Houstonians without backup power now, will never have backup power.

Posted by VviFMCgY@reddit | preppers | View on Reddit | 74 comments

Except for those that are poor, or those that just moved here, I think anyone in Houston without SOME kind of backup power situation, will never have one and always mooch off of everyone else. Even if you rent, there is nothing stopping you from getting a battery system like an Ecoflow

If you live in Houston, you need to be prepared for extended power outages. However, in the last 2 storms that hit us, the Derecho and Beryl, I found myself helping people out that have enough spare money, and have lived here long enough to know, and even now are refusing to prepare for the next storm.

Am I being an asshole to not really want to help them next time around?

I don't know the point of this post other than just to rant a little bit. All too often I hear "Haha, when the power goes out I know who's house I'm going to!" So they know they need to prepare, and their plan for that is just to go mooch of of someone else who has prepared