Okay folks, lets talk about the homeless problem in Plano.

Posted by Egans721@reddit | plano | View on Reddit | 37 comments

I don't want this to descend into nastiness, because honestly, when I drive around see them, I just feel so bad for them and I want to help in someway. BUT... lets to be honest here... Plano has a homeless problem. All down 15th street at night, and today during day, along the expressway... there is basically a homeless camp at that bank. What is going on here?

I saw the below post in the r/Dallas subreddit, and I believe it is connected.


Dallas is getting rough. This summer I spent time in New York City and Chicago, and while in those cities proper I never felt unsafe. I could walk around NYC at 3am and not worry, but Dallas seems to be getting out of control, and I was there during the day on a weekday and I felt like I was having to watch over my shoulder. Probably for a lot of the reasons outlined in the link above.

I am the #1 supporter public transport, but I have a sinking suspicion that the people sleeping on the streets are coming from from Dallas on the DART. Why, might I ask, could I travel around on the rails in Chicago or the Subway in NYC at 3am and never feel unsafe and it's all pretty decent, but I take the DART during the day and it's filled with people with mental problems and puke covered windows. Is DART purposefully trying to ruin themselves and turn Texas away from public transport? I hate Frisco to death, but no wonder they don't want DART.

So, three pronged question: 1. WHAT is u/CityofPlano doing about the homeless problem? 2. WHAT is DART doing about their shitshow of an operation? 3. WHAT is Dallas doing about their problems? Don't tell me it's an urban problem, if Chicago or NYC can clean up their downtowns, surely Dallas can.

End rant, please discuss.