$20,000 you say?
Posted by 134679112@reddit | Truckers | View on Reddit | 216 comments
How long do ya think that will take to pay out? $10 a paycheck for 2000 weeks?
Posted by 134679112@reddit | Truckers | View on Reddit | 216 comments
How long do ya think that will take to pay out? $10 a paycheck for 2000 weeks?
20k paid out in $25 increments every paycheck!
134679112@reddit (OP)
UPDATE: I had a short call with the recruiter, did not ask many questions, but you do indeed get 20k, it is paid out over 2 years, every 3 months. It is all team driving only. Lanes are Thursday-Saturday every week. (Strange i know)
Should have asked how long you have to remain on the job before you have to pay it back if your employment ends?
Do you have to pay it back if they terminate you?
Do they withhold your final paycheck if you or they end your employment?
Do they take any portion of what they paid towards your 401k to recuperate whatever they have paid?
Do they expect the amount to be paid in one lump sum?
Do they file suit for whatever amount they paid out if your employment ends before any agreed upon time?
Do they turn it into a collections agency and report it on your credit report?
Do they report it to your DAC/PSP report if employment is ended before the agreed upon time for breach of contract or other issues?
Are they going to add on interest or penalties as if it’s a loan if it’s not paid back immediately?
Depending on the state law of wherever their office is, you can really get screwed over. Some states have arbitrary agreements where you agree that any disputes between you and them have to be settled by a mediator and not a court of law. Those mediators often have more authority than a judge because you agreed to the terms beforehand, when you signed the dotted line of the 900+ paged contract no one reads, to accept the sign on bonus. So you go to work for someone else after getting terminated for some BS reason, 90 days later, they’re now garnishing your wages on that new job. And those mediators always rule in the companies favor and the only way to get out of whatever they decided on would be a chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy.
Over the years, I have had companies do some, or all of these things to me. So I have learned to run like Forrest Gump when they show up with fistfuls of money promising greener pastures.
When I see ads promising sign on bonuses, I put that garbage where it belongs.
Ah, so it's not a sign-on bonus. It's a retention bonus.
134679112@reddit (OP)
Eeh words.. when are businesses ever honest upfront?
"Sir, we are not firing you. We are promoting you to customer!"
only sign on bonus I ever got was paid in 3 payments. 30 ,60 and 90 days.
134679112@reddit (OP)
I got one once, was 2k, half after 90, and half after a year. Basically amounted to nothing after tax… and you had to remind them CONSTANTLY. Aaannd that number would go from 2-4k or 0 at random times, so you would have groups of new hires with different amounts, sometimes 0, talking, and making everyone up set 😅
Yeah they make good money but their OTR is teams same as dominos I believe. They also get paid some weird percent of weight of load and/or Pallet pay
20k paid out on 20,000 $1 dollar bills per check per 20,000 years
You get one check per year?
He’s a trucker math is not his strong suit
Even better, it's a $20k lump sum payout...after your 1,000th week of work without a vacation, call out, late delivery, or collision
Flag that job posting as junk/spam. Possibly even report it if you can. It’s what I’d do.
I learned a long time ago that any company that offers a sign on bonus is a red flag. Something has happened that has caused the turn over rate to go above and beyond what is normal for trucking. Second issue, as the OP pointed out, they always pay in small weekly increments and even though it might take you years to get all of it, the second you quit before whatever agreed upon time you must remain on the job, or you get terminated, they want the entire amount back in one lump sum and will sue you for it. They don't care they nickel and dimed it to you and they don't care that you also only got like maybe a third of it because of taxes. They want the entire amount in one lump sum and will withhold your last paycheck, whatever they have paid into your 401k to recuperate it, etc, etc. The trucking industry unfortunately is ripe with so much BS from these trucking entities that where a normal job like a doctor or lawyer offering a sign on bonus would be a huge plus that people qualified for those jobs would rush to apply. As a driver? YOU TURN AND RUN THE OTHER WAY!. They're going to use it to screw you somehow, guaranteed.
I’ll chime in…. Actually this is quite possibly Legitimate, I was a driver Dominos Supply Chain for nearly 9 years, and about a year after I left, they were offering $20,000 sign on bonuses… BUT…. the catch was that you had to sign a contract to stay on for a minimum of 2 years until all was paid out, and if you left before it was all paid out, you had to pay back every cent!
Just like I thought: golden handcuffs. The logic is that for an extra $20,000, they own you for those two years. They can change your good route to a sh*tty route, if you are team they can pair you up with an idiot, they can take you from day runs to night runs, they can mess with your vacation schedule, they can even take you from local to OTR, and there is nothing you can do about it. Because if you quit, you owe them the $20k.
If it's not paid out in its entirety with your first paystub, it's not a sign-on bonus, it's a retention bonus.
I'll agree to disagree.
I'm not taking the side of the company, but it cost businesses to train people, on board them, and get them up to speed.
If people received the 20K with first paystub, they might leave, costing the business money.
20k probably paid at the end of the 1st year, 15k after taxes.
a lot of places that do sign on bonus also stipulate if you quit within 2 or 3 years you owe the money back
Yep! I turned down a $10k sign on bonus at Penske/ Black Horse years ago because there was language saying you were on the hook to repay if you quit within 18 months or something like that. The recruiter said it was the first time shed been asked to deny it.
These companies have a significant amount of control over you when you accept these terms. I ended up leaving within 6 months, after they attempted to switch my schedule to overnights without asking me. If I had signed I would be forced to finish out my 18 months driving dangerously (Im not a great driver at night. I get tired), or be repaying some “bonus”.
Those are golden handcuffs, not a sign-on bonus.
Night driving isn't that bad. It's the Day-Night-Day-Night bullshit that fucks you over... impossible to fight body clock
It just feels unnatural to me to be awake doing things throughout the night. I couldn’t fight being tired and decided I was firmly in the first shift camp.
It depends on the person. Back when I drove OTR, I actually preferred night driving. Less 4-wheelers, scales closed, and by the time my 11 was over, the truck stop was empty.
But if you prefer day over night, you shouldn't be forced to run nights.
I think that was probably a typo typically sign on bonus is between $1000 to $5000 so it’s probably $2000 sign on bonus and they accidentally added a 0. And Nobody realized
Lmao I have a two week vacation coming up I was like hey I can do that and dip
That's still absolutely a retention bonus, and to call it anything else is false advertising.
Yeah, sounds like perfectly logical industry practice to me. "Prove that we made a good decision investing in training you, and you get a nice chunk of change."
It's almost like they're paying it in increments to retain the driver
A sign on bonus should be paid 1st paycheck with if you quit within so long you owe x% back. A sign on bonus should be used so employees can get bills paid from being between jobs and to cover relocation expense. However people abused it by spending the sign on bonus and then quiting. Easy to get a judgement in court to recover it, but that doesn't mean it gets paid back anytime soon.
The terms and stipulations don't matter, it still has to be paid out in full on the first paystub.
False advertisement.. let's get a settlement going
Man, I love this
I’ve been saying this for years
Driver facing cameras they can F off
Tell me you're a bad driver without telling me you're a bad driver
Oh, I see why you cool with it now; you're literally still on the road with a mentor... Very, uhm... Coincidental if you ask me, lol. Not even a good enough driver to drive on your own for a company but criticizing someone not liking driver cameras. Probably a prime driver or something.
You referencing that post I made making fun of somebody else that thought they knew everything at 3 months?
Why would anyone listen to the dude on a fresh account who only lasted for a few months otr. Driver facing cameras do pose factual downsides and will continue to be abused by companies, maybe a part timer like yourself never had those issues or you have a rare relaxed insurance/safety department.
Only people who don't value their time do otr. Been hauling fuel probably longer than you've had your CDL
If you have to default to claiming your experience and projecting that I don't then you obviously have no true argument.
You brought it up first lmao, and you know I'm right and having nothing to say
I brought up the fact you act knowledgeable on subjects that otr drivers are subject to on a different level then local haulers. You haul fuel, so you have around 6 drops a day with probably 2 or more stops at the rack. You do short runs and stop frequently, it is a different animal in most ways to otr. I never minded my boss watching every move I made when I was local, because I could stop whenever I wanted and I was out of the truck frequently. but I personally don't like every move I make for 8hrs viewable live and being run through an AI to tell me what I'm doing wrong when I just grabbed a water or changed a song because with elogs I don't have any time to stop except for my 30. To make the best money otr you need to be a no life loser who runs hard, and I don't blame you for running local but I don't want some schmuck whose never cleared 750mi in a shift to talk about my segment in the industry. Just like I don't tell you that you should have to have a full fire suit and face shield for every drop or what a good safety radius would be.
'no life loser' rofl the hatred is deep
Yup, I'm home for a week every 2 months, so I have no time to make new friends at home, build personal relationships, enjoy my toys, or truly relax. I would call someone who lives that life a social loser, if you disagree fair enough but I'm honest enough to admit what my situation makes me. But due to this lifestyle I'll be making well over 6 figures and I've always been a loner so I personally don't mind.
that kinda view makes me suspect you're in your 20's or maybe early 30's? I know when I was younger I would've emphatically agreed lol, but as I get older I find myself strongly emphasizing quality over quantity when it comes to social stuff (and I note this phenomena among many others, fwiw!) Like for instance going to the casino or rafting every 3 months is, now, far more rewarding to me than if I instead hit the bar every weekend or something - but when I was in my 20's I woulda thought precisely the opposite
The issue is I literally don't do any social stuff with friends when I'm home. I get too busy doing things I have get done and before I know it a weeks up and I'm back on the road
You know you're the one continuing the argument. And you can claim your experience all you want. But I've done everything in this industry and I've been doing it since 1998. I've done local. I've done OTR. I've done regional hell. I've even taken a couple loads up to the far north of Canada. About the only thing I haven't done is drive to fucking Alaska. I've driven everything from an international to a fucking Marmon.
And guess what? I won't discount any driver and their experience that's been driving less than I have simply because I don't fucking know everything. And I don't know what their life is like. I don't know what their driving style is like. I don't know how much they like or hate their job. I don't know anything about them so I'm not going to discount anything they say because you know
I'm not an asshole but it seems like you are
Well, I just got a 50- day streak award on Reddit too
Dude you're fucking pilled if you think driver facing cameras are acceptable. It's a damn shame for the industry that so many people accept it as the new normal.
Well, it is the new normal. I've been driving a few decades and the only people that don't want them are crappy drivers imo
I disagree. I am okay with cameras, put them on the front, back, both sides. Hell go even crazy throw some on from some wicked angles, but no fucking driver facing cameras.
Company I used to work for had them. They only activated based on hard braking, hard turning or a collision of course. I've seen them firsthand help drivers out who were likely going to get screwed by some asshole 4 wheeler who was actually at fault.
Drivers would probably feel better if there was some way to prove that the cameras aren't actually recording all the time. The one that company used would continually remember the 10 seconds before it activated to record and the 10 seconds following but it didn't actually send anything to the computer unless it was activated by the braking etc.
No you haven't. That's not what driver facing cameras have ever been for.
No, they're for cya for the company so they can say look. It wasn't our fault. Don't raise our insurance rate
Driver facing cams Will literally never be a cya for the driver for this aspect.
That's what outward facing cams are for.
Driver cams are for your employer/insurance to try and use to throw you under the bus to cover themselves if the opportunity arises.
Ayup that's what I was saying
Ope, I misread your comment, my bad. You hit it for sure
That's a standard line and I really want to believe it. But if it can be activated by that, it can be activated by remote. Meaning that at any time of the day some moron can just be bored and say gee. I wonder what truck 4725 is doing and check it out. Since there have been reports of this actually happening at the places that actually look at the recordings before they send them on to the actual company, I kind of believe it happens
This was probably a lie.
No, it's a gateway to worse. Shit you not, had an interview and they do not want any eating, drinking, smoking, etc AT ALL while driving. They say the insurance demands it.
I interviewed for a company like that too. I walked out
So then you disagree with the large amount of driver facing cameras, because this is often how theyre implemented.
Companies have compete control over how sensitive they set the cameras
Technically but insurance is breathing down companies necks, if you've been driving as long as you claim you should know this, or maybe your stuck with megas. A lot of safety mandates are demanded by insurance then implemented by the company. A large amount of insurance companies require copy's of any camera event be forwarded to them directly from the camera company.
It's not the new normal man, it's only because you allow your privacy to be invaded. They are constantly recording and anything can and will be used against you. Just hope that one day you don't have a minor lapse and become one of those "crappy" drivers and get absolutely railed for it for no reason.
This is what we need unions for people.
Insurance companies are running the industry now, it's being normalized whether you cry about it or not
I'm not a bad driver and I think that's a bit intrusive
134679112@reddit (OP)
Yeah.. how ya suppose to jork your peenits with big brother peepin on ya? Bro cant have a quick wank while waiting on a load???
134679112@reddit (OP)
My company has an insanely low accident rate, we dont need cameras to make us safer. This was even proven to all of us based on our annual rate with our past insurer being pretty steep with very little ever being paid out, so we dropped them for a better rate, and luckily still have required very little pay out.
We just higher and train better drivers. The owner refuses to ever invade our privacy, raise stress, and he believes his drivers have the integrity to do the job safely. Turns out, he’s correct. That being said, you cant avoid statistical probability of SOME accidents happening. We are local city drivers too. Loooots of opportunities to mess up, yet we do very well.
I have also driven for a company that had more than just 2 cameras on a rig, some even have upwards of 5 different angles covered (waste companies) and let me tell you.. Thats pure misery.. the stress.. the mental fatigue.. and somehow we never could get our accident rates lower, in-fact it just made the company a revolving door of new hires. Low skill, stressed, and honestly just angry people. It is also a combination of long hours and poor management.
My company is pretty much the same way. Very small company. Very high rating. My boss used to be a driver himself, hell he even still fuels our trucks up when we come come in and there's no one there in the shop to do it. I have a dash camera of my own that has saved my ass twice, once when someone took the mirror off the side of the truck while I was parked once when someone backed into me while I was parked. But that's mine and it's on me. My boss was happy because we got to send it off to the insurance company to prove it wasn't our fault but he wasn't about to decide that all of a sudden we needed to have a shit ton of cameras all over our trucks
“Oh yea watch me harder Mr. Employer I’m such a good boy 🥵”
The drivers that don't suck get rewarded
Fuck that. It’s an invasion of privacy. Especially in a sleeper.
Not a bad driver, just a serial masturbator. 😄
If they wanna see me yerk it at least lemme send it to em myself so I get a little satisfaction out of it.
Facts, I wanna at least have the pleasure of producing content for them... Not surveillance by them, lol.
Corporate doesn't need to know about the fireball and dutchies, shits showing up on in one piece and on time, cmon back!
Everyone is going to that sooner or later
Do they send an alert if your lips move like Amazon?
Top driver makes $2000. What about the average driver?
It says "up to 80-100k a year".
In my experience food service companies undersell things a bit. I suspect their highest paid drivers are making more than what's advertised. On the other hand, if you come in as a driver with no food service experience, there's going to be a progression in the pay scale. There's also likely a seniority board. A brand new driver coming in, no experience in food service, bottom of the pay scale, bottom of the extra board, not willing to work extra days ever, wouldn't be surprised if they make closer to 60 a year. A new driver with some hustle will probably break that 80 per year. Once you move up the pay scale, and you have a bit of seniority, and you can bid the the types of routes you want, it'll be up to you what you want to make. A driver taking the well paying routes should break that 100k. A driver doing that and working extra might be closer to 120k a year. A driver who takes the easier routes (shorter team routes, or the easiest if the solo routes, will probably be closer to the 80k figure.
I’m in good service. The job posting said about 65k. I make 80-85k.
How much OT? Here in the PNW, Sysco drivers ain’t making that much w/o bookoo OT. Which, btw, Sysco is happy to let you work all the OT you want.
