Update: Nobody seems to want a 59 year old Sys Admin. Advice, Career change ??

Posted by rob_morin@reddit | sysadmin | View on Reddit | 262 comments

Hey all, i posted this 9 months ago:


I received lots of good comments and suggestions, thanks to all for that.. As it would happen by kind of luck, i fell into another niche, not related to IT work, although i still do a few IT gigs here and there.

I wanted to update and share my transition/experience in case it can help anyone else in the same situation.

I have always been a handy guy since i was in my teens, was never afraid to try anything once, and my dad helped me out with guidance before he passed away 40 years ago.

A few months back, I had a neighbor ask me to help them replace some under cabinet halogen lighting in a condo as they were not working and needed replacing. I went to see the place, and suggested to replace these halogen pot lights with LED ones. They agreed. I bought 8 LED under cabinet spots from amazon, i already knew a brand they was reliable for me in the past. I did the job in 4 hours, I charged $50 an hour, plus whatever i paid for the parts.

BAM! I have I found a new gig??

I was already the admin of a Facebook group i created for the community i live in, has 900 members and is active. I made a post in it saying "Thank you to a member of this group for allowing me to help with the under cabinet lighting project" And then all of a sudden I am getting requests for handy man work! Replace some water valves, fix some drywall, do some painting, replace some door locks,change light fixtures, etc...

I am astonished at how many people cannot do he simple things themselves and need a handy man!

So now i do about 3 to 4 jobs a week at $50 an hours plus parts, I have a bigger job coming up next week going to be about a 16 hours.

I just wanted to share my experiance in case it could give anyone else some incentive, cause i sure needed it!

Don't get down on yourself, just sit and think what can i do for others?

Have a great day all!