How can I be better equipped to deal with a worsening climate crisis in the future?
Posted by ReasonableSir5209@reddit | preppers | View on Reddit | 106 comments
Greetings. I’m from Canada, and from what I can tell based on the IPCC reports, there is a strong possibility (don’t want to say inevitability) that the next few decades end up looking quite bleak at the very least. I’ve been dealing with climate anxiety of my own, but I want to put that energy into something more productive, as unfortunately the reality is I will likely see a world 2 degrees above pre-industrial levels in my lifetime. As someone who is starting university, what are the ways I can prepare for the worst effects of climate change in the future, understanding the fact that its effects will be very unpredictable and complex? Should having a family of my own be 100% off the table? Is there even a way I could ensure that the family I have now will be “well-off” in the case of crop failures, mass migration and famine, or is that just wishful thinking?
Wow, the downvotes in the comments show that even a prepper sub can be full of leftist idiots. Enjoying worrying yourselves to death over nothing tards😂
The temperatures in the water is rising, this has been measured. Ice sheets are melting, this has also been measured.
Research has shown this is manmade, and there was a time when it could have been reversed but that is gone now.
That is why they shouted about climate change so loudly long ago, when there was still time to fix it. Didn’t work though, people were thinking just like you. Now we just prep ourselves to handle weather that will become more extreme and the rising sea levels. But feel free to move to the Netherlands if you think it is not real :)
This isn't Day After Tomorrow bud😂. A giga tsunami isn't gonna come crashing in and kill your whole family. I didn't know people could be manipulated into thinking it was this bad. I feel sorry for you but I also don't at all. Enjoy being scared of every little thing the media tells you to worry about. What a miserable existence
You are jumping to conclusions. It is not a question of “all climate change is bs” versus “mega tsunami arrives on Tuesday”. That is a coping mechanism to stay in denial.
Sea levels will rise but not quickly.
Keep living in fear speddy😂 this conversation is almost 2 weeks old. Get a life bud
No fear, just preparedness. Yeah having a life is what made it take two weeks.. /s
Preparedness is for stuff that's gonna happen. This is just fear over something that's never gonna happen. It's dumb to stress over crap like this. Prep for something better
You keep telling yourself that, bud.
I will, and I'll live a peaceful, stress free life
No personal insults please
I vote far to the right and the downvotes have nothing to do with politics. Stupidity and ignorance, yes. Politics, no.
If you own property and are in a rural area learn about wildfire behavior and proper fire wise tactics to protect your property. Fire breaks, tree thinning/chipping, irrigation lines, keep large vegetation away from structures, etc. If you have a house and need to replace siding or roof just pay the extra for metal, it will last longer and be more fire proof.
Plus all the stuff other people have said.
You don't need to equip yourself any better than to simply learn how places with hotter weather deal with it.
I also live in Canada, and yes, it's getting hotter, more humid, and yet also sometimes more dry. But I also spent 15 years living in sweltering tropical environments, and 10 years in hot, dry, desert-like environments.
Climate change simply means that the prevailing weather patterns in your specific area will change. It was insanely hot and humid yesterday in Toronto, but that's barely even just a typical sunny day in Cambodia or the Philippines.
This. Sweden has implementerad higher building standards when building houses, to ensure heavier snowfall and storms. Last winter we had a snowfall that made trees fall and there were big branches everywhere on the ground.
Just get a place sufficiently high up with a storm cellar and no trees tall enough around to fall on your house. :)
weird they'd want to insure it, then ;)
Well they want you to BE insured and pay the monthly fee, not necessarily pay if anything happens :)
ha! i always screw up when i try to correct people. i suspect my subconscious is trying to tell me something.
Honestly, it was supposed to say endure, I would not want to ensure any of that. Damn you autocorrect!
Off topic, but I was in Toronto over the weekend and it was gorgeous. 80-65 breezy and sunny. I dunno if that's normal for this time of year, but it was nice.
We've had great weather here since May, except maybe only a couple weekends of cloud and rain. It's usually a bit hotter and muggier.
Learn how to garden no matter where you are, there is a major learning curve. There are a lot of plants you can grow in a sunny windowsill in an apartment.
Or you could seed bomb wasted public space with perennial food producing plants and native wildflowers.
I like to save all the seeds from any food I eat and drop them in ditches on my walks.
There's a big patch of sunchokes in a park by my house and I didn't do that.
one imagines that growing zones and seasons will be significantly disrupted by two degrees of warming.
They’ll move. As a very rough rule of thumb, learn how to grow the plants 500 miles south of you.
it's just not that simple.
It’s not, but that’s the “very rough rule of thumb” part. It’s a useful enough starting point that professional researchers in academia use it as a way of generating future research topics, eg botanists at UC Santa Cruz are working with their counterparts at UC Santa Barbara to understand how vegetation native to the Santa Barbara region would grow in the Bay Area and Monterey Bay areas.
well, we can hope, i guess.
All the more reason to understand how to grow now, because it's only going to get harder to do. Greater difficulty requires skill, and skill takes time.
i mean, of course you're right, but i imagine it'll be difficult to know what techniques to use where.
Once you understand the microclimates of your yard you pick up a lot. Some areas are hotter or wetter than others, so you learn to plant what where. More importantly, you adapt slowly over the years with the changes. You won't jump five plant hardiness zones in one year, but even if you changed one a year, you would have ample opportunity to adapt. But only if you were actively gardening every year.
Seed bombing public spaces is awesome but I can’t get a single thing to grow on my porch even with TLC 😂
You need cow poo compost. Everything seems to grow in that.
Preppers trust the media?
If only we could give more money to the government to solve this totally real climate crisis
It's climate catastrophe now. It keeps getting upgraded.
I find it amusing how the predictions have all been so wrong for decades, yet people still believe the new predictions.
I think you're going by what the mainstream media like fox tells you. Scientists are only screwing up how fast the change is happening. You're probably still hung up on in the 70's and 80's the big media saying "another ice age is coming". That was purposely misinterpreted science for "clickbait" headlines. That wasn't what scientists ever predicted. They haven't been wrong you just choose to keep your head in the sand and let big oil companies tell you what you want to hear so you can feel like you "aren't a sheeple and you think for yourself!" I'm not writing this for you or who you answered. You two are too busy high fiving yourselves for your ignorance and are too emotionally invested in being not "woke" it sounds like. This is for anyone else that might be on the fence about real climate science.
I am not referring to the media at all; I don't watch FOX news or CNN. They all lie.
I did my research. I went back to the predictions of the early 2000's that were predictions for this decade. It's amazing how far off they were. The current predictions are going to be easy off as well.
The climate is changing, it is just happening so gradually, it isn't something to panic about. It has always been changing. In the 30's the US had some of the worst weather and weather-related disasters in history. Why would it be better now than back then if we are making it worse?
Instead of just believing what you hear the talking heads say, go watch some alternate viewpoints and see if what they say makes sense. There are many climate scientists as well as other scientists who disagree we have anything to worry about but you won't hear about them on the news.
Oh cool you did your research. I'd like to see your peer reviewed study that says this is all normal climate change. To quote Albert Einstein “If I were wrong, it would only take one”. Who are your climate scientists and what degrees and positions do they hold? How long have they been studying? What experiments have they run? Why do they think 99+% of scientists don't agree with them? And by 99+% I mean millions of scientists. Are they all in a global conspiracy? If so who is their leader and how can they be stopped because the ability of that leader to coordinate is nothing short of impossible?
You have been misled by the data. Yes, around 97% (not 99%) of climate scientists believe that the Earth is warming. That's it. Period. End of story.
Now what prevent of them feel that we are headed for a catastrophe due to the climate in our lifetime? The number will be much, much lower. That is because the climate disaster theory is a fringe theory not held by those in scientific fields.
I am not going to do your homework for you. I once believed the climate cult like you do, but then I looked more deeply into it and followed the money.
The planet is warming. Very slowly. The oceans are rising. Very slowly. There is nothing to panic about.
I didn't care what you believe. But if you care, go find out why people are climate skeptics and don't believe we are on immediate danger.
Note: Those who do not think the climate is changing at all are clearing idiots or insane, I am not talking about them.
And who benefits from all the climate catastrophizers being wrong, or blown out of proportion? Big oil? Nestle? Coincidentally all the richest people would really benefit from us ignoring what they're doing to the climate...I wonder if those are the people funding these anti-climate change studies.
Strange....dinosaurs died, decomposed, changed into oil (change state/energy) over millions of years....we pump out the oil and burn it/use it, billions of gallons a day, changing its state, releasing that energy over years (remember it took millions of years to become oil)......and that does nothing to the planet? Cool story bro. The science isn't that hard, but when you're invested in being one of those cool "I do my own research" people I guess it is.
For all of our sakes I hope millions of independent scientists are wrong, and your corporate funded or grifter scientists are right.
One last question. You don't find it odd that decades ago all we heard was "climate change is fake" (funded by now exposed oil companies), and then all we heard was "OK climate change is real but humans aren't the cause" (where you still seem to be at), and the new narrative is "OK climate change is real and humans caused it but it's now too late to do anything about it" (you'll see that if you pay attention)? Probably not huh?
Strange, all of the carbon dioxide you are panicking about was already in the atmosphere hundreds of millions of years ago and life was flourishing on the planet. That CO2 is very scary stuff.
As I said, I don't care what you believe. You living in great over some imagined existential that doesn't affect me at all. However, if you want to learn the truth, you can start with Dr. Willie Soong. There are many others but I don't recall their names. I think even Dr. Patrick Moore (cofounder of Greenpeace) is a climate skeptic.
Maybe listen to their viewpoints. Or not. I don't care.
You mean the Willie Soon funded by the Mobile Foundation, the Texaco Foundation, and others?,the%20Electric%20Power%20Research%20Institute.
And the Patrick Moore who lies and didn't cofound greenpeace and is funded by big oil?
Yeah I don't think I'll listen to the viewpoints paid for by the people who are hurt by acknowledging climate change. You keep on listening to your psychopath grifters though. Just try not to spread their lies to others.
The more you write, the more ignorant you seem.
You dismiss the two people I mentioned (as examples) simply because of who they are or what they represent. I specifically told you to listen to their arguments to determine for yourself whether their ideas made sense because I knew you would resort to ad hominems rather than letting the facts stand on their own.
You are comfortable in your ignorance. You didn't want to know the truth. You are like a religious zealot who refuses to see his good is just a made up story because he wants to believe it is true.
That's fine. In another decade, when humanity is still thriving, the oceans haven't boiled and the Earth hasn't turned into a wasteland, you will be the one trying to convince people this climate crisis is all about the politicians trying to scare people into submission. But no one will listen because they have been hearing the lies for so long, the lies have become truth.
Yes, most people dismiss grifters when they been outed for their grift like your examples.
No one ever said the earth will be a barren wasteland in 10 years. Again, you're reading mainstream headlines trying to get your ad dollars. That's the hyperbole all your skeptics continue to use. You haven't actually read what all the scientists are predicting it's obvious. Humans will adapt and change with it to a degree. You'll keep making excuses of why this is all perfectly fine and natural.
100% just look at my downvotes. People still buy into it even when the elite buy coastal properties. It’s absolutely wild.
I’m all for not being wasteful and not poisoning the land but come on the us military is the number 1 polluter for green house gasses and the media has convinced people they have to buy an electric car or their kids are doomed.
Once the elite start leading by example and the government stops their drone strike campaigns then I might give half a fuck.
The Reddit counter-intelligence brigade has been activated.
You’re getting downvoted for acting like the climate crisis isn’t real. Nobody here is debating the merits of various mitigation solutions
Of course climate change is real, the earth was once one continent. It’s just not happening at the sensational rate the powers that be are purporting. Theyre taking advantage of people like you to further globalist political interest.
There has been a climate crisis for 50 years. Should be here any day now.
Pepper should trust the IPCC. Part of prepping is being informed by experts and the most recent data and predictions. To assume that you are as informed as individuals who have spent their entire careers studying one area is a foolish position to take. You can be skeptical but if a group of experts agrees on an issue, then you should strive to understand what rational is compelling them to land where they are.
I've seen the 2023 average global temperatures and ice coverage graphs. They are diverting from even recent years and that is unprecedented. So I can be skeptical but not arrogant that I can forsee how in a few years things will be. That would be bad prepping.
IPCC timelines are too optimistic. Halve them.
Also assume that people will burn any fossil fuels they can access and when they can't they'll burn wood.
Rather than offering advice which many other commenters have, I’d like to link this very well researched and cited article. The IPCC is basically not telling the full story for various reasons, and it’s worse than you think. Fair warning, this article is pretty devastating. Parts of it are written from a leftist perspective- you may ignore that rhetoric if you wish as the science mentioned is really the meat of it.
Nothing against people who have kids but I am so grateful that I do not have any. Thus I don't need to worry about kids or grandkids. I am and have always been single so it is not the same as being married, in love, etc.
I do know someone who is married and she and her husband decided not to have kids and focus on raising their dogs instead. Sometimes being the aunt or uncle is the best outcome and far less worry.
I would advise against living in downtown cores as this is where all the social problems are, from homelessness, drug addiction, endless protests. At the very least don't buy real estate downtown if you are ever in a position to do so. Renting is easier to escape. Have good relations with your family where ever possible.
In the cycle once the AMOC Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation flips the rapid cooling starts, expect more large earthquakes, tsunamis, tornados, it was at least part of the Younger Dryas event. Hopefully it wasn't directly what caused over 100ft of water to rush over the center of Alaska and what changed land elevations many places around the world. So my suggestions would be levels of bug out bags for all climates, and power outage prep.
why would you want (if i'm understanding "family" properly) to bring children into a worsening world? climate change is unlikely to be reversed in their lifetime, don't you imagine?
ReasonableSir5209@reddit (OP)
Purely selfish reasons, I guess? If the world WASN’T going to look like this, why not? Unfortunately it is, and that’s why it’s only a question, not me saying “I am going to have kids one day. How can I save the future of my bloodline?”
i, personally, didn't want to bring life into the world even before the full impact of climate change became evident, because i didn't appreciate my parents doing it to me (fundamentally without my consent), but, now, knowing what the future has in store, all the more. but if you acknowledge that your desire to breed is selfish, ok, but your children would be understandable if they hated you, and might not do what you desire them to.
Same boat. My question is all about food when we all move north. How do we set up infrastructure for food and water for small communities in the north? How do we store potato's for growth and eating? How do we even get to the north when shit hits the fan lol
The trick is to not wait until after SHTF.
potatoes are stored in cool, dry, dark conditions, as i understand it. traditionally, root cellars were used for this (and apples/root vegetables), and they should still work at two degrees rise. how you keep them dry, i do not know, but i'm sure there are online tutorials (and/or books).
But you should still have a family. It would be stupid to do otherwise
Learn gardening, canning, prepping, hunting, fishing and have faith in God.
You should definitely have a family if you want to. I don't get people who opt out of having children because "there won't be a future". With that thinking we should all just give up, lay down and die. I refuse to give up hope. I may be naive but I'm positive we will deal with anything the future throws our way. And if we fail, well, that's it. But if we don't don't even try, failure is 100% guaranteed.
Live your life the way you want.
For preparations, I'd move if I lived in a place that will soon be under water or in a place with frequent natural disasters. Or if I lived close to a possible nuclear target. Otherwise I'd just do what has been discussed plenty before. Try to be as self sufficient as possible. Make sure to have ypur economy in order, try to avoid loans. Practice skills. Etc. Most preps work for most scenarios.
100% If everyone that was scared of what the future holds didn't have families there would be nobody on earth right now.
You mean the earth would be doing fine and we wouldn't be driving ourselves to extinction like a bunch of deers that don't know any better?
It is your fault the world is dying, your the one who refuses to destroy the Silmaril and set free the light of the trees Feanor Kinslayer.
how could you ask him to destroy perhaps his greatest creations (coughthatlightbelongstotheelvescough)?
a dehumidifier that condenses water out of the atmosphere and the solar batteries and panels (perhaps wind in canadia? tides, depending where you are? geothermal, i suppose?) to run it may not be a bad investment.
practice austerities - if you're accustomed to little food and temperature extremes (diogenes trained in this fashion) you won't notice.
move near the great lakes area and enjoy the water that will continue to keep land fertile, rain and available water
you buggin man put the dope away
You can always prepare, and others have already given you some good starting points.
