Need help upgrading my first PC

Posted by AppropriateRent8973@reddit | buildapc | View on Reddit | 1 comments

So I've recently been having problems with my ram (BSOD and dwindled it down to ram being the cause) and figured now might as well be a good time to upgrade some more parts. I originally had gotten a prebuilt during the pandemic to game and stream to friends, but I've made some upgrades to it over the years by changing the CPU, adding more storage, getting a nice monitor, and changing up the ram. Currently, I'd like to upgrade my motherboard (ideally to one with WiFi to have as a backup option) and then change the ram to DDR5. Later down the year I'll probably look into a new case or upgrading the GPU to some 40 series or if there's any new one that comes out with a better value. Does this sound like a good plan? Looking for suggestions on the mobo and ram since I'm still kinda new to understanding compatibility and what the mobo numbers are supposed to mean. Thanks! Build: