2016 - Iron Maiden's 747 dwarfs the jets of the German chancellor and French president
Posted by Thund3r_91@reddit | aviation | View on Reddit | 118 comments

In 2016 Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande arrived in Zurich to inaugurate a railway tunnel and all 3 jets ended up parked next to each other
Wasn’t it only leased, and used for like four months by them which after that was repainted?
Yep. Think I read they had that one and a 757. Now I'm curious who has her now.
She (the 747) was scrapped like a month ago.
In a way it's sad for me that the 747 is being phased out globally. I mean I get it, the fleet is aging, they're expensive to run now that we're sort of moving to smaller direct flights that can more easily hit capacity and handle smaller airfields. But god damn she is iconic. My first major flight was Boston to London on one almost 30 years ago.
With 4 hrs at London Heathrow waiting for a flight a few weeks ago my son and I only saw one 747 passenger come in for a landing, but between that and seeing the Concorde his day was made! He's on the spectrum and planes have been his special interest for the last few years, with the 747 being his favorite, so it was definitely an awesome thing for him. What he doesn't know is that I have us booked on a 747 next summer for our father son trip, Boston direct to Hong Kong, then a 737 to Taiwan 😁.
Did you know Boeing flight tested those birds up to mach .99? And there's at least one recorded passenger flight that hit mach 1.01-1.25? Such cool planes.
And sorry, I've just fucking rambled on here, I think his interest has infected me as well lol.
Many of the longer international flights will land in the morning at Heathrow, so there will probably be more 747s and A380s around that time. But yea, the 747s are getting increasingly rare for passenger flight (they are still very successful freighters though).
Looking forward to one last flight - I can't think of a more iconic "jumbo jet!"
Maybe you should buy your son one of these
I literally just ordered on right now. That is such an idea I never knew existed, thank you!
My pleasure! You seem like an amazing father :)
I found these on Instagram, bought one right away too haha. Mine is from a Latam A320, reg PS-MAP.
I'm trying my best friend, I love that you brought these up! My son is so ridiculously deep into planes now that half my answers are either "I don't know, you're the one that tells me about this stuff" or "I don't know, we'll have to look it up!" Thank you again though, he's going to love it 😁
You're welcome, keep up the good work!
Ok, that is awesome! We have Microsoft flight simulator and specifically downloaded that livery for the 747 because it's one of his favorites! Yeah, that's going in the Christmas stocking this year, thank you 😁
Goated dad
Just trying!
That sucks! Kinda hoping a piece somehow makes it to the rock and roll Hall of Fame, or at least to the hard rock cafe.
I have a 1:200 diecast of this plane, bought it from the Boeing store last year. It's incredible, full of details.
They only have the 757 one now in 2 options
and the wing falls off of you pick it up, but Boeing assures me that it’s normal
They've used three Ed Force Ones, the first one, from the Somewhere Back In Time tour was leased from Astraeus, and went to Fedex after the bankruptcy. It currently flies under the registration N938FD.
The second one, used on the Final Frontier tour, was also leased from Astraeus, but went to the scrapyard after the bankruptcy. It's final registration was G-STRX.
The pictured 747 flew with Air Atlanta Icelandic, and wore the registration TF-AAK until she was scrapped in July of this year.
According to rumour, the SBIT jet went back into commercial service wearing the tour livery until a number of passengers refused to board, claiming it was "demonic," and she had to be repainted (but take that with a grain of salt, it is, after all, an anecdote about "superstitious uneducated foreigners")
The 747 Ed Force One is a fact... At least the back in service as a pax jet. Honestly wish they had salvaged a piece of the skin for the rock and roll Hall of Fame, or used as plane tags.
That was an Astraeus 757, Bruce flew as a captain. Both the aircraft and the company sadly now gone
I read that. It was a Quantas (??) plane that the airline offered to let Iron Maiden essentially charter for the tour, and paid for the livery changes, because Bruce is/was/had been a pilot for them.
Air Atlanta Icelandic, Qantas had nothing to do with it.
If the ?? are for spelling, it's 'Qantas' because it's an acronym: Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services.
Hey, I did not know that! Thanks for that, that's super cool info, actually.
But no, the "??" were more that I couldn't remember if it was Qantas or another airline.
Oh damn, that was the other thing I thought you may have meant. I'm glad I didn't come off as a pedant then!
I don't know the provenance of the plane, but it's super cool either way.
It was Air Atlantic Icelandic, as a "wet lease"... I don't even want to know what that means.
Wet lease vs Dry common in earth moving and a bunch of heavy machinery industries, Wet is the lease company provides all fuel, personnel repairs etc. Dry means just the piece of the machinery and the customer of the lease company provides fuel personnel, repairs etc.
Likely not what you think.
IIRC it belonged to an airline that Bruce was affiliated with. Essentially a lease though, yea.
Ed Force One! Fun fact! Their vocalist, Bruce Dickinson, has his 747 type rating, and was the first officer on it.
