existing. israeli violence is a massive recruitment tactic and reason people join hamas.
They’re fighting for their Iranian overlords, and the rich billionaires in Qatar. You’re naive if you honestly believe Hamas has the best interests of Palestinians in mind. They cynically abuse them as human shields and weaponize their suffering while perpetuating the conflict through all available means, while the only viable way forward is normalization between Israelis and Palestinians, since neither group will ever leave, clinging to the unrealistic hope that 9 million Israelis will pack and leave is exactly what blocks Palestinians from living a normal life.
Hard to get normalisation when Israel continues to colonise and ethnically cleanse the west bank and blame the Palestinians for everything that goes wrong.
Yeah WB settlements should be frozen and gradually evacuated. I’m totally on board with that.
Don’t forget the conflict didn’t start in 67. Prior to the 6 day war there were no settlements, no illegal land grabs and the likes.
Still, everything I wrote in my original comment on the side of the Palestinians was still valid back then.
As much as I abhor the settlements, I truly believe it’s naive to think that unilaterally stopping them would somehow soften the Palestinians’ stance towards Israel. Not only naive, as it pertains to simply not knowing sht about the conflict.
There were Jewish militias all the way back to the 19th century.
It's well worth a try. And if you want the moral high ground, it's a necessity.
I said there were no illegal land grabs, not that there weren’t any militias.
Again, I’ll repeat myself: I am for freezing settlement expansion and gradual evacuation of settlers.
I simply require some kind of guarantee from the Palestinians that they would go through with this. Again, see what happened in 2005 Gaza as an example of what happens when Israel unilaterally gives land back to Palestinians. It’s viewed as weakness for making a unilateral concession which would embolden more violence against Israelis and only serve to further perpetuate the conflict. Once both sides make concessions, like the PA altering its blatantly antisemitic textbooks, or a reduction in organized terror, can the settlement freezing be viewed as an actual step towards peace and not as simply caving in to pressure.
Again, we are talking about drastically different sets of values from Western countries which may make it harder to grasp.
The constant sabotage of their state formation in various ways ensures they are unable to give that. So beware of setting impossible standards, things will have to be built up to normality again.
IMO a method that could work is that the Palestinian border zone is manned by an ally of theirs, the Israeli border zone is manned by an ally of theirs, so the contact point between the two consists out of two third party countries who, I assume, are more capable of managing any conflicts in a levelheaded way, without existential anxiety clouding their judgment. It requires both of them to find an ally they trust, but that's far easier than trusting each other.
... while maintaining all strategic military control points, retaining full involvement in civil administration, and reservering the right to perform military actions in the Palestinian areas at any time at their own discretion. Let's not fall for that PR.
You can hardly expect them to throw a party because Israel moved its soldiers a few km.
You're not going to reach peace with "the other guys should makes concessions first before we consider giving any".
You’re basically saying Palestinians cannot exist without terrorism. Because of Israel. No, that’s ridiculous. Palestinians are just normal people and can and should be held accountable for their actions. Really, are you listening to yourself?
Adding more actors into the mix is freaking obtuse. Seriously. Plus, good luck finding nations that would be up to the task. Who in their right mind would like to involve themselves in this in such a minor way?Unless you’re talking about a UN peacekeeping force. I invite you to read up on UNIFIL and UN resolution 1701, if you think the UN is up for the task.
Gazans had every opportunity to evolve into Singapore of the ME. They had bustling industries left by the Israelis that they looted in a matter of hours (because they, according to their own words, rather be hungry and reliant on aid over using Israeli things). Lemme break down your ridiculous arguments one by one. “All strategic military control points” - Gaza was given to Palestinians. The precise borders of that area long predate 2005, and it was given as a whole to Fatah. It is basically a beach, which means items naturally surrounded by higher ground which is actually not true. “Retaining full involvement in civil administration” this is a blood label. It didn’t happen, Gazans voted for whichever party they liked and the Gaza war was a completely domestic affair involving rival Palestinian factions (Hamas vs. Fatah). “Reserving military rights”. Well, in retrospect that was a pretty important fcking condition wasn’t it???. Hamas started shooting a crapload of missiles indiscriminately into Israel (this was before the iron dome) and kidnapped Gilad Shalit. Totally unprovoked. Do you see why that condition was important or are you blind??
