S.F.W. | This critically-maligned satire captured the cult of non-celebrity
Posted by bradbossack@reddit | Xennials | View on Reddit | 8 comments
There is no babysitter.
This post is inspired from seeing one celebrating 'Don't tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead'..which I had zero experience with, and nobody mentioned the title so I had to look up a quote about dishes being done, man. 😂
LOVED this movie S.F.W., resonated with me then (18) and now (45). Surprised to learn it had almost no public reception/impact at large and was panned by the critics. Oh Well. So Fucking What. 🤟🏼 It Rocks, in so many ways, and the music is Killer.
If you have not seen it, find it and do so!
He’s in another similar movie…?
This is super interesting and I will seek it out. Never heard of this. Don't Tell Mom was on HBO so much that it was a little babysitter itself.
I love this movie. I've tried to tell people to watch it, but even describing it, it sounds like a low-budget fever dream.
They probably just think everything matters.
S.F.W. is IMO a great time capsule of mid-90s pre-internet media sensationalism and the stereotyping of youth culture. It is one of those movies that you get after watching it a couple of times.
bradbossack@reddit (OP)
bradbossack@reddit (OP)
Soundgarden features prominently in this film, and that's what I'm +electrified+ listening to, now. Although the Jesus Christ Pose track is amazing and woven tight within - perhaps the opening of the movie? This track epitomizes, for me, the overall feel: Searching With My Good Eye Closed Searching With My Good Eye Closed
I don't even know if it's in the movie 😆, I'll have to watch it again myself. ⚡
If I had to pick one movie to explain what the post Cold War I, pre 9/11 interbellum was like, it's this.