I’m really gonna hate myself for this but as a four year French student it’s beau coup
Haha, I stand corrected. Never took French in HS or college. My default is Steve Martin, ‘help him, he spoke French!’.
Yes spelling was the part of French I don’t do well on lol. Or English for that matter.
I’m paid commission with a small hourly OT. I work M-F and try to keep it under 45 hours.
I spent a couple years doing kinda food service (multi stop driver unload for Aldi, but it was palletized) job posting said 75k and I never made less than 95k a year there. Plenty of folks were making 65-75k, but any one of us that were willing to be quick and pic up more than one or two loads a day were clearing 90-100k. It seems like a lot of those kinds of jobs just boil down toto how much you are willing to do.
The Aldi warehouse by you also not have a single clue how to build a pallet without it crumbling under itself?
Oh 100% that and dog shit management from the company I worked for made me leave.
I was making great money delivering for Aldi, but the only reason we were able to get the job done was even though the pallets were shit we could fix them as best we could ourselves before loading them into the trailers. These bastards then wanted to cut our pay and have the warehouse load them for us. Essentially paying us less for 100x more workload and stress because we would be the assholes picking up the dropped pallets at the delivery locations since those bums couldn’t wrap some pallets tightly.
Foodservice here making $110k/year. I touch all freight…with an electric pallet jack. Never have to lift anything.
You deliver purely to distribution centers I'm guessing? No lift gate required?
Grocery stores, butcher shops, DC’s. Sometimes lift gates, never hand truck. We use our equipment to get the pallet as close to your cooler/freezer as possible without breaking it down for you.
No, it’s big where I live and our parent company owns other places nationwide, but it is the only place of its name in my area.
I work for Mclane, work 4 days a week, home everyday and I’m going to make 115-120k. I don’t ever work extra but I’ve also been here 14 years.
My second year in food service, I made 104K.
Yeah my job said average drivers makes $85k a year, and the potential to make $100k, I hustle and do extra work and work weekends(you get a $300 bonus) and have hit $2150 on most weeks. Home daily and no touch freight, unless you count hooking up a hose and moving valves to control psi(pneumatic tanker) I absolutely love my job
The term "top driver" is the top tier of monthly bonus. It's an extra $750 if you are basically perfect. No drove cam events, no missed cases on delivery. I made over $120k last year and I'm home every night.
Sounds great! What company is this?
Tree Fiddy
12-1400 like every other carrier.
Youre crazy for putting that up here you just made that competition insane
I used to work at PJs. It’s regional team routes with local routes sprinkled in. It differs between DCs but generally you bit on routes every 6 month. The less points you have and the longer you are with them, the higher you will be on the bid list and you get the more desirable routes. You make solid money at PJs. Depending on the DC you are at, you get the chance to travel to different locations to help out and that can pay really good. In general another $500 a week on top of your route pay but it goes regularly up to 1k a week. Once I spend 9 month straight at the Colorado DC and that year I made 150k.
The money is good but it’s hard labor. No electric pallet jack…your muscles and a dolly. Everything comes off by hand. Dough stacks at 350-400 lbs you pull onto little four wheeler and push into the stores. Cheese and all that is build into specific stacks which you pick up with a dolly and man handle it into the stores. By the end of the day, you and your partner moved 20-25k lbs of food product by hand. Financially they treat you well but they watch you like hawks. Cameras inside the trucks.
What DC is this? I’ve been to all of them. I could tell you more about it.
134679112@reddit (OP)
PNW out of portland. I feel the 20-25k lbs of food, i used to do garbage, rear load, you manually load 30k or garbage either on your own or with a partner. Every day. All day.