1) learn gardening. This takes time and effort to get consistent
2) move away from the coasts and probably more north. Try to get near a good water source that is within walking distance.
3) do not count on fishing or hunting wild game to be a viable way to keep you fed
4) be able to be mobile should things get bad. Have a go bag made up.
Honestly, I think that no matter what we do at this we are screwed on this one. Over the last year I’ve become a bit of a pessimist on climate change.
The latest info has us locked in for 4 degrees of warming by the end of the century and that is civilization ending. And that is probably OPTIMISTIC and will likely be worse IMO.
Prepping will give you a fighting chance at least
Become even more afraid. Seriously being cautious and a pepper is one thing, living in fear is just misery.
Move inland to somewhere fertile. Next to a large national park is good too. That covers a whole lot of area. That will leave you in a good position if the seas should rise (more quickly) or society fails. Crop failures due to weather are a long shot. Immigration is a non issue. This country has huge swaths of largely uninhabited land even with 360+ million people.
What about wildfires?
Eat more meat and don’t comply with government
Just a thought, imagine it is two degrees warmer what crops can you now grow, which crops are you unable to grow?
Newsflash, it doesn't matter, set your thermostat two degrees higher you barely notice a difference. The plants won't notice a difference either, most of them prefer it warmer. Especially in Canada, as it warms Canada will only become more viable as crop yields increase.
Just my opinion, but I feel climate change is simply pollution with lipstick and a pretty dress, because in the new package it is easier to pass blame on to the consumer.
That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works.
Best thing you can do is stop watching the news. Then do some sincere reading on the natural cycles of the earth and from there you will be better equipped to plan for the future based off of history and science vs sensationalism.
Stop being informed? That is the solution? Not all news is garbage. Maybe develop some critical thinking skills to properly evaluate information instead.
Haha! Chump.
This is the only rational answer. When I was in 6th grade our science teacher preached to us over and over that Antarctica would melt off and the Florida coast would be under water by the time we grew up. This climate change has continued to be weaponized and turned into a political tool, bordering for some on religion.
Search for the article with this title "What Should You Do to Prepare for the Climate Change Storm?"
I think ensuring you'll be well off is difficult and involves being financially very well off by the time things are ramping up. Even then, it's not ironclad. Perhaps more realistic for most of us is setting ourselves up for success to the best of our abilities, meaning having "enough" resources (preferably owning them outright), and having skills and community.
I don't think having a family is 100% off the table, and I say that as someone who chose not to have children partly due to climate change and the state of the world (what I perceive as our inability to work together well enough to stave off climate change, etc.). It may be that it's the right decision for you at some point, and it probably will be a hard decision. That's okay. It was a hard decision not to as well. We chose to be "part of the village." But I do feel that people who want children while understanding the risks and dangers are exactly the people who should have them. Just one person's opinion.
Wishing you well, and love from MN.
The most effective prep for the coming climate crisis is to prevent it by voting Republicans out of office.
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Unfortunately OP is Canadian, but yes prevention starts with policies. Too bad none of us can do anything about the other big GHG emitters
Of course me can, if we elect real leaders of the issue to negotiate. Running out of time fast now though.
Climate change is not a short term emergency with a recovery window (not in our lifetime anyway). Nor is it a regional thing where you can get outside help. It's global and essentially permanent (for all practical purposes). This is a new normal that human society will have to adapt to. Effects are not limited to food production/availability... or even migration.
Stockpiling food might help in the short term but is not a sustainable action. Food scarcity will drive up prices so having money is your best resource. Rich people never starve.
But when people do starve they will become desperate and then they become your main problem.
Finally, get away from coasts and low laying areas... sea levels will rise. Move to higher elevation and cooler areas.
Here are a couple ideas :
That being said, there's no way to "ensure" your family will be well-off. You only improve your odds, doing the best you can.
Have a secondary power source for extreme heat domes and an AC.
Power grids might fail, or there might be rolling black outs. If this happens during a wet bulb event, it only takes a few hours before you're done. Be ready just in case. All living things will also die, so realize that as this raises around the world, farm animals and plants are done. Have ways to source food that can withstand these extreme climate events.
Good luck.
Global warming isn’t an issue global cooling is how ever
But honestly thanks for the good laugh 2 degrees common man
I feel like climate change would actually help Canada and defrost most of it, making it livable and the new goldilocks country like how the USA is right now.
You're frozen and Mexican is hot. Climate change will only help Canada.
Climate crisis in a few decades "maybe" and you're worried lol wow.
Learn to garden even if it is 5 gallon buckets
Learn to filter and use water wisely. Find out if it is legal in your area to harvest water. Set up water catchment for your garden.
Learn to can vegetables, dehydrate or pickle vegetables, salt meat.
Learn all of the skills you can manage
First off, without being to to abrasive to the OP, but WOW.... did the system here in Canada ever get you good.
No matter what your teachers told you, the world is not going to end from climate change in your lifetime, also, there is not likely to be a 2 degree change in your lifetime, and further, there have been 2 degree changes (or more) in the history of the planet and it didn't kill everyone /everything.
Do you see people in the third world not having kids because of climate change? Don't even be so silly. Have a family if you want to and love them.
Life will go on kid.
This younger generation does not have the knowledge or wisdom to see how they have been manipulated by those wishing to make money off their fear.
Climate change is real, but as you said, it won't have any negative effects in our lifetime. Plus, I can see a lot of positive outcomes from less ice & could on the planet: more plants and animals to grow and raise to feed our growing population.
ReasonableSir5209@reddit (OP)
Nice sentiments but A) I don’t see how us eventually passing 2C is even a conversation to be had realistically and B) a good amount of those families from third world countries will most likely be coming to us in the coming decades as refugees, we don’t have the facilities to deal with that. I’m just looking to do something about what I MIGHT be able to control 🤷🏽♂️
We have climate refugees here in the US already: people who lived close to the sea are moving as their land goes under water. People from the west are relocating because of fires, droughts, floods, or a mixed bag of all 3. And in those other nations you mention, that are already hot and dry as fuck, people are already moving as they are able- and dying when they can’t.
Human-accelerated climate change is reality. And we are doing our collective best to predict what will happen, but it’s really difficult. You can expect projections and strategy to change ongoing, just like it does with Covid, as we learn more and learn to better apply what we know. That process doesn’t make it “fake news.” I think there’s going to come a day when things shift from this slow creep and suddenly get real fucky real fast, and people like you are going to act shocked and wonder why ain’t nobody said nothin.
Keep shopping! Keep flying! Keep mining that bit!
There is NO climate crisis. That is just narcissistic politicians creating “a common enemy” to justify globalism, more centralized government control, redistribution of wealth, and open borders for people “escaping climate change” so they come to wealthy countries and vote left wing. Basically it’s Marxism- the oppressors (wealthy nations) vs the oppressed (poor counties whose cultures keep them poor). The only climate change is what comes from cyclical changes in solar activity, volcanic activity, the orbit and tilt of the earth, and over millions of years the movement of tectonic plates.
If you want to have a family but won't because you're afraid of an unpredictable and uncertain future, you are thinking irrationally and should probably see a therapist. The future is always uncertain. Nobody knows what will happen. That's no excuse to just hide under a rock for the rest of your life and wait for a disaster that never comes.
Imo, best way is to buy some land in a more rural area.
Land means you can support yourself. Bit difficult to do that in an apartment. You can put off the inevitable, for a long time, but eventually there is no where to run. Land means you have more time until that happens.
You are worrying about something you do not need to worry about.
Yes, the climate is changing. The climate has been changing since we were single called organisms. There is nothing new here.
We are coming out of an ice age which means more plants, more diversity, more life, based on Earth's history.
The only problem is the human reliance on mono-culture crops. Fortunately, we are a smart species and it won't take long to adapt, especially when profit is the motivating factor.
The world is going to get better, not worse, so stop worrying and enjoy the ride.
This is the billion (more than that) dollar question I believe.