ULPT Request How to (safely) shoplift necessities

Posted by OneInevitable1565@reddit | UnethicalLifeProTips | View on Reddit | 131 comments

This is a bit embarrassing, but here goes;

I am struggling pretty bad. Like, REALLY bad. I escaped homelessness recently but am unable to get into a stable rental for various reasons (need to renew ID can't afford it, etc) and I pretty much lost all my stuff. Between living in a hotel and absurdly expensive probation payments (my public defender did an absolute shit job, yay!) I literally can't even afford my basic needs right now. I need shampoo, toothpaste, tampons, and more. Sooo, I need some tips on how to safely shoplift without getting caught and violating my probation or worse. Hoping to hit my local grocery store. Teach me your ways, Reddit.