The Portland DC is usually good staffed. The OR guys travel a lot. Lot of Russians work there. It’s a solid run DC. PJs is a good company to work for… gotta play by the rules though
134679112@reddit (OP)
If i could get over teams work.. id do it. But id rather do it alone
134679112@reddit (OP)
Sounds like an OP 😂
I worked there for 3 weeks. 3 day work week. Each shift can be anywhere from 20-26 hours depending on route. Pay is by stop , mile and pieces. Team drivers ,no pay split with the miles and stops etc.. each load could have anywhere from 1200-1500 pieces. Even if you're "off duty" on the eld you're still unloading the trailer with your partner. Guys there can pick up extra shift and go on a 3 man shift. Those guys make 130k+ a year
That’s against federal law. You’re doing work, you’re on duty. If the company doesn’t like it, they can talk to the us dept of labor. STAA protection of employees refusing to violate the FMCSRs are one of the few things where the dept of labor moves very quickly.
That's why I left. How is it a 3 day work week and I'm working close to 60 hours
All the veteran drivers take a bunch of pain pills before the shift starts and down 3 energy drinks 🤣 not worth it for me
134679112@reddit (OP)
UPDATE: I had a short call with the recruiter, did not ask many questions, but you do indeed get 20k, it is paid out over 2 years, every 3 months. It is all team driving only. Lanes are Thursday-Saturday every week. (Strange i know)
You’re unloading many things by hand. The on site physical therapy is because of so many people not able to meet physical demands of this. And the bonus generally for this type pays out one a 1 year period with the lump usually half at the year mark.
I got a cdl so I wouldn’t have to bust my ass anymore, thats just me though
For ever. they would look for every little thing to disqualify you.
1) "up to" means "nowhere fucking near", and I wish Darrell Huff's 'How to Lie with Statistics' was required reading to be allowed access to oxygen past the age of 16. 2) "bonus" means "our turnover rate is completely fucking obscene and we're desperate for new blood to e̵x̵p̵l̵o̵i̵t̵employ" 3) 401k match without percentage, limit, and vestment period is the same as #2.
20,000 Iraqi Dinars
A sign on bonus like that is huge 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩
Any good company doesn't need a sign on bonus. Matter of fact, they don't even advertise.
This is the problem trying to find a good gig. The good jobs aren’t on job boards. They have no reason to be.
On-site physical therapy. Papa John's does physical therapy?
134679112@reddit (OP)
Yeah.. terrifyingly so.
It always get me when jobs offer something so far outside their business model it makes you scratch your head.
I'm not sure how I feel about the "FREE on-site physical therapy"... lmao like holy shit.. wtf do you have your driver's doing they need PT? Are they physically carrying/pushing/pulling pallettes of merchandise by hand? Holy shit.
Not pallets ,but over 1300 boxes/dough trays
A buddy of mine just got a job driving for Walmart with a $10K signing bonus and it’s paid out $2500 every 3 months.
134679112@reddit (OP)
The highest one in my area, if this one is not to be believed, is $7500 to be a bus or max driver in the middle of a crack head capital. Guess where im at. 1 hint, not Cali.
Ohio river valley somewhere?
134679112@reddit (OP)
Starts with a “P”.. ends with “ortland”
What do I win?
134679112@reddit (OP)
Aids.. you get aids
"We're not just sure, we're HIV positive"
134679112@reddit (OP)
Oh. And a crippling addiction to fentanyl
Lax drug laws are ruining entire cities/states/provinces. (I am Canadian)
In British Columbia (the province in which I live) fentanyl, crack, meth, heroin and coke are legal up to 2.5 grams!! It's fucking nuts. The idiot left wing politicians thought that this would "help" by de- stygmatizing drug use and addiction.
Fucking brilliant!!
Record number of overdose deaths and a dramatic increase in hard drug use.
Gee ... who woulda thought!?
Well, it's kinda a free market thing, so I wouldn't call it a left-wing ideology when it's always been a more free thinker ideology. The problem handles itself.
Been in the health care field for 35 years, directly involved with addiction issues, and can absolutely guarantee that it's got nothing to do with the concept of the free market.
Also, since when is less government control a leftist ideology?