When this landed at ours, the pilot definitely wasn’t Bruce- I said “if you’re there Bruce, welcome home.” And got a proud-sounding “cheers mate.” That was a good day.
Wasn’t or was Bruce?
The initial check-in wasn’t him, the guy sounded maybe Scandinavian. However the “cheers mate” was 100% him.
Iron Maiden actually have a song about aviation called Coming Home partially written by Bruce.
They have many songs about aviation,Empire of the clouds being an absolute epic.
Aces high!
Tailgunner and Where Eagles date also.
Where Eagles Dare is about the old Clint Eastwood flick of the same name. It's a banger, watch it!
Pretty sure that 2nd one is the Weird Al parody version, lol
SAXON - 747 (Strangers in the Night)
"The Great Northeast Blackout took place on November 9, 1965. Due to disastrous technical problems, electricity supplies to thousands of people in southern Ontario, Canada, and across eight north-eastern American states, were abruptly cut. Alarmingly, this included power supplies to airport runway lights, forcing countless planes to be re-routed elsewhere.
The blackout lasted for 13 hours: seemingly against the odds, the crime rate reportedly dropped as a result. Less surprisingly, birth rates in the areas affected unexpectedly spiked nine months later…
Fast-forward to 1979: Saxon frontman Biff Byford is watching a BBC documentary about the blackout, presented by noted science historian James Burke, and suddenly has a really cool idea for a song. Within a matter of days, Saxon had written 747 (Strangers In The Night), which would soon become one of the band’s biggest hits and greatest anthems." https://www.loudersound.com/features/the-story-behind-saxons-747-strangers-in-the-night
The Bruce Dickinson?
(I know it’s a different Bruce, but it’s a reflex at this point)
Guys, guys...I'm just like you: I put my pants on one leg at a time. But then I go make gold records!
… am I the only one that sits on my bed and puts my pants on both legs at once?
I GOT A FEVER!!! And the only prescription is more cowbell!!!
Cock of the walk, baby!!
There's another Bruce?
Another fun is the 747 chief engineer is also named Bruce Dickinson, [here is them meeting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdVkkRH5d_E&t=63s)
My brother was an instructor pilot in the navy and one of the senior officers of the base was friends with Bruce. Bruce stopped by once and spent a bunch of time with the instructors talking about flying etc. He signed a ton of autographs and posed for a lot of pictures. I ended up with an autograph. My brother said that he was super cool.
It’s unfathomable to consider how much money the band must be raking in to keep that aging air queen airworthy. Don’t get me wrong, I love the fact it’s in the air, and a 747 Will always be an airframe that I will have always wanted to fly on and never get the chance, but that’s a lot of dollaroos for a mile high sex dungeon.
do most countries' heads of state travel in executive/business jets? (as opposed to wide-body airliners, à la Boeing 747, Airbus equivalent, etc)
They usually have a few options. The UK's PM can use an A330 for long haul, a Falcon 9 for short haul/domestic, or a helicopter for domestic flights, for example.
Head of state/government also have larger aircrafts. The French president has an A330-200 and the German chancellor an A350-900.
No point flying a plane that big from France/Germany to Switzerland when a smaller one will do the job. They'll have larger jets for longer trips
I'm pretty sure world leaders aren't schlepping a ton of gear and roadies to set it up. Iron Maiden usually is. This is cheaper than shipping the gear and flying the crew separately and less hassle.
On a world tour, world leaders have a large entourage, e.g. Merkel would have used an A340 for a world tour. However, this is just a quick hop to the neighbouring country
They have been replaced by A350s now. Also Zürich could've been done by train if it weren't for the DB.
DBs performance is the biggest promoter for short haul flights there is. It almost feels intentional.
It actually is. Anything further than 3 hours by high speed train and I'm using the plane.
We'll they do, they just have it in the globemaster that follows them haha.
They both missed an opportunity to promote their albums in that case!
I could see a young Angela Merkel fronting a riot grrl band in the 80s, no lie
Plus gotta have room for all the groupies. World leaders have way fewer.
Jesus, does the band really maintain and travel in a 747?
German Luftwaffe operates two government A350. Not quite as big as the Jumbo, but certainly would not be dwarfed.
I guess Merkel didn't need to flex those.
just out of curiosity, why would they need a 747 other than to seem cool?
Maiden carried the crew, gear and fans on Edd force one
None of them need the jets, considering airlines exist and the French and Germans both have an air force.
Let Iron Maiden spend Iron Maidens money, they've worked 49 years for it.
Politicians are supposed to be public servants, everything they do is on the public's dime.
Iron maidens are wildly successful entertainers, they SHOULD have a big ass bus plane
Edd force one was also kitted out to carry loads of the gear for the tour plus they had fans invited. They had a extra smaller plane for a gig in northern Finland and the area was hit by a huge storm that damaged the extra plane
As it should.
I was on the team that scrapped this aircraft in the UK. There's a new momentos floating around but the aircraft is long gone.
