1440p monitor 27'' vs 32'', great differences?

Posted by ExternalAd8488@reddit | buildapc | View on Reddit | 2 comments

Hi, i have a PC build for 1440p gaming with an RTX 4070.

My actual monitor is a odyssey g4 1080p 25'' 240hz wich is great for competitive games, but for the singles and AAA's it's a little small and ''blurry''.

Now i want a new monitor looking for singleplayer games, what is better recommended for immersion/quality, and would impact me more visualbly for the single games, knowing there i coming from a 1080p 25'' monitor: a 1440p 27'' or 32'' inches?

I know kinda sound like a personal thing, but what the great difference between them, if there's some. thankyou!!

(i will keep the odyssey g4 for the competitive).