It really is. The reason why is because there is less government control and restrictions on substances. If people want to buy drugs, they will continue to buy them whether we make it illegal or not. If the government lifted all bans and then decided to tax it, then that would be a free market concept. The idea is that eventually, those bad apples without control will basically stop existing on their own.
so we tried making it super illegal here in USA, you guys tried making small amounts legal in Canada... what's next. Here in the states we say things like "just let it be legal and if the dumbfucks OD and die... oh well natural selection then, eventually they'll all die and or it will balance out.... well apparently, to some degree, you guys tried that.... it didn't work either. We already tried making it illegal and that didn't do anything either... just filled up our prisons with people who were given 20 years for a single joint (well on like 3rd conviction but still... "what are you in for?" "I got busted with some weed")... so I'm out of ideas now on how to fix the problem. I'd say find an island somewhere and just ship all the drug users / sellers and manf you can find to that random remote island.... wait UK already did something similar... I believe that island is called Australia.
There's decriminalization. So, it wouldn't technically be legal, just instead of going to prison and having your life fucked, you'd go to rehab and actually get help instead. Like dealers/producers would still do prison time though.
Maine or Oregon?
They're not crackheads, they're junkies. Jeez learn your drug addicts
134679112@reddit (OP)
Oooo oooo oooo! I know! Seattle?
Got that Wheeling Feeling?
Illinois or new York
When I started with Walmart the 10k sign on bonus was 5k on your first full paycheck and 5k after 6 months.
Okay once you get in refer me.
I believe you meant, "reefer" me
Don’t be so “blunt” about it
134679112@reddit (OP)
I gotchu dawg, anyone else??
Pretty sure that’s running teams too.
Damn can you tell me what state that’s in I’m moving there!
This is legit I've seen them make deliverys and talked to a few drivers they all made well over 100k. They use Dolly's and lift gates and are teams.
I'vebeen with them for over 6 years. The sign on is paid out $5k every 6 months. It's a lot of manual labor doing deliveries. Lift gate on trailer, team operation. I'm home every night. Been with the same partner almost 5 years now.
That honest sounds like a good gig. Working with another person in food service makes the job very manageable.
Free college? How are you going to fit school into truck driving? If you're making 80-100k, you're going to be on the road way to much to go to college. I've seen it where I work, guy gets a job driving and tries to go to college, and eventually the thing that doesn't pay the bills ends, and your stuck with college debt. Tuition reimbursement only works if you graduate.
Is there any free pizza in the deal?
Lol… actually I got to eat all the free food I wanted, but got tired of it.
134679112@reddit (OP)
Oh god…. They never said how the 20k pays out…
You're gonna have over 40 pizzas in the next 30 days
1 small Margherita a month until it's fully paid out. No side orders.
they're lying
They prolli say you get the first 10% after ya 10th year there
Yeah sure bud
Bonus that high makes me wonder why they are so desperate to find drivers. Typically means a less than stellar company to work for, so drivers keep quitting on them. They probably have it set over time as well, so you have to be there 2 -3 years to get the full bonus.
More like 5 years.
That sign on bonus and referral is the 🥕 they dangle in front of the 🐎 to get you irking and to stay. Bc it’s definitely stipulations behind that “bonus”
Matching 401k contributions! So contribute your full $80k a year and now you’re at $160k a year!
Free on-site physical therapy sounds like a red flag
You've apparently never done food service. It's not if you get hurt. It's when. Pulled muscles. Meniscus tears. Tendonitis. Sprains. Stress fractures. You're fingerprinting every package in that trailer at least once. Then you run it down a ramp into the store. You better hope you don't have to stock, rotate or face said items also. You're going to get dinged up. So this is actually a very cool thing they do.
The only thing that I would say I dislike about any of that is the compan ies that actually do the full range of motion studies and everything so that they can determine how much you've lost when you have an accident or pull a muscle so that they don't have to pay out as much. Have you ever had to do that?
This is what I came to say. I did Kraft before it turned into US Foods. These restaurant type delivery jobs will kick your ass. It's a young man's game.
I don't know about that. I know few local cement mixer drivers that have one stop by every Tuesday & Friday at their shop.
I worked for universal logistics where they gave 2500 sign on bonus after 3 months, and then they also have out 2500 sign on referrals with no caps.so I cashed in about 22.5 within the first year on just referrals alone
Is Annual pay paid once a year?
