Ok, so you don’t care to survive TEOTWAWKI? Cool, so what’s your plan?

Posted by Virtual-Feature-9747@reddit | preppers | View on Reddit | 86 comments

Many recent posts and comments regarding the desire to not deal with TEOTWAWKI, total SHTF, complete collapse, return to the Middle Ages, etc.  The feeling is completely understandable.  I don’t think any sane person is keen on this scenario.

I used to have this discussion with my father when he was in his 80’s and 90’s – he has since passed away.  His comment was “Just leave me by the wayside!” – and again, I get where he was coming from.  But, really, how does this play out?  Ok, you sit there and then what?  A few hours later you are thirsty, then hungry, then cold, then tired.  A few days later you are probably still alive but also probably miserable.  What is the plan?

Serious question for those that (understandably) don’t want to play this game:  What is your exit strategy?  Are you prepared for a passive ending, something like a hunger strike?  A more active approach like seppuku, cyanide pill or whatever?  Or just hoping to be taken out quickly? What if none of those play out as you expect?

I think it’s more likely for people to game it out if they can.  As many others have noted, our core survival instinct is strong.  We are the result of the perseverance of thousands of generations of humans who made it through tough times.  At a minimum, most people will at least wait and see how bad things get.  But where is the red line?  Does anyone really know?

Ok, enough empathizing and pondering, time to piss people off.  What is really going to happen is most people who actively consider this scenario and make a conscious decision not to play will obviously not be prepped for it.  But if it happens, those survival instincts that have served us so well will kick in and we’ll have extra players in the game.  Players that will be thirsty, hungry, cold, and scared with no easy off ramp.  Do you see where I’m going with this?

I suspect these well-intentioned people may be hit with a hard dose of reality and suddenly instead of being a prepper part of the solution, they are adding to the problem instead.  Hard truth:  Every family out there that is not prepared for a disaster creates a potential problem for those that are prepared in a serious emergency.

I’m not suggesting that everyone needs to adopt a doomsday mentality or stockpile a years’ worth of food.  Just be aware that there is often no easy way out of difficult situations.  Let’s at least be realistic about that.