So, basically you agree with me.
I explicitly said bilateral concessions. Yes, settlements should be frozen ASAP because they’re wrong. Terror attacks - the same. I suggest that one is reliant upon the other as to ensure nobody is breaking their agreements. If one side is a good boy and sticks to their end of the deal and the other side breaks it, then it’s on them and they’re responsible for breaking their terms.
You don't need to put words in my mouth.
If they are, then why does Israel deny them normal human rights?
I see you're not really open for discussion.
I'm not even surprised. Your take is what every liberal Israelite says. Claim the settlements are bad and must go, then say stopping them wouldn't really change anything ( justifying the narrative that settlements aren't a big issue contributing to their normalisation) then deny the nakba and ethnic cleansing in 1948(to again normalise ethnic cleansing and land theft by making it a given).
To end it claim that the issue is complex and people don't know a lot about it so you can get away with tactily condoning the situation as it is.
Thank you for your in-depth analysis.
Where did I say stopping them won’t change anything? I said doing it unilaterally is stupid (see 2005 Gaza pullout as an example). I believe cessation of WB settlement building is absolutely crucial for future normalization though it must be done in a bilateral manner as to avoid it being seen as weakness by Palestinians (which is how they usually view Israeli concessions). By mutual I mean dependent on reduction of coordinated organized terror (as opposed to lone wolf attacks which are obviously uncontrollable).
OK, you’re talking about land grabs during 48. I agree with you, and I take it back. Still, this predates ‘48. Arabs refused the Peel Commision which saw them get >80% of the land. They carried numerous pogroms against Jews, including against Jewish villages that have been Jewish for centuries. Thousands displaced from Hebron, masses fleeing Safed, the Jewish Quarter in Jerusalem, and the list goes on and on and on. Even during the Nakba there were many such pogroms against Jews, it’s just that the Jews managed to win militarily against all odds. Which is kind of representative of the divide between western understanding of the Nakba to Palestinian understanding of it. In the minds of Western progressives, the Nakba was ethnic cleansing where Jews set out to kick out as many Arabs as possible. In reality, it followed a long period (decades) of mainly Arab-led anti-Jewish violence. Read what al-Husseini, the quote literal Hitlerite Mufti of Jerusalem, wrote, for further info. What I’m trying to say is that the Palestinians were actively trying to create a Nakba for Jews but failed due to being a surprisingly weak fighting force. In the Palestinian narrative the main issue with the Nakba is the associated humiliation of suffering a monumental loss, and the subsequent failure to accept that loss. This is a crucial difference as it implies completely different methods of reconciliation. The Palestinians don’t want Israeli concessions. They want to score military wins against them to replenish their sense of national pride. They want to reverse the results of the 48 war as an end-goal in itself, not as a way to improve their quality of life. There is also inconceivable mutual distrust which is also responsible for seeing concessions as weakness. Palestinians view Israelis as weak and lacking resolve due to their utter lack of acceptance of Israeli casualties and the high price we pay for prisoner exchanges. This makes it easier to paint any such concession as resulting from weakness instead of actually aiming for peace, which is a major factor why I believe the WB evacuation should be in a mutually dependent manner that guarantees Israeli concessions are met with the appropriate response for Palestinian authorities.
Not only is that victim blaming, it's also inaccurate. It's victim blaming because you're blaming Israel for all the times Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and the other terror groups operating in Gaza and the West Bank for the atrocities they commit.
Secondly, it's wrong. If Hamas is fighting for the freedom of Gaza, it'd ne holding elections and respecting the right to protest. And as u/bako10 pointed out, groups like Hamas don't care about Palestinians - they are foreign backed terrorist groups who see Palestinians as weapons in a war against Israel.
i’m not sure how the attacking force can be the victims but you do you.
i don’t support hamas nor do i think they’re good for israel but again considering the brutality israel has carried out against palestine the israeli occupation needs to be stopped before hamas can and should be dealt with. you’re entirely right that hamas now is a political entity that isn’t pro palestine but is anti israel and is a tool of iran but right now the only group who pose a threat to israel and give any power to gaza is hamas.
i mean your peace deal comment is absurd considering the deal itself was mediocre but also it was never flat out objected to but rather ran out of time.
the oslo accords were the last serious attempts at diplomacy and they resulted in the israeli PM being murdered and little else in terms of peace or reconciliation for anyone.
yes hamas are awful but they categorically are a consequence of israeli occupation considering that occupation started before hamas…
They’re fighting for their Iranian overlords, and the rich billionaires in Qatar. You’re naive if you honestly believe Hamas has the best interests of Palestinians in mind. They cynically abuse them as human shields and weaponize their suffering while perpetuating the conflict through all available means, while the only viable way forward is normalization between Israelis and Palestinians, since neither group will ever leave, clinging to the unrealistic hope that 9 million Israelis will pack and leave is exactly what blocks Palestinians from living a normal life.
So you're arguing that it's actually Palestinians that are occupying Palestine? That's not what an occupation is.
You're framing this like you're on the side of Palestinian civilians, but going after Hamas here doesn't make sense. Hamas isn't dropping bombs and blocking aid. Israel is committing genocide and you're carrying water for them.
There's typically a specific demand for those universities to stop supporting the IDF in executing their actions against Palestinian civilians attached to the boycott
Iirc it's to stop the influence of the Israeli government with those universities. So to stop that there is certain propaganda within colleges. Atleast that's the case in the Netherlands
That goes back to what I said earlier. Is it justified to take an indiscriminate approach when handling something? If it is, and it seems like you are saying that, by your own standard, shouldn't groups like UNRWA be defunded? That was my original argument (which you only half responded to).
Are you certain you worded your argument right - last time I checked, admitting to using propaganda isn't something people to if they want to help their arguments.
Why would UNRWA be defunded?
You seriously just compared "the collective punishment" of Palestinians with no water, food and bombs, to the boycotting of Universities that spread propaganda?
Was this your point?
I'm sure hamas cares a lot about what western protesters think about them 🙄
Will y'all just keep going full steam ahead with the blatant whataboutism, or can we have a normal conversation instead?
What "collective punishment"?
What? They openly support Hamas, dude… it’s part & parcel to their idea that this whole war is some kind of revolutionary moment.
You mean 04/09/2024. She wasn't arrested on the 4th of April and neither she, nor, nor the protest were in the US. Nor, apparently are you, so why are you using illogical backwards US date format?
This is America's world. You're just living in it.
Yeah suuuuuuuuure
I must say Greta is positively surprising me. She has been consistently rejecting the trope of an apolitical climate activist and is now getting involved in other demands to improve humanity.
As for the boycott of Israeli universities, I've been seeing some criticism here but it's fundamental to do so. In order to end the apartheid regime, it must be politically isolated. This means a boycott, and ideally even sanctions, of every Israeli institution. It has nothing to do with Israeli citizens, who must not be deprived of their rights. It's what we correctly did with Russia after the invasion of Ukraine, and what we did with South Africa to end apartheid.
Supporting palestinians is the opposite of "improving humanity".
That is an unbelievably racist response.
No, it's a realist response. I don't support genocidal suicide bombers or their supporters.
It's such a genocide that Israel is split into two territories, its ports are blockaded and Palestinians are settling in Israeli territory. Oh no, wait, it's the opposite.
that's what happens when you're the aggressor of multiple losing wars, start waves of terrorist violence, and basically behave like palestinians have. you don't get nice things
That's an incredible amount of bullshit which I don't have the patience to debunk right now. Go pick up a book on the subject first.