Usually it's a retention bonus paid out over the course of multiple years, or you have to qualify, for example, at Jackson Energy, they also offer w0k, but you hsve to be carded at a bunch of refineries and shit
Local company has a 10k signing bonus and it is literally $20 a week just like the memes
Ten years and that $20 in 2034 might not even buy a loaf of bread.
Sign on bonuses typically get paid out quarterly over 1-1.5 years. So basically every 3 months you get a (heavily taxed) 5K. However, I've come to learn that the higher the sign on bonus, the bigger the red flag.
I already make $1,700 a week after taxes, local only. But $20k sounds enticing.
Your body will pay for every bit of that bonus.
because you have to get out of the seat and lift a little? Personally, I welcome a little diversification of duties and the exercise. I think most of us should, for the hours of sedentary we put in.
I did it for thirty years. (Not at pj). And my body is a wreck.
If that's Louisville then we've had a ton of drivers quit recently cause of poor management and a lot of loads being hours late yet you'll get called being told it's ready and be waiting hours
If they’re giving you a $20,000 sign on bonus. They must be really needing some drivers for some strange reason. Plus a $10,000 driver Referral as well, they definitely need some drivers.
False advertising when it takes like 5 years of service to collect fully on that.
Be careful with this company. They aren’t phone friendly……they wanna see the phone at all. Not even on the dash
Not even for GPS?
From what I heard directly from a driver, not even. They map you on the Qualcomm or whatever system they use . In order to use your phone, they want you outside of the truck. The pay is really good and they throw money at you doing extra shit but they have weird ass policies
The bigger the sign-on bonus, the higher the turnover.
The in-store discount is what convinced me.
I remember Mclane did something similar during the Covid employment crisis. A lot of drivers hired and left as soon as they got their bonus
Have fun backing into those stores
Is that like per load or what?
I found that the higher the bonus the longer it’ll take. Most bonuses I’ve seen and gotten were $1000 - $3000 and those took weeks if not months to get. A 20k bonus tho. That leads me ask was this a mistake? Maybe they meant $2000? They must be desperate for drivers. That leads to way more questions.
If it was a mistake, they made it twice by saying 10000 referral bonus
schneider 1k bonus takes a year to pay out at $80/month 😂😂😂
They just got that dough iykwim
I don't know about that. I know few local cement mixer drivers that have one stop by every Tuesday & Friday at their shop.
All you do is drop off their supplies and food. It's simple and quick. Each city has like 3 or 4 stops you do and chill for your 10 and off you go again. They do a 3 on 3 off schedule driving teams. I've ran into these guys a few times they all seem super happy with the job.
“You had my curiosity, now you have my attention”
Wouldn't surprise me if they got that desperate. That's some tough work. All the respect to food delivery drivers because I'm def not cut out for that anymore
I’ve known it to be true but the company has some other policies that are weird that may not make it worth its while
If they really meant to put 20k, I would guess the payout is over 5 years or more.
And you pay it back if not there for 6
'Up to $80k - $100k'
Ffs. 'Up to' implies the upper limit. Not a range.
Also: $2k per week is $104k per year. Unless they're saying that all top performers take 2 weeks of unpaid time off...
The $10k driver referral bonus implies I can pay 20 guys $5k to work there and just take the rest of the year off.
I'm not saying the ad is bullshit, but...they've obviously taken some liberties.
Fuck bonuses, if it’s really 20k your going to get taxed and sign over your life for the next few years working there, pretty sure if you decide to leave or quit you will be paying back the 20k and not just was deposited into your account. I got a sign on bonus, 8k after taxes I around 4,400$(california) if we wanted to leave within 2 years, you would have to pay back the full 8k or 4k if you made it a year
Yeah that job was no joke you'll be driving Regional overnight maybe even with a helper unloading manually every move is tracked and yes front-facing cameras all types of cameras.
[small print] must let me fuck your wife when you're OTR
the most i have gotten is $10k or $200 a week. $20k is a lot.