I've seen those mementos. While scrapping is sad, very few aircraft can realistically be preserved so I'm glad some parts of it are available to be kept and enjoyed.
The story doesn’t tell if they were going to Iron Maiden concert ?
"That's a lot of dwarfs" was my first thought
Bruce Dickinson, the lead singer is also a commercial pilot who is type-rated to fly the 747. So flying you and your buddies around the world doing literal rockstar shit on the label's dime (or at least a heavily discounted rate) is this dudes best life.
I recall a couple of articles in rock media years ago, where Bruce was keen to fly Ed Force One between cities after gigs, with fans on board. Aviation authorities in Europe were like, 'u wot, mate? fly a plane after a maiden gig?'
They shut that down.
The documentary of the tour spent a lot of time on the subject of Ed Force One, and Bruce taking on the responsibilities of pilot. He said, after getting off the stage of a major show, he found that being able to fly the plane was his way of relaxing and decompressing. He'd always dress in his pilots uniform, with epaulettes and stripes, tie, and cap. I dunno, when I first heard that he piloted the plane, I just figured he'd be up there in sweats and a leather vest.
Where can the doc be watched?
This one is just all about Ed Force One. There's another one about the tour that I've seen, but this has most of the same video.
He is a instructor (or was) on the 737, has extensive 757 flying experience as he used to fly for a airline that operated the 757, and he took his typerating on the 747 for this tour specifically!
stupidly suggestive title.
glad Merkel or Hollande utilizing a appropriate jet size for traveling a few hundered miles and not the biggest available. Iron Maiden appropriate aswell. of course you don't do a world tour with a huge team in a small business jet.
French President also usually flies in an a330.
The iron maiden 744 also previously was owned by Air France before going to Air Atlanta Icelandic who chartered it to the band. I actually loaded it on one of its last commercial flights for AF
And the Luftwaffe used to have two A340s before replacing them with three A350s a few years ago.
A few years ago would have been nice. The still had only one operational A350 one year ago, and were largely relying on two A340s which were... Getting on a bit, and not really a picture of reliability. They sped up retirement of those after a few high profile, embarrassing incidents. They only received the third and final A350 in June this year.
Sounds like NZ's air force 757s lol. They recently had to divert a commercial Air NZ flight from AKL to Japan to pick up the prime minister from Australia because the 757 broke down again
I'm pretty sure it carried the band, and a significant amount of tour stuff. Like the stage, equipment, etc.
These jets are way overkill for popping around europe.
Does Bruce Dickinson (lead singer, commercial pilot) fly this one?
He has on previous tours. Hopefully he still is.
Sadly not, as he’s now over 65 years old
Doesn't that rule apply only to commercial airline pilots?
Im pretty sure he actually had a commercial license, so that rule would apply to him.
I assume that would still apply to this plane (or whatever they are flying now). The band doesn't own the plane, they lease it from a commercial airliner. Since it carries dozens of people and tons of cargo, the pilot is basically a commercial airline pilot.
Bruce even joked about it in an interview last year about why he wont be piloting it anymore, "You know, when you get to 65, if you’re an airline pilot, they just take you out the back and shoot, right? So, I’m going to be sitting in the back being the backseat driver."
Yep, can still fly at older than that.
This was from 8 years ago, and "this one" has already been retired and scrapped. But, yes, when this was their tour plane, he did fly it for a good percentage of the trips.
What is not shown here is :
The French President and German Chancellor only use private jets when they hop around Europe. For longer trips, Macron's plane is an Airbus A-330 or A-350.
The President of France's entourage travel alongside him on 2 Airbus A320 while logistical equipment precede the President onboard A-400M military cargo planes.
So while Iron Maiden has one huge plane, the French President has 4 to 6 planes all travelling at the same time.
Politicians are supposed to be public servants, everything they do is on the public's dime.
Iron maidens are wildly successful entertainers, they SHOULD have a big ass bus plane
They also traveled from show to show with over 100 people, roadies, management etc..
Ahhh to be a fly on the wall of that jet
You need a big plane to move that much heavy metal.
Park this baby next to Bezos' new plane.
As is proper.
If Merkel and Hollande had sold more albums they'd have bigger jets too.
I mean, how many 4×12 cabs is a German chancellor or a French president need?
I can imagine the parties going on inside that 747 after concerts.
I mean yeah it’s a 747
Iron Maiden has more fans than Merkel and Hollande’s countries combined, and probably has all their gear in the plane as well.
Reminds me of "Metalocalypse"
They had trouble parking it in some airports where the host country was somewhat religious, people thought it was Satanic or something. Well, it is a Boeing...
That would be the Gotthard Base Tunnel
jet is so big because it needs room for the speakers ;)
Only one of those planes had to fly half-way around the world.
If it didn't rain President Hollande wasn't on that plane 😅
Iron Maiden has only one jet. The two governments have enough jets to just use the one that fits the mission.