Are you finding mobile phone service has currently gone terrible in the last few weeks?

Posted by Far-Outcome-8170@reddit | AskUK | View on Reddit | 147 comments

I've got two phones, both 5g, android and apple, 3 and Vodafone.

I noticed a couple of weeks ago that even with 5g displayed on both phones, nothing loaded, pages were slow and this was in areas where previously everything had been fine.

It got to a point where I was having to restart devices to potentially get it back going again.

I found a tiktok video, so take it for what it's worth, where the creator claimed it was something to do with the Huawei ban and sanctions from the US suddenly coming into force, and as a result British operators were forced to turn off Huawei related infrastructure.

Whether this is true or not idk but the comments were full of people complaining of the same thing.

Anyone else feeling this right now?