To all of us with aging parents: start cleaning out their junk now.

Posted by Thomisawesome@reddit | GenX | View on Reddit | 365 comments

My parents are going to move to another country to live with my sister so she can take care of them. They've lived in the same house for over 40 years, and have collected A LOT of stuff. Stuff that my sisters and I think look cool, but definitely don't want in our own places. Now that they're moving, there is so much to get rid of.

I wish we had started slowly tidying up their house years ago, little by little. For example, my dad has a dresser that is filled with photo envelopes. We started taking cellphone pics of all the photos so we can toss the prints, but it takes ages.

When you visit your folks next time, maybe go through one or two photo albums and take pictures with your phone so you have them backed up digitally. Or ask your parents if there are any books you can take to the 2nd hand bookstore. See if your parents will let you take a few items to goodwill.

Someday, if your parents move, or when they pass, you'll have to do all this stuff anyway, so getting a head start on it now will help a lot.

And to all you younger folks out there, stop buying your parents junk for birthdays and Christmas. I've found it's so much better to give flowers, food, or items that get used up instead of something that will be used once, then sit in a cupboard forever.