It's historically accurate so maybe you need some lessons. Palestinians start wars and Israel wins them.
And this is a bad thing.
Climate change is an apolitical, existential crisis. Why walk right into the stereotype of climate change being a just another trust-fund liberal political issue?
Climate change is anything but apolitical, what are you even on about?
Because that's exactly what she is and has always been. I suspect she's preparing for a career in politics, or the adjacent industry, NGO/Charity money pipelines.
It's an exceedingly political matter. Just because it doesn't have to straddle the divide between right wing and left wing doesn't mean it is apolitical. No one who can do anything about it is going to do anything if they don't have political pressure.
It's the issue with industrial use of CFC and the hole in the ozone layer. Industry didn't care until there was a treaty in place to force their hand.
I 100% support freezing the assets of Russian oligarchs and distributing the money to Ukraine. This has been done, and it's great. But how was sanctioning the country's citizens helpful or "correct"? It's not like fewer resources are poured into the war now; it all comes from oil and gas anyway, or from taxes on local companies which didn't go anywhere. The effect the withdrawal of Visa/Mastercard, or Ford, or McDonalds is only creating very mild inconvenience and mild annoyance. If anything, it helped strengthen Russia's ties with the rest of BRICS because of increased imports and exports there. Not having a fast-food chain did not make country "politically isolated." Boycotting universities is a level of idiocy above that. If someone really wanted to help, they should've pressured the USA into not sending Israel military help (ha, as if that ever happens) or pressured all of the EU and nearby countries into not buying Russian oil/gas.
Bruh, this is reddit. I only know one or two places where they do refute you with sources and good arguments.
I'm ambivalent. It has strong "I got bored and got a new hobby" vibes.
So what would be your demands, for the end of the boycott?
Withdrawal to 67 borders?
You think an academic boycott would work, to override direct negotiations with the PA?
Or would it just cause all the Jewish alumni of those universities to withdraw their support for the boycotting institutions
It's interesting to see the Left actively protest against Israel and connections with Israeli institutions while they don't see a word about Hamas. Well, there are some isolated examples of people speaking up against Hamas but most of the Left is either quiet about it, or claim that Hamas are actually "the Palestinian people in resistance against Israeli occupation"
So tell me, which universities have direct ties to hamas? I can point at a university like Ben Gurion university that directly works with the IDF and supports them for example.
Every single Gaza university is directly controlled and run by Hamas. Source: No fucking shit, everything in Gaza is controlled by Hamas.
The Islamic University of Gaza was literally founded by Hamas.
The university that's repeatedly bombed by Israel despite no military targets being there? The one few if any western university works with? The one Israel claims invents rockets for Hamas yet can't produce any evidence to prove the allegation?
Somehow that university manages to have fewer ties to their founders than israeli universities have to the IDF. Literally everything you and Israel accuse the IUG of is actually done by Israeli universities. All you zionists do is project
Dude, don't lie about stuff that people can easily fact check. It's a waste of everyone's time.
"UG is a member of twelve regional and international associations and networks of higher education...The university has also developed partnerships with 142 higher education institutions around the world"
"In 2006, Jameela El Shanty, a professor at the university, said that "Hamas built this institution. The university presents the philosophy of Hamas. If you want to know what Hamas is, you can know it from the university.""
You asked which universities have ties to Hamas, now you know.
Thanks for showing how western chauvinist your worldview is. You do know universities exist outside the west, right? Check the list of universities they affiliate with, most aren't in the west.
You still haven't done anything to prove any actual ties that are even close to what ben gurion has to the IDF.
So you've pivoted from "no Western universities" to "most of the ones they affiliate with aren't in the West." Well done, another glorious victory for Palestine.
You mean other than a quote from a professor who works there that says the university teaches Hamas' philosophy?
Leave it to a genocide supporting zionist to pretend "few" means "none".
An unsourced quote provided by a guy who supports genocide? Yeah i am not trusting you on your word given how much you've lied so far to support genocide.
You said few if any. How many is few?
I don't support genocide. You're mixing me up with 70%+ of Palestinians.
I see you've lost the argument so now the programming is to just spam genocide accusations. Pretty pathetic, dude. You should quit while you're behind.
Go ahead, you claimed 142 western universities by acting like universities do not exist outside of the west. How many western universities have direct ties with them? Instead of constantly justifying genocide through lies how about you name a single fact for once? Though given how hasbara trolls are allergic to facts i doubt you can name any.
I never claimed that. So incredibly dishonest. Like I said, you should quit while you're behind.
Look it up yourself. You have Google.
You literally named the 142 number in response to me saying that barely any western universities have ties to the IUG. Don't try to back now hasbara troll.
You're the one claiming a significant number of western universities have direct ties to the IUG
You realise that there are no universities that have connections with Hamas institutions, right? The West already collectively sanctions Hamas.
There are many universities that have connections with Palestine.
With Palestine not Hamas.
By that logic, there's no universities that have connections with Likud, just with Israel.
Ben gurion university literally hosts IDF weapon development labs and is as a result a legitimate military target by Israel's logic, and unlike with Israel's claims we actually have evidence for this because they brag about it. Oh wait zionists like you don't want to admit that.
Lots of American and EU universities host their respective military's research. What's your point?
Hamas runs every Gazan university and likely some WB ones too
The answer is antisemitism.
It's a shame really. She could have gotten engaged, gotten more knowledge an education and used her fame and name to actually influence politics and companies. She could have made a career in green and sustainable energy and social engineering for societal change..
And now she disrupts traffic, violate laws and stand in the way of positive development while fading into obscurity....
She's on to the latest trend now.
Oh please. Sweden's been very pro-Palestine in general since the 1970s. Knowing her background, it's very likely been part of her life since birth, like for me.
Ahh Sweden, the most champagne socialist country.
Literally been a nosediving neoliberal shithole since the 90s but okay.
Well, you can't say Greta was sipping champagne during the protest lol.
No, but probably at home from all the grifter money she gets.
That’s a good point why do Swedes hate Jews so much
Judaism is when the modern State of Israel
Why are you so antisemitic?
That’s exactly what I’m asking
You were asking us why you equate Jews with the state of Israel? If you don't know why you do something what makes you think I do?
Being humanitarian and anti genocide isn't anti semitic
go look up what the PLO was doing in the 70s and 80s
I love how you refuse to stop intrinsically connecting all Jews to Israel's crimes. Keep it up, It definitely won't have terrible consequences /s
You “people” are hollow
Yay celebrities staging "arrest" to get headlines.
It's funny how Greta went from being a rightfully concerned teenager about climage change... to performance arrestee, taking her information from TikTok, posing with a keffiyeh made in chinese factories by enslaved Uyghurs.
she was always a paid actor.
All swedish people should be arrested on sight.
Will anyone explain this to me? Seems rather confusing since the university has many different classes in it colab with Israel; Do they mean all of them?
Seems like a few people here don't understand that she's protesting varsities that support the state of Israel, not actual Israeli students in varsity.
they dont want to understand it.
AravRAndG@reddit (OP)
Seeing the hypocrisy of some western media about this is disgusting. She was hailed as a hero when her idea was with them, now when her idea is against them, she got arrested. What a disgrace.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day
Getting arrested is her brand. She gets arrested all the time. She makes money off of it.
Expressing support to Palestine right after the massacre of 7th October didn’t really help her either and then she doubled down on it. Not to mention complete disregard to what Hamas did that day.
She got arrested on plenty of climate protests as well.
Illegal protesters get arrested, famous protesters get media attention. This isn't the "gotcha!" comment you think it is.
She's been arrested a bunch of times for climate related protests, one being quite recent, why do you have to create situations that didn't happen to clutch your pearls at? What do you gain my disturbing shit through misinformation? Or are you really this fucking stupid?
BBC News - Greta Thunberg arrested at Dutch climate protest
Not everyone holds a set of political viewpoints which match what is common for current political leanings. I fail to see the problem.
AravRAndG@reddit (OP)
I don't have that problem, I have a problem with her arrest. She shouldn't be arrested at all.
Why do you disagree that. From what little is present in the article you posted, it appears that Thunberg was preventing people from accessing a building - if you decide your right to protect overrides the right of a university student to go to a building they are allowed to use, consequences should follow.
It's funny because she was actually protesting outside a green project that was in collaboration with Israelis.
She broke the law, she got arrested. Doesn’t really matter what Arav of India thinks should have happened, but thanks for sharing your personal opinion on these matters.
Please look up how often she’s arrested and what for, the one UN speech she’s famous for isn’t the only thing she’s done since.
What's the hypocrisy? It doesn't even seem like article is morally loaded, so idk what you mean. Also, what media do you consume? I am curious because you are so critical of "western media".
lol no she got arrested all the time for climate
Hey genius, she's been arrested over fossil fuels as well. Maybe do some basic research before opening your misinformed mouth.,protest%20against%20fossil%20fuel%20subsidies
AravRAndG@reddit (OP)
I know about that stupid, I am against BOTH of her arrests. I talked about this because the post I made was of this incident, if the post was about that incident, I will repeat what I said, that is hypocrisy of media.
"Seeing the hypocrisy of some western media about this is disgusting. She was hailed as a hero when her idea was with them, now when her idea is against them, she got arrested. What a disgrace."
"I know about that stupid, I am against BOTH of her arrests. I talked about this because the post I made was of this incident, if the post was about that incident, I will repeat what I said, that is hypocrisy of media."
That doesn't make sense though, she was arrested back when the media was buzzing with positivity about her and she was in the mainstream, she was arrested multiple times, your original post implies that this was the first time and it's because "she's an enemy of Western media" now.
Now you claim you know about both and that it's still hypocrisy of Western Media. Do you know what Hypocrisy means?
I disagree that when the article linked made headlines that she was buzzing with positivity in western media
So just to check. You think someone should be allowed to go force their way into your home and protest whatever they want and not be arrested for it ?
Well, that's not exactly true. One segment of one brand of western media that caters to a specific audience held her up as a hero. 75% + can't stand her.
You mean the artificially produced student protestor might not galvanize the entire world? Mein gott.
Though I do give her props for crossing the Atlantic on a sailboat.
Ja ja mein fruend. I'll point out that she'd be thrown in prison or or stoned in gaza but....separate issue.
The Omnicause strikes again
You can have different ideas. Some make sense, some less so for people.
This is so deep
It's sad to see the natural progression of professional activists like Greta.
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Amazing how much free time you have when you have rich parents covering for you.
Good for her to continue to use her notoriety to highlight important issues. Denmark hasn't done anything to curb it's arms sales to Israel. All news is good publicity for the anti-genocide cause. It does feel like public opinion is swaying harder and harder against the Israeli government and hopefully that will push them to end their campaign of war crimes in Gaza and the west bank all the sooner.
Becoming something of a herald for lost causes.
Nonsense protesting that didn't effect change or contribute to practical solutions was fine when she was a kid. But don't make it your identity. She's old enough now to run for parliament.
I didn't need to see that smug, round face this morning but I don't always get what I want I suppose.
Arrest and deport. Rinse and repeat. She's like cockroaches: hard to get rid of.
As to "Critics have also highlighted the environmental cost of Israel's invasion of Gaza following the October 7 Hamas attacks on Israelis civilians.", I cannot help but wonder what the environmental cost of digging tunnels and destroying the natural water sources under the whole Gaza strip would be. Or, now that I think of it, the horrid chemical propellants and explosives used to build and fire rockets. Isn't that something the critics have an opinion on?
Well, it is a natural progression for leftwing activist to graduate from climate change to the next hot topic. It wouldn't be long until she emerge online with pictures of her holding the hamas flag and chant from the river to the sea like her peers did. Imagine the storm it will create, everybody will be so moved.
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