My Dad is dying and refusing medical attention. He hasn’t seen a doctors in years and is now at the point that death is certain. What do I do?

Posted by Dwoodward85@reddit | AskUK | View on Reddit | 32 comments

Title says it all. I’m sitting in my room (I’m 38) he is downstairs with his wife. He has repeated that he does not want to get an ambulance, he is refusing and has refused to see a doctor. He made his wife promise not to call an ambulance because he is tired of his life. He doesn’t want to Jill himself but the life he is living is not one he wants to live anymore. He cannot move, he can barely speak now and shaking constantly. He is barely there. He sees things and hears voices. I don’t know what to do.

Do I call an ambulance anyway? To I support mum with his decision of no help from any dr? Do I ignore that and call?

He is very very sick. I don’t know if he is going to survive tonight or tomorrow. I’m a wreck and don’t know what to do. Any advice will help. What are the legal stuff afterwards? Will I be in trouble for not stepping in? Will his wife of 50 yrs who is begging him daily to see a dr to get help, will she get in trouble?

